10 - Lionel Messi - v3

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Senior Member
What are you talking about? Messi didn't get into rosell's office to demand faus to be fired. He defended himself. He had all right to do it, the moment Faus talked down of him in public. Faus should had thought of consequences beforehand. Messi isi more important and has more power than him, but he's not the only player that do. Had faus attacked Xavi, who has a much bigger mouth, I bet you this would had been uglier.

Messi is not an ordinary player. And he doesn't use his influence against barça. Have you seen him doing that, ever? He doesn't get involved, he usually shuts himselft out of this matters. It's important to protect Messi, period. But Barça should never had to protect him from anyone from the club's board, it's their job to protect all Barça players. Impressive you don't understand that.

He had all right to do it, the moment Faus talked down of him in public - No he didn't. There are many ways to solve a conflict. Messi chose the so-so one.

Messi isi more important and has more power than him - Probably true. But Messi shouldn't use his power at the club to punish board members whenever they say something bad about him. As I say, he could have dealt with the issue better. Talk with the man (Faus) first, maybe he made a mistake.

Messi is not an ordinary player - He is certainly not, but this is not important in this issue. It's a matter of principle. Adama Traore for instance should be treated with the same respect as Messi. They're both Barcelona players.

He doesn't use his influence against Barca - I wasn't saying that he did, but that he'd be wrong to do it. Some posters here tried to imply that Messi should use this incident as leverage in a "it's either me or Faus" thing. It's wrong IMO. This issue should be resolved without much noise. We have Barca vs City, not Messi vs Faust to worry about.

It's important to protect Messi - True. But it is also important for Messi to understand that he doesn't call the shots at Barcelona. He is the most important player, but this shouldn't get to his head and make him arrogant. I hope he remains the down to earth person he was back in 06-07. Read carefuly. I'm not saying he is arrogant, but that he shouldn't become arrogant.

Barca should never had to protect him from anyone from the club's board - Obviously. We can all agree that Faus was talking out of his ass. But, as I said, there are better ways to solve an issue. Making a public mess out of it is the worse.

Impressive you don't understand that - I do understand it. That's why I want this thing to go down quietly. But it seems like people are desperate to see Faus getting axed for saying something I'm sure he now regrets. I don't. Best possible thing is to focuse on football.
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New member
So much drama over a topic that will probably die once Leo comes back

looks like we need something to talk about in the meantime.


He had all right to do it, the moment Faus talked down of him in public - No he didn't. There are many ways to solve a conflict. Messi chose the so-so one.

Messi isi more important and has more power than him - Probably true. But Messi shouldn't use his power at the club to punish board members whenever they say something bad about him. As I say, he could have dealt with the issue better. Talk with the man (Faus) first, maybe he made a mistake.

Messi is not an ordinary player - He is certainly not, but this is not important in this issue. It's a matter of principle. Adama Traore for instance should be treated with the same respect as Messi. They're both Barcelona players.

He doesn't use his influence against Barca - I wasn't saying that he did, but that he'd be wrong to do it. Some posters here tried to imply that Messi should use this incident as leverage in a "it's either me or Faus" thing. It's wrong IMO. This issue should be resolved without much noise. We have Barca vs City, not Messi vs Faust to worry about.

It's important to protect Messi - True. But it is also important for Messi to understand that he doesn't call the shots at Barcelona. He is the most important player, but this shouldn't get to his head and make him arrogant. I hope he remains the down to earth person he was back in 06-07. Read carefuly. I'm not saying he is arrogant, but that he shouldn't become arrogant.

Barca should never had to protect him from anyone from the club's board - Obviously. We can all agree that Faus was talking out of his ass. But, as I said, there are better ways to solve an issue. Making a public mess out of it is the worse.

Impressive you don't understand that - I do understand it. That's why I want this thing to go down quietly. But it seems like people are desperate to see Faus getting axed for saying something I'm sure he now regrets. I don't. Best possible thing is to focuse on football.

Honestly, you saying Messi could leave for the club being bigger is on par with the reactions of people wanting Faus axed. He won't get fired, he probably just got a big lecture from rosell. I doubt we'll hear anything else about this matter. But if it had come down to Messi or faus, no doubt faus should be the one to go, not Messi.


Honestly, what Faus said was wrong. And Messi was right to retaliate, but he shouldn't have done it publicly. However I do imagine it would have been different had Messi still been Barcelona and not Argentina. Faus shouldn't lose his job though. Rosell or somebody else should tell Faus to not be so naive at media events.


New member
The problem is that it's not the only time Faus said something stupid; I remember one statement of him where he completely out of nowhere attacked Pep by saying that Tito was the better coach because he has a better character (or something like that).

And I agree with Messi's statement that Barça shouldn't be run like an ordinary company, I'm all for reducing our debt and spending more wisely than in previous years but the current board only seems to care about making money, no matter how. I mean, come on, we have a sponsor inside our shirt... some years ago we were the only top team without any sponsor at all.


Senior Member
Honestly, you saying Messi could leave for the club being bigger is on par with the reactions of people wanting Faus axed. He won't get fired, he probably just got a big lecture from rosell. I doubt we'll hear anything else about this matter. But if it had come down to Messi or faus, no doubt faus should be the one to go, not Messi.

Come on, I don't want Messi to leave. But if this happens we have to move on and regroup. It's what teams do. Hopefully, we won't have to.


The problem is that it's not the only time Faus said something stupid; I remember one statement of him where he completely out of nowhere attacked Pep by saying that Tito was the better coach because he has a better character (or something like that).

And I agree with Messi's statement that Barça shouldn't be run like an ordinary company, I'm all for reducing our debt and spending more wisely than in previous years but the current board only seems to care about making money, no matter how. I mean, come on, we have a sponsor inside our shirt... some years ago we were the only top team without any sponsor at all.

Faus shouldn't be allowed to appear at media events if that's the case.


New member
He had all right to do it, the moment Faus talked down of him in public - No he didn't. There are many ways to solve a conflict. Messi chose the so-so one.

Messi isi more important and has more power than him - Probably true. But Messi shouldn't use his power at the club to punish board members whenever they say something bad about him. As I say, he could have dealt with the issue better. Talk with the man (Faus) first, maybe he made a mistake.

Messi is not an ordinary player - He is certainly not, but this is not important in this issue. It's a matter of principle. Adama Traore for instance should be treated with the same respect as Messi. They're both Barcelona players.

He doesn't use his influence against Barca - I wasn't saying that he did, but that he'd be wrong to do it. Some posters here tried to imply that Messi should use this incident as leverage in a "it's either me or Faus" thing. It's wrong IMO. This issue should be resolved without much noise. We have Barca vs City, not Messi vs Faust to worry about.

It's important to protect Messi - True. But it is also important for Messi to understand that he doesn't call the shots at Barcelona. He is the most important player, but this shouldn't get to his head and make him arrogant. I hope he remains the down to earth person he was back in 06-07. Read carefuly. I'm not saying he is arrogant, but that he shouldn't become arrogant.

Barca should never had to protect him from anyone from the club's board - Obviously. We can all agree that Faus was talking out of his ass. But, as I said, there are better ways to solve an issue. Making a public mess out of it is the worse.

Impressive you don't understand that - I do understand it. That's why I want this thing to go down quietly. But it seems like people are desperate to see Faus getting axed for saying something I'm sure he now regrets. I don't. Best possible thing is to focuse on football.

Very, very wrong.


Lemon curry?
It has made headlines in Germany, too. But in a way that puts Messi in a bad light. Stern for example is one of the biggest newspapers in Germany, reaching more than 8 million readers and their article about it starts like this:

"More and more scratches are shining through the once so flawless image of Barcelona star Lionel Messi. [...] The usually ever so reserved player attacked the club's vice president for finances drastically who had explained earlier that there is no plan to renew Messi's contract again which was already renewed in February earlier this year."

They are also making the link to Ronaldo, saying that Messi is angry about getting less money than Ronaldo. See the photo in their article.


Did you 'observe' Sueddeutsche's article about it? They basically shortened Messi's statement to "Faus doesn't know anything about football" and more or less implied Messi said that because he was annoyed about not being the best-played player. Nothing about these allegations being false... I'm really disappointed.


New member
I hope when Messi comes back (with a smile on his face because if he doesn't that will be blown out of all proportion) all this distraction goes away because the thought of Messi getting that fed up and wanting to leave is just unthinkable and would be a travesty in football terms.


New member
Did you 'observe' Sueddeutsche's article about it? They basically shortened Messi's statement to "Faus doesn't know anything about football" and more or less implied Messi said that because he was annoyed about not being the best-played player. Nothing about these allegations being false... I'm really disappointed.

Papers like Sueddeutsche and Zeit used to be the cream of the crop as far as investigative journalism goes but most of them have gone to shit and they know even less about football than they do about current affairs.

Sueddeutsche wrote in the same article that Neymar's actual choice was Real Madrid but that he only decided on Barça because Rosell paid his father 10 million euros. And yes, they wrote that Messi demanded a salary increase when he heard that Neymar actually earned more than him. They're selling rumours not even worthy of being mentioned on go*l.com as facts. I think so much idiocy and false accusations in the same place can't be attributed to not properly checking their sources anymore - it's merely an attempt to win over more sensation-oriented readers and possibly to hurt Barça, I'm guessing by a Bayern-fanboy as are many journalists in Germany.


Lemon curry?
Papers like Sueddeutsche and Zeit used to be the cream of the crop as far as investigative journalism goes but most of them have gone to shit and they know even less about football than they do about current affairs.

Sueddeutsche wrote in the same article that Neymar's actual choice was Real Madrid but that he only decided on Barça because Rosell paid his father 10 million euros. And yes, they wrote that Messi demanded a salary increase when he heard that Neymar actually earned more than him. They're selling rumours not even worthy of being mentioned on go*l.com as facts. I think so much idiocy and false accusations in the same place can't be attributed to not properly checking their sources anymore - it's merely an attempt to win over more sensation-oriented readers and possibly to hurt Barça, I'm guessing by a Bayern-fanboy as are many journalists in Germany.

I had lost hope in Zeit a while ago but my opinion of Sueddeutsche wasn't destroyed yet. I must admit that I never read the sports section of either, so I don't know about their competence in that regard and might have had false hopes. Anyway, I was shocked about the Neymar implication as well, or rather amused :lol: Complete and utter twist of reality. They're making it seem as if it was Barca were the ones who wanted to nick Neymar from RM, and not vice versa. What a load of bollocks. But that bit about Messi was worse - leaving out the part where he said he didn't ask for a contract renewal must have been intended, I can't imagine their research to be so poor that they'd overlook that.
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