10 - Lionel Messi - v3

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Senior Member
Of course it makes for justification. It just shows human nature didn't change that much. Most vices are also still there, and that will never change. Tattoos are still tribal in essence.
And which man's natural realities? Tattoos are an expression of human nature. As many other things.

Thats like saying greed leading to corruption, and rage leading to violence are justifiable, because they constitute human nature. And yes, you're right, human nature hasn't changed much, which is why despite the very many technological forays, the human civilization has never been this morally and socially decadent. Human vice still exist, not because man cannot change, but because man doesn't want to change.
Simplicity is at the base of any man's natural reality, what I alluded and adhere to.


New member
I think that the reason why so many people are either disappointed or surprised at the tattoos is because most of us don't see Messi as the kind of guy who you would expect to see covered in tattoos. (I know, he's had a tattoo of his mom's face for years, but it was the only one and it's placed in such a way that you never see it unless he's on the beach.) His looks and his personality (as far as we have insight into it from interviews and whatnot) make him look more like the guy next door, and less like the tatted-up celebrity. That's all there is to it. That's why people are reacting this way, and it's expected. That's the way I see it. I don't think tattoos are something negative, but the reality is that you are more likely to assume that someone will or will not have a tattoo based on their looks, occupation, personality, etc., and you'll either like or dislike them having the tattoos based on those same criteria.


Barçapocalypse NOW!
Thats like saying greed leading to corruption, and rage leading to violence are justifiable, because they constitute human nature. And yes, you're right, human nature hasn't changed much, which is why despite the very many technological forays, the human civilization has never been this morally and socially decadent. Human vice still exist, not because man cannot change, but because man doesn't want to change.
Simplicity is at the base of any man's natural reality, what I alluded and adhere to.

Are you ok if we take this somewhere else? It's an interesting subject that perhaps is better dealt in it's own thread and not on Messi's thread... Unless you don't want to add anything more to the argument and consider you have said enough, in that case then we can just move on, hahaha...

And yeah, I think Thiago's hands looks like a zombie trying to climb up Lio's leg, hahahaha... To be honest, there's rarely a football (or any other sport) player with nice tattoos...


Calma, calma
I agree with zanela. With the world being so connected, it's easier for people to get influenced, whether it's by other people, actions, situations, lifestyles etc. Positive or negative. In that sense, indeed the modern human being is more superficial.
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San Claudio Bravo
Can't believe you guys have spent 3 pages debating Messi's tattoos.

It's just a tattoo. A lot of overreaction and judgmental opinions over something so trivial.
I have to say they look terrible though. Just one man's opinion.

While tattoos have been around forever they have never been more mainstream than today. There's only been a couple comments on how they make one "look lowlife". A few decades ago the vast majority of people thought so. Also the meaning of tattoos changed a lot. Nowadays most are there for esthetic purposes, or to make some kind of personal statement ( which I find narcissistic )


New member
It's up to your personal taste, some find tattoos attractive some don't. Messi having tattoos will not stop him from being the awesome footballer he is, nor will he go to jail for them. Humanity is also very judgmental nowadays, hence all these pages of a person getting a tattoo.

Blaugrana Bull

Considering tattoos:

I got a bet with my best friend who is also a Barca fan. When Barca wins it's next CL we both gonna get the logo tattooed.
I never planned to get one cause I am not really into tattoos so it would be a pretty big deal for me. He got 5 so it is quite easy for him. Will probably have it on my right foot because it would not be seen on many occasions. :D
And it is about football and I am right footed that makes kinda sense.
The WHOLE arm, the back again, seriously? I hope it's not Jesus! I'd prefer a dragon, like mine when I was twenty. But I stopped there, I only have two small tattoos and I regret honestly.



He's sponsored by pepsi, but only drinks coke :p
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