10 - Lionel Messi - v3

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San Claudio Bravo
This is not about Messi vs the club, so this BS about "the club is bigger than one player" simply does not apply. Messi in this same declaration had nothing but glowing words for the team.

This is about Messi vs Faus and his foolish mouth. To say that Faus has the good of the team in mind and Messi does not is about as stupid as it comes. Of the two, the one that does more good for the team is undeniably Messi. Of the two, the one the club can more easily replace is not Messi. Of the two, the bigger one is Messi. Of the two, the one the club should unconditionally back is Messi.

It isn't about Messi over Barca, it is about Messi over Faus. End of story.


New member
The "club is bigger than the player" stuff sounds really noble and all, but it's not true. Messi is the best player in the history of football, and therefore is bigger than anyone and anything related to the sport. This doesn't mean he would be right to act like a diva if he wanted to, but let's not downplay his value.


President of FC Barcelona
^ That's the problem. Those who want to justify Faus' actions are using the 'no one is bigger than the club' line to defend it.

Yeah sure, but that does not mean that the board members are bigger than the club and neither does it mean that a board member can do whatever he want and if a player dislikies something then he should shut up since he is no bigger than the club.

i mean... wth?


Wild Man of Borneo
The whole "no player is bigger than the club" b/s just creates a scenario that puts the club vs the player. There's nothing logical or productive to that statement and all it does is dare someone to challenge it and ultimately screws everyone over in a poor attempt to implement some sort of "principle" that the club will not bend for anyone. Messi is one of Barca's biggest assets, you'd be a fool to challenge that and convince yourself that it's ok because "Barca is bigger than Messi" as if that type of attitude holds any sort of legitimacy.

Hell by that logic, the club could rightfully walk over any and every loyal player, coach, or legend with the blind mantra of "doesn't matter, Barca is bigger than them and we have to prove that". They are a PART of the club not against it. Faus does not in any way represent Barca as a club or it's philosophy so whatever Messi says against him is solely against him.

It's that type of adamant "no one is bigger than the club" attitude that has made Barca fans or members oppose their own players in a stubborn power play that treats the clubs own people as enemies. It's completely counterproductive and irrational. If a player speaks out against a stupid board member "he challenged the club, he isn't bigger than it, he can leave". If a player tries to get more playing time: "He's trying to control the club, who does he think he is, he can leave". There are many examples of this and it shows that nothing is achieved except for pushing players out in a stupid fit of pride and arrogance.
This is not about Messi vs the club, so this BS about "the club is bigger than one player" simply does not apply. Messi in this same declaration had nothing but glowing words for the team.

This is about Messi vs Faus and his foolish mouth. To say that Faus has the good of the team in mind and Messi does not is about as stupid as it comes. Of the two, the one that does more good for the team is undeniably Messi. Of the two, the one the club can more easily replace is not Messi. Of the two, the bigger one is Messi. Of the two, the one the club should unconditionally back is Messi.

It isn't about Messi over Barca, it is about Messi over Faus. End of story.

This. Messi vs Faus or even Messi vs the entire board =/= Messi vs the club.

The whole "no player is bigger than the club" b/s just creates a scenario that puts the club vs the player. There's nothing logical or productive to that statement and all it does is dare someone to challenge it and ultimately screws everyone over in a poor attempt to implement some sort of "principle" that the club will not bend for anyone. Messi is one of Barca's biggest assets, you'd be a fool to challenge that and convince yourself that it's ok because "Barca is bigger than Messi" as if that type of attitude holds any sort of legitimacy.

Hell by that logic, the club could rightfully walk over any and every loyal player, coach, or legend with the blind mantra of "doesn't matter, Barca is bigger than them and we have to prove that". They are a PART of the club not against it. Faus does not in any way represent Barca as a club or it's philosophy so whatever Messi says against him is solely against him.

It's that type of adamant "no one is bigger than the club" attitude that has made Barca fans or members oppose their own players in a stubborn power play that treats the clubs own people as enemies. It's completely counterproductive and irrational. If a player speaks out against a stupid board member "he challenged the club, he isn't bigger than it, he can leave". If a player tries to get more playing time: "He's trying to control the club, who does he think he is, he can leave". There are many examples of this and it shows that nothing is achieved except for pushing players out in a stupid fit of pride and arrogance.

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Senior Member
Yeah, the "just a player, club is bigger" bs. It's not that simple, it's not just that. Messi is arguably the best player ever... Without him Barça is way weaker, and some other club is way stronger. He also is a club asset, homegrown, and represents a great economic value to Barça regarding sponsors, not to mention his sporting value. Barça won't have a player like him any time soon. Not on our lifetimes, for sure.

The club is also bigger than any board members. And the greatest club legend Barca has ever had is surely bigger and more important than a board member like faus.

You can say whatever you want, but, BS or not BS, a player having the power to fire a person from the management sector of a club is not normal nor healthy. We're talking about a principle here, a very important principle, not about Faus. Faus is an idiot, for what he said about Messi and for how he said it, but he should answer to Rosell, not to Messi, because he isn't his subordinate. Messi's job is in the grass, not in the offices. And we shouldn't mix the two together. I also think this thing is being blown way out of proportions and that neither part is absolved of guilt. That being said, I really understand why it is important to protect Messi, but not at the cost of order and normality.
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King Leo

If he leaves, he leaves. End of story. Barcelona is bigger than just one player, whoever that player is.

I will say this delicately: very little thought was put to your statement.

1. Messi didn't start this mess.
2. Messi was right that Barca deserves a better board member because a statement like the one Faus made can only come from an ignorant and irresponsible person.
3. In economic terms Messi is more valuable than Rosell, Faus and co. combined. Why? They are easily replaceable ( actually Barca will do better without them), Messi as we all know is irreplaceable.
4. I think Rosell's party will depart when time is due and Messi will still be around. Although I can see them threatening Messi with damaging his image among cules labeling him disloyal etc. if he tries to pressure them in the future. Messi can be driven out of frustration, cashed on big and the thieves can get away with it by building the new stadium or something. I wouldn't be surprised if those scumbags tried to do something like that.


New member
The whole "no player is bigger than the club" b/s just creates a scenario that puts the club vs the player. There's nothing logical or productive to that statement and all it does is dare someone to challenge it and ultimately screws everyone over in a poor attempt to implement some sort of "principle" that the club will not bend for anyone. Messi is one of Barca's biggest assets, you'd be a fool to challenge that and convince yourself that it's ok because "Barca is bigger than Messi" as if that type of attitude holds any sort of legitimacy.

Hell by that logic, the club could rightfully walk over any and every loyal player, coach, or legend with the blind mantra of "doesn't matter, Barca is bigger than them and we have to prove that". They are a PART of the club not against it. Faus does not in any way represent Barca as a club or it's philosophy so whatever Messi says against him is solely against him.

It's that type of adamant "no one is bigger than the club" attitude that has made Barca fans or members oppose their own players in a stubborn power play that treats the clubs own people as enemies. It's completely counterproductive and irrational. If a player speaks out against a stupid board member "he challenged the club, he isn't bigger than it, he can leave". If a player tries to get more playing time: "He's trying to control the club, who does he think he is, he can leave". There are many examples of this and it shows that nothing is achieved except for pushing players out in a stupid fit of pride and arrogance.

You sir have won the internets.



New member
If he leaves, he leaves. End of story. Barcelona is bigger than just one player, whoever that player is.
are you kidding me!!! He's a HUMANNNNNNNNN! all this bullshit surrounding Messi, media in Madrid making up stories to destroy Messi's image for Cristina to win the Ballon D'or [fraud, cheating etc..] Barcelona' s board not defending him, in addition to all the injuries he suffered from this year... at one point he has to say something!

Messi will never leave Barcelona expect for Newell's old boys at the end of his career!
Barcelona is bigger than any player, but this doesn't apply to this case. Messi is the victim here, and its not about Barcelona as a club its the STUPID management!

Jorge Messi (father): "Renewal? If the club calls us, we'll talk. Barça fans should know that Leo's future is linked to this club." [ole]

Jorge Messi (father): "Leo grew up at Barça and loves this club. His commitment to Barça and the fans goes further than anyone can imagine."


You can say whatever you want, but, BS or not BS, a player having the power to fire a person from the management sector of a club is not normal nor healthy. We're talking about a principle here, a very important principle, not about Faus. Faus is an idiot, for what he said about Messi and for how he said it, but he should answer to Rosell, not to Messi, because he isn't his subordinate. Messi's job is in the grass, not in the offices. And we shouldn't mix the two together. I also think this thing is being blown way out of proportions and that neither part is absolved of guilt. That being said, I really understand why it is important to protect Messi, but not at the cost of order and normality.
What are you talking about? Messi didn't get into rosell's office to demand faus to be fired. He defended himself. He had all right to do it, the moment Faus talked down of him in public. Faus should had thought of consequences beforehand. Messi isi more important and has more power than him, but he's not the only player that do. Had faus attacked Xavi, who has a much bigger mouth, I bet you this would had been uglier.

Messi is not an ordinary player. And he doesn't use his influence against barça. Have you seen him doing that, ever? He doesn't get involved, he usually shuts himselft out of this matters. It's important to protect Messi, period. But Barça should never had to protect him from anyone from the club's board, it's their job to protect all Barça players. Impressive you don't understand that.


Senior Member
The whole "no player is bigger than the club" b/s just creates a scenario that puts the club vs the player. There's nothing logical or productive to that statement and all it does is dare someone to challenge it and ultimately screws everyone over in a poor attempt to implement some sort of "principle" that the club will not bend for anyone. Messi is one of Barca's biggest assets, you'd be a fool to challenge that and convince yourself that it's ok because "Barca is bigger than Messi" as if that type of attitude holds any sort of legitimacy.

Hell by that logic, the club could rightfully walk over any and every loyal player, coach, or legend with the blind mantra of "doesn't matter, Barca is bigger than them and we have to prove that". They are a PART of the club not against it. Faus does not in any way represent Barca as a club or it's philosophy so whatever Messi says against him is solely against him.

It's that type of adamant "no one is bigger than the club" attitude that has made Barca fans or members oppose their own players in a stubborn power play that treats the clubs own people as enemies. It's completely counterproductive and irrational. If a player speaks out against a stupid board member "he challenged the club, he isn't bigger than it, he can leave". If a player tries to get more playing time: "He's trying to control the club, who does he think he is, he can leave". There are many examples of this and it shows that nothing is achieved except for pushing players out in a stupid fit of pride and arrogance.

Actually, I very much agree with this. But I hate it when I see comments like: Messi should force Faus out. What you say here works in both ways. Faus is part of the club. So is Messi. Neither of them should take advantage of a situation like this to force the other one out. This is their problem, they should solve it like men and move on. And don't tell me Messi is Mother Teresa in this thing. While he didn't start the argument, he could have closed it with a clever response. But he didn't, he chose to attack Faus too. It takes two to argue about smth.


Jorge Messi (father): "Renewal? If the club calls us, we'll talk. Barça fans should know that Leo's future is linked to this club." [ole]

Jorge Messi (father): "Leo grew up at Barça and loves this club. His commitment to Barça and the fans goes further than anyone can imagine."
Jorge Messi also said to not look for anything more, that it was a direct response to faus. That was said was said, but now everyone should look to the future. He also thanked rosell for the support and said there are no problems with the board.
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