10 - Lionel Messi - v3

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Nobody is asking for Messi to leave. It's just Messi is clearly not happy..... and hasn't been happy for a while. For the first time, I just think there's a real possibility of him leaving Barcelona.

Messi has to decide whether he wants to continue to play under these circumstances or try for a new challenge while he's still young enough. You also have to consider, we can't sign anyone for a good while, so we're not going to be able to compete with teams like Real or Bayern; Messi might feel Barcelona won't be able to win the big trophies for a good while because of the quality we don't have.

whao whao...he looks very happy to me, and has said that multiple times.


Barcelona's problems continue as Lionel Messi's frustration grows

For FC Barcelona, the prolonged ineptitude and football vandalism, which has been visible since 2010, has now erupted into a full crisis -- of the sporting variety at least.
Last week, in this space, I wrote that Andoni Zubizarreta's continued inability to do his job properly would "in due course, cost the Football Director his position".

Monday's sacking of a man, whose poor and inadequately planned decisions have consistently outweighed his limited successes, proved that to be accurate and timely.
This, alone, would not have merited the word "crisis" to describe the Camp Nou climate. In fact it was the right decision, simply taken far, far too late.

No, the crisis climate has been catalysed by what should be considered a Lionel Messi power play following the remarkable events before and after Barcelona's defeat at Real Sociedad on Sunday.
For Luis Enrique to offer Messi and Neymar extra Christmas vacation -- incredibly, in lieu of the fact that they'll have another shortened summer due to participation in the Copa America -- is entirely within the remit of the Barcelona coach. It is his squad, his responsibility, his decision. His future on the line. A manager must be allowed to manage.

But to fail to warn them both -- and Messi in particular -- that it was very likely to cost him a start at the Anoeta was either basic mismanagement of a complex character, who has often shown even Pep Guardiola and the late Tito Vilanova that dropping or resting him comes with consequences, or it was needless provocation; an "I'll show you who's boss" sort of thing.

There was a moment after Jordi Alba's own goal put Barcelona 1-0 down within the first two minutes, which saw Neymar lean towards Messi on the bench to indicate he should start warming up immediately.
It was mischievous but Messi's reaction suggested he loved it: he grinned his only grin that night -- or since, I'll bet.

By Monday Messi reported to the club that gastroenteritis would not only prevent him training on what's likely to be the club's only public session of the year but also prevent him joining the annual visit of the squad to local children's hospitals.

I like and I respect Messi but I read this as a direct power-play.
A warning to the coach that he feels mishandled.

My personal opinion, based on years of experience, based on what I'm assured, by people who know, is Messi's growing dislike of Luis Enrique's manner, based on what was offered to explain his absence -- gastroenteritis has long been Spanish football's "I'm not coming to work today" phrase of choice -- is that Messi and his people want to bring the situation to a head.

I'm assured that a sharp exchange of words, which took place last Friday between superstar player and coach at training, perfectly indicates the current temperature. Messi is not alone in disliking Barcelona's current brand of football, disliking the constant team rotation or in disliking Luis Enrique's interpersonal skills.

Not all the players feel identically but Messi is not alone in his gripe. Not for the first time "Lucho" Enrique stands accused of being brusque. stubborn and capable of demonstrating the difference between being "too clever by half" and intelligent.

In brief, given the team's loss of identity, the likelihood that they will not be competitive for the two big prizes -- La Liga and the Champions League -- this season, the certainty that the transfer market cannot now help their situation until 2016 and his lack of feeling / trust in the club's current coach and board, Messi would be well within his rights to consider leaving.
Not to leave, that would be precipitate. But to survey the landscape.

As for Barcelona's broader problems? Well, when a crime is committed, it's very often the case that the culprit, the villain of the piece, is missing.
In 2010, Sandro Rosell won an historic mandate but, palpably, the people were wrong when they voted him into power.

From the outset, indeed from long before he even stood for president, his philosophy was tainted by a virulent dislike of everything for which Cruyff [and by association his predecessor Joan Laporta] stood.
Despite inheriting a philosophy, a process, a structure and a team which had produced what has commonly held to be some of the best, most attractive and most successful football in the sport's history, Rosell thought that almost everything should be done differently.

In summary, recent years have seen Barcelona divorce themselves from their spiritual leader, Johan Cruyff; cause Pep Guardiola to feel alienated then leave his post as manager; lose their elected president Rosell over the way Neymar was recruited to the club; misjudge the consecutive coaching appointments of Gerardo Martino and Luis Enrique; disgracefully mishandle Eric Abidal's contractual situation; sack Antoni Rossich, their director general; receive from FIFA a ban from the transfer market and lose at the Court for Arbitration for Sport a hopeless appeal, which was formulated simply to suspend the ban so that the club could restock the squad last summer; haemorrhage football credibility and competitiveness; alienate their best ever goalkeeper; sack their director of football and, finally, mishandle Messi so comprehensively that there is a real danger he opts to leave.

It is a heinous list and one which is condensed; not even the full roll of dishonour.

With Rosell gone, his successor Josep Maria Bartomeu has, I think, three options if he is to successfully run for another term as president in next year's elections.
First, he can accept his part in all this and walk away completely.

Second, he can grasp the nettle and accept that Luis Enrique is a failing, disliked coach, remove him now and appoint, for example, Frank De Boer, with the aim of winning titles this season and calling elections a year early in 2015.

Thirdly, he can tough it out with Luis Enrique until the scheduled elections in 2016.
Elche visit the Camp Nou in the Copa del Rey on Thursday, an occasion that will bring, I'm sure, a belligerent, vocal and potentially white handkerchief-waving crowd.
Defeat to Atletico Madrid at home on Sunday would spark the kind of ill-feeling which brings boards to their knees.

Meanwhile Cruyff and Laporta stand back and watch, gleefully in the latter's case I suspect, while we neutrals can only lament that something so spectacular, enjoyable and exceptional has been desecrated.

Graham Hunter @BumperGraham


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Whether Messi is motivated or not, he still doesn't have a good enough squad to compete with Real, Chelsea or Bayern, and probably won't for a good while. Messi can't win all those trophies on his own, so it's unlikely we're going to win a big trophy for a good while. Messi has been patient enough with this incompetent board, so why should he wait any longer? We all know things can't change when Bartomeu is still in charge.

And there is no new direction until Bartomeu is still there. He's using all the others as scapegoats. I mean, we could get a new manager in, but there's no guarantees he'll be any good or he'll get on with the players.

Explain how you think Chelsea and Madrid have better teams than Barca. They may have better depth, but no way is their starting 11 on paper better. The only way they beat us is when we beat ourselves with poor managers making the decisions.
Neymar, Messi Suarez is is on paper easily the most devastatingly dangerous attacking line up in world football. The fact that the team is struggling to score goals with players of that calibre, when they are proven at other clubs or at their national teams, just shows how poorly Barca is being managed. Iniesta, Rakitic and Busquets is also a top class midfield, no matter how you pessimists want to spin it. Any other team in the world would die to have those players.

The only spot which they are truly lacking is in defence, and that's something that should have been addressed by the board, and even after two more signings still hasn't been. If that's no enough for the board to be axed then I don't know what is.

That article by Graham Hunter sums up the situation perfectly.
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Senior Member
Explain how you think Chelsea and Madrid have better teams than Barca. They may have better depth, but no way is their starting 11 on paper better. The only way they beat us is when we beat ourselves with poor managers making the decisions.
Neymar, Messi Suarez is is on paper easily the most devastatingly dangerous attacking line up in world football. The fact that the team is struggling to score goals with players of that calibre, when they are proven at other clubs or at their national teams, just shows how poorly Barca is being managed. Iniesta, Rakitic and Busquets is also a top class midfield, no matter how you pessimists want to spin it. Any other team in the world would die to have those players.

The only spot which they are truly lacking is in defence, and that's something that should have been addressed by the board, and even after two more signings still hasn't been. If that's no enough for the board to be axed then I don't know what is.

That article by Graham Hunter sums up the situation perfectly.

our attack is not the problem but the service is and Chelsea, RM and Bayern all have better defenders and a better midfield then barça


Senior Member
Explain how you think Chelsea and Madrid have better teams than Barca. They may have better depth, but no way is their starting 11 on paper better. The only way they beat us is when we beat ourselves with poor managers making the decisions.
Neymar, Messi Suarez is is on paper easily the most devastatingly dangerous attacking line up in world football. The fact that the team is struggling to score goals with players of that calibre, when they are proven at other clubs or at their national teams, just shows how poorly Barca is being managed. Iniesta, Rakitic and Busquets is also a top class midfield, no matter how you pessimists want to spin it. Any other team in the world would die to have those players.

The only spot which they are truly lacking is in defence, and that's something that should have been addressed by the board, and even after two more signings still hasn't been. If that's no enough for the board to be axed then I don't know what is.

That article by Graham Hunter sums up the situation perfectly.

You are crazy if you think Chelsea or Real don't have a better overall balanced team than ours. Our defence is poor, our midfield isn't great. But I do agree our attack has the potential to be amazing. The problem is, we can't just rely on an potential amazing attack to win every trophy. You need a great team, great manager and great board to win trophies. We don't have any of them at this current time.


New member
As a United fan it would make no sense for Messi to leave Barca for us if he wants silverware therefore never happening, though I don't think anyone bar us, Madrid, Arsenal and Bayern could afford him, even Chelsea would struggle.


You are crazy if you think Chelsea or Real don't have a better overall balanced team than ours. Our defence is poor, our midfield isn't great. But I do agree our attack has the potential to be amazing. The problem is, we can't just rely on an potential amazing attack to win every trophy. You need a great team, great manager and great board to win trophies. We don't have any of them at this current time.

I agree the defence is the problem. But it is just as much of an organisational/management problem as it is a personnel problem.

Jose Mourinho doesn't create unbreachable defences by spending big money on defenders, he does it by organizing his team and getting them playing as a unit. I don't think the midfield is better than ours. Fabregas was deemed by many people on this forum useless, yet at Chelsea, when he is played in the correct position by a manager who knows what he is doing, he has become the best attacking midfielder in the EPL. If busquets went to chelsea he would be regarded world wide as the best CDM in the world within a season.

I don't think Barca have a problem in terms of players when it comes to midfield and attacking, I think the problem which is affecting the entire team is that the players aren't being utilized in the best way.
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