Go back a few pages in the Ronaldo thread and you will see our discussion on it.

It is funny to me how sceptic people are of Messi's scoring abilities in his 30's, to be honest, I am expecting him to score a lot of goals in his 30's
Currently has 445, and I am expecting him to end the season with 460.
Incl. NT*
28: 2015/16 - 60 goals (520)
29: 2016/17 - 50 goals (570)
30: 2017/18 - 50 goals (620)
31: 2018/19 - 40 goals (660)
32: 2019/20 - 40 goals (700)
33: 2020/21 - 30 goals (730)
34: 2021/22 - 20 goals (750)
35: 2022/23 - 20 goals (770)
36: 2023/24 - 15 goals (785)
37: 2024/25 - 15 goals (800)
If he doesn't get injured, or at least a long term injury, then I don't see him ending his career with less than 750-800 goals.