Obviously biggest Spanish sports newspaper hates having the best player of all time in their football league. As I said in my manifesto, it's time to bring back European Superleague plans on the table again. F.ck Madrid and F.ck Uefa
It is Anto's birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All Anto fanboys here show some respect to her Happy birthday Anto hopefully you can teach Leo to take pens
Leo is not a bad penalty taker, he is not the best either. Since he's the best player in the world, people expect perfection but perfection doesn't exist, I just cant stand these dramatic opinions, he missed a penalty, so what? That doesnt stop him from being the best player in the world.
Would say his passing ability is as good as Xavi in prime, really. Dont think there has been a forward with passing as good as Messi in any case, maybe somewhere in the distant past?