10 - Lionel Messi - v2

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Barcafan 2304

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There have been numerous musings, including my own, based on what this injury could bring ranging from negative to positive. Do we have a member here who has some professional insight or works in this field? Just wondering


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Is it time to play Messi less? Almost no players play two games a week as often as he does. Even for their superstars, other coaches on other teams tend to limit any player to a maximum of something like 3 games every two weeks. Just because CR7 is managing to play almost every game is no reason why Messi should. All the other coaches, all the other teams are not wrong. There is just too much risk of injury for any player to play as much as Messi has over the last few years. If Messi doesn't like it, that is one of the good reasons why he is not the coach.


New member
Is it time to play Messi less? Almost no players play two games a week as often as he does. Even for their superstars, other coaches on other teams tend to limit any player to a maximum of something like 3 games every two weeks. Just because CR7 is managing to play almost every game is no reason why Messi should. All the other coaches, all the other teams are not wrong. There is just too much risk of injury for any player to play as much as Messi has over the last few years. If Messi doesn't like it, that is one of the good reasons why he is not the coach.

That would make perfect sense if it wasn't for the fact that before this string of injuries, he played an incredible number of games during a season without problems. So, looking at it in that context, something else is the problem. Nutrition or exercises or whatever. However, you do have a point, playing him less in general could possibly further help the situation.


IF barcelona can get to that atletico game without dropping points and looking good then i say they should even let him rest that game, it would also be good to see how the team does in a huge game without him.


Senior Member
That would make perfect sense if it wasn't for the fact that before this string of injuries, he played an incredible number of games during a season without problems. So, looking at it in that context, something else is the problem. Nutrition or exercises or whatever. However, you do have a point, playing him less in general could possibly further help the situation.

I'm not sure it really has much to do with his nutrition and more to do with his training regiment and how much we overused him. For four years straight he has been playing demanding football at the highest level and really hasn't rested much during this span. Even before last season, Pep rarely rested or subbed Messi and I think a lot of it had to do with this whole Ronaldo-Messi rivalry bullshit.

In all honesty, it's a wonder how he didn't have these problems sooner considering the goon squad Mou was running and how much we played them in recent years.

Injuries happen to every player, it's inevitable. It's how you come back that's important and as long as he's patient and takes his time, he will be fine.

This honestly couldn't have come at a better time and I see it as a blessing in disguise. Messi gets to go home and see his family while recovering (always a big psychological boost, don't underestimate it) and is away from all the press in Spain. Meanwhile, the team learns how to win and cope without Messi. Someone steps up and fills the void and the team as a whole benefits.

Messi won't win the balon d'or which is perfect too. This will add extra motivation for him to come out guns blazing to reclaim his throne next year.

So hopefully we get:

1. Neymar in full force (this is a great opportunity for him to add that goal scoring touch, the only thing missing from his game)

2. Less goals from Messi=defense can't get bailed out from Messi, forces them to step up and solidify.

3. Alexis and Cesc build momentum

Add in a fresh, recouperated and focused Messi and we have a pretty picture going into the business half of the season.

Is it too early to ask if Tata could pull a Pep too?


New member


New member
There have been numerous musings, including my own, based on what this injury could bring ranging from negative to positive. Do we have a member here who has some professional insight or works in this field? Just wondering

I'm just an amateur, but I've played enough and been treated by physios, etc., enough to know that, as many have said, overuse is the main factor here. As opposed to pro sports in North America, the professional football industry does not give players, especially elite players, enough time to rest and recuperate. That's why players peak for such a short period of time in their career.

Messi needs not only rest and recovery for this particular injury, but overall more rest and more recuperative treatment and training in his usual regimen. He has passed his physical peak. Now he needs to be rehabbed so that he can have an Indian summer and prolong his high performance.

His new regimen should include things like massage, flexibility work for permanent gains, sprint work, all to make up for the loss of flexibility and power that comes with overuse and age. Flexibility work is especially important for the overworked and aging athlete.

None of this is new. Many North American athletes have extended their careers in this way.

By the way, this is nothing new


Senior Member
That would make perfect sense if it wasn't for the fact that before this string of injuries, he played an incredible number of games during a season without problems. So, looking at it in that context, something else is the problem. Nutrition or exercises or whatever. However, you do have a point, playing him less in general could possibly further help the situation.

I think the main issue is coming back from injury too soon, without being 100 % again and starting to play like before while he was not 100 % yet. Hopefully they take their time this time around.



A statement from Leo to clarify everything is fine with him and Brau. Juanjo is not working with Messi as previously, because he was promoted by the club, and now coordinates the physiotherapy section. Bad decision by the club, imo.


New member
I'm not sure it really has much to do with his nutrition and more to do with his training regiment and how much we overused him. For four years straight he has been playing demanding football at the highest level and really hasn't rested much during this span. Even before last season, Pep rarely rested or subbed Messi and I think a lot of it had to do with this whole Ronaldo-Messi rivalry bullshit.

In all honesty, it's a wonder how he didn't have these problems sooner considering the goon squad Mou was running and how much we played them in recent years.

Injuries happen to every player, it's inevitable. It's how you come back that's important and as long as he's patient and takes his time, he will be fine.

This honestly couldn't have come at a better time and I see it as a blessing in disguise. Messi gets to go home and see his family while recovering (always a big psychological boost, don't underestimate it) and is away from all the press in Spain. Meanwhile, the team learns how to win and cope without Messi. Someone steps up and fills the void and the team as a whole benefits.

Messi won't win the balon d'or which is perfect too. This will add extra motivation for him to come out guns blazing to reclaim his throne next year.

So hopefully we get:

1. Neymar in full force (this is a great opportunity for him to add that goal scoring touch, the only thing missing from his game)

2. Less goals from Messi=defense can't get bailed out from Messi, forces them to step up and solidify.

3. Alexis and Cesc build momentum

Add in a fresh, recouperated and focused Messi and we have a pretty picture going into the business half of the season.

Is it too early to ask if Tata could pull a Pep too?

I do agree about it being pretty much perfect timing. If it had to happen, it could have happened at a better moment. Mostly because there are no really big or extremely difficult games in the next 6-8 weeks.


Culé de Celestial Empire

A statement from Leo to clarify everything is fine with him and Brau. Juanjo is not working with Messi as previously, because he was promoted by the club, and now coordinates the physiotherapy section. Bad decision by the club, imo.


Other than signing Neymar, our management is pretty much clueless.
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