10 - Lionel Messi - v3

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Culé de Celestial Empire
No player is ever on fire for 90 minutes straight :)

I just wish we could get the old Messi from 10-11 back. He used to press like everyone else, his of the ball movement was MUCH better and he actually looked like some one who enjoyed playing football. :)

This. Messi is young, physically capable, there is no reason he couldn't do what he was able to do before. The two halfs of the Levante game are night and day. When he tries, when he gives his best, things happen. He needs to try more.


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Might be worthwhile him playing this sort of role again against teams that park the bus, he gets just as much attention in midfield from defenders and forces the opposition to press higher.

Absolutely devastating.


If the other forwards keep scoring like tello did, at some point messi wil get more space because the defense wil have to focus on tello, Pedro ect. If only the other forwards finished the chances Leo created last season! But no, he had to carry barca all the way.
So, sharper games by the other forwards equals more space for messi and that equals more goals, just watch what Argentina is going to do at the World Cup


New member
This. Messi is young, physically capable, there is no reason he couldn't do what he was able to do before. The two halfs of the Levante game are night and day. When he tries, when he gives his best, things happen. He needs to try more.

He try's plenty, look at his record since he joined the club. The overreaction to his first half is comical. He recognised the lack of space and dropped deep looking for diagonal passes to make. Around the 20 minute he played one into Adriano which he struggled to control. He did the same in the second half and was able to pick out Tello multiple times. Next game people will complain again, and again and again. Why do people think they know better than him? He's played football all his life. He knows what he's doing so just enjoy him while he's here. In a few years time he'll be gone and people will wonder why they spent so much time crying and whining.


New member
It's not Messi who they are marking with 4-5 players, it's the zone that they are covering. Even if Alexis were in Messi's position there would be 2 CB and 3 midfielders in that zone.

If Messi is having so much trouble getting free, they must put a player in front of him to occupy that zone, or put Messi on the right.

Messi can't produce his insane genius every time and it's more difficult vs the best teams. You're not gaining anything by moaning that Messi has no space.

When Messi was out injured most of the teams we played against played a much higher liner, why? Because their midfielders pushed up against our midfielders and then their defence pushed up again. Whereas when Messi plays the midfield and defence are like 5 yards away from each other. The midfield usually allow our midfield to pass the ball around sidewards, except when Messi drops into midfield then they push up to stop him doing something.

And I don't know what you are saying really about me moaning he doesn't have space, where did I say that? He gets the ball a lot during the game, I don't see the point in saying he doesn't have space, he doesn't need space. My point is he is followed by a unit of markers so it is inefficient for him to constantly run around making dashes to receive the ball. People forget most forwards rarely touch the ball in a game and Messi gets way more touches than most. It's like people want him on the ball 90 mins a game.


Senior Member
Messi is brilliant, let's get that out of the way, no one disputes that.

Conserving energy also makes sense. No one expects him to have the work rate of Pedro or Alexis, no one expects him to constantly make runs for balls in behind, or press all the time, or track back, or jog constantly for miles each game to be available for passes like Xavi. Agreed.

*BUT* can Messi improve his off-ball movement to make himself and Barça more effective? Absolutely. This is what I, and I think most others, are asking of him.

There are primarily two ways Messi gets the ball: someone brings it to him dribbling and passing 1-2s up the middle, or he drops back to the half line where he becomes another midfielder (leaving 2x4 defending behind the ball).

People always complain about Xavi and Barça passing laterally, but Messi rarely provides a target up the middle. You watch the ball moving laterally from side to side, and when it gets to Xavi, or whoever else is playing the pivot in the middle, there is Messi walking arm in arm with the two centerbacks, and with the two CMs in front of him. No one is going to pass him the ball when 1) the CMs might intercept or the CBs might poach, or 2) he'd be swarmed/fouled from behind the second he touches the ball.

We all know Messi is brilliant and doesn't need a ton of space. If he made ANY effort to drop back quickly off the CBs sometimes when the ball is being moved across the middle, he could receive a pass between the lines with a few yards to turn and dribble the CBs near the top of the box. We see Cesc do that when he is playing CF, but he doesn't have that exceptional skill to accelerate the dribble like Messi. I'd rather see Messi get the ball with two players to dribble instead of eight; even if not successful, he'd draw quite a few more fouls each game in very dangerous positions. That he doesn't get the ball unless someone brings it to him is entirely his fault for not making himself available.

I get the feeling Messi might expect to be passed to, regardless of how closely he is marked, but Barça players are trained to be cautious and move the ball to the open available player. Maybe Xavi et al *should* pass him the ball more often when he is doing his stroll with the CBs. We'd then see if he really can make something of it; or, if he can't, maybe he'd wise up after a few times being intercepted/tackled and make a little space for himself to receive the pass.
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New member
If the other forwards keep scoring like tello did, at some point messi wil get more space because the defense wil have to focus on tello, Pedro ect. If only the other forwards finished the chances Leo created last season! But no, he had to carry barca all the way.
So, sharper games by the other forwards equals more space for messi and that equals more goals, just watch what Argentina is going to do at the World Cup

Add neymar on the left wing with the reinvigorated pedro on the right and we have a deadly front 3 dare I say strongest in europe? I personally can't wait for Neymar and iniesta to come back so I can finally see our full strength in action.


Add neymar on the left wing with the reinvigorated pedro on the right and we have a deadly front 3 dare I say strongest in europe? I personally can't wait for Neymar and iniesta to come back so I can finally see our full strength in action.
Manchester City has the best attack in Europe.
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