10 - Lionel Messi - v3

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Mike the Knife
Lol. If it was that simple... Nice way to distort what happened. Faus was talking about messi. He was directly asked about him. And not mentioning his name, and calling him "este senor" was more disrespectful than anything messi said. It would have been better if this hadn't happened, but it's on faus, not on messi. Messi is not "someone". He is the best player ever, who have given a lot more to this club than faus ever will. You just dont treat your best player ever like that. Messi doesnt use to come out and say things like that either. He's very private. If he spoke, it's because what faus said really bothered him. He attacked faus, not the club. And no, faus is not the club. Messi is Barca more than he is.

Sport's journalists are all pro-messi, against faus and wanting rosell to act quickly. Md's jpurnalists are trying to stay in middle ground, not taking sides. Interesting stuff.

And Leo responded with señor right back to Faus which underscores how insulting he found it...Moreover, we're talking about Messi, a player who steers far from controversy...especially when it comes to addressing things in the media

Regardless of how it ultimately plays out, for now, in the long run it's damage that has been done...A once flawless club relationship, for the most part, now includes internal fighting played out in public...Once you fracture a relationship, it can mend or that chasm can widen...Nothing I've seen from Rosell has given me confidence that he's a relationship builder let alone one to repair a fractured one...3 seasons of Rosell, it is an incredible list of catastrophic & embarrassing acts by the board...If this isn't enough, you have to wonder what would actually have to take place before socios revolted


New member
PSG, Real Madrid, Bayern Munich, Chelsea, Manchester City, Monaco and Anzhi are monitoring the situation of Messi at Barcelona. [l'equipe]


Senior Member
And Leo responded with señor right back to Faus which underscores how insulting he found it...Moreover, we're talking about Messi, a player who steers far from controversy...especially when it comes to addressing things in the media

Regardless of how it ultimately plays out, for now, in the long run it's damage that has been done...A once flawless club relationship, for the most part, now includes internal fighting played out in public...Once you fracture a relationship, it can mend or that chasm can widen...Nothing I've seen from Rosell has given me confidence that he's a relationship builder let alone one to repair a fractured one...3 seasons of Rosell, it is an incredible list of catastrophic & embarrassing acts by the board...If this isn't enough, you have to wonder what would actually have to take place before socios revolted

List these catastrophic acts by the club then?

Oh I forgot he has me on ignore as to not have to answer or back up theses statements.

This is one board member that has reacted to a question in a poor way. This is not the normal way the club treat Messi and they gush about him nearly every day in the press.


New member
PSG, Real Madrid, Bayern Munich, Chelsea, Manchester City, Monaco and Anzhi are monitoring the situation of Messi at Barcelona. [l'equipe]
Leo isn't leaving.

He clearly said ''Barcelona is the best club in the world, and it deserves the best directors'' just to assure us that it isn't an attack on the club itself; only Faus.
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Senior Member
Lucky for the Faus bastard that Rosell is here to stay until 2016 so he can keep on spilling shiet whenever he wants


Lucky for the Faus bastard that Rosell is here to stay until 2016 so he can keep on spilling shiet whenever he wants

That won't happen. Rosell already said the opposite of what Faus did, about Messi being renewed again.


Senior Member
If he leaves, he leaves. End of story. Barcelona is bigger than just one player, whoever that player is.


Lemon curry?
If he leaves, he leaves. End of story. Barcelona is bigger than just one player, whoever that player is.

Yes, but the same can be said about Faus. Does he do everything he in the club's best interest? Who is better for the sake of the club? I don't have to think twice.


If he leaves, he leaves. End of story. Barcelona is bigger than just one player, whoever that player is.
Yeah, the "just a player, club is bigger" bs. It's not that simple, it's not just that. Messi is arguably the best player ever... Without him Barça is way weaker, and some other club is way stronger. He also is a club asset, homegrown, and represents a great economic value to Barça regarding sponsors, not to mention his sporting value. Barça won't have a player like him any time soon. Not on our lifetimes, for sure.

The club is also bigger than any board members. And the greatest club legend Barca has ever had is surely bigger and more important than a board member like faus.


Lemon curry?
I don't even think that it would or should be any different for other players. That "Barcelona is bigger than just one player" would be a good argument if the player in question did something to harm the club, did or demanded something that would only benefit him and not he club at the expense of the club, etc. This is not the case. This is one board member unnecessarily making things difficult for a player that has been a huge part in the club's success in the past years without demanding much. If anything, the club, whoever that is, is bigger than that particular board member, who hasn't been half as important to the club as the player has and isn't even acting in the club's best interest.

And even if Faus was the epitome of FC Barcelona, if he does things that not only are questionable but could possibly even harm the club, then he shouldn't be supported.


New member
"Barcelona is bigger than just one player" i got sick when i read this.
U cant unconditionally support the club if the board is doing something to ruin its image.Messi is doing the right things for this club and Faus isnt,end of story.It is better for these things to go live because it will make a big pressure on Sandro.


President of FC Barcelona
'Barcelona is bigger than one player or a coach'

Sure. That also gives this board more chances to shit all over the club and push people out directly or indirecly by their stupid decisions, actions. Since no one is bigger than Barcelona, none of us should give a crap about whether Messi leaves and even if he is followed out by others since hey!!!!! they are no bigger than the club.

PS: Not implying that Messi would leave at all, since im 100% sure that he wont even consider it unless he is told to GTFO by the board which also seem unlikely to ever happen.
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