What I have found:

firing Faus or him resigning for that matter would be a bad PR for MEssi... so a big NO!
Agreed. They need to sort things out and mend fences in private. Ousting Faus at ths point will do more harm to Messi and our club.
He still needs to go . Him going now or after a while would have the same impact on Messi's image.
The most important thing at this point is for things to cool off. No more actions to escalate this further from either side. Messi's father's reconcilatory remarks were a great first step.
"We haven't missed this guy a bit". That must be the funniest joke ever written on this forum. He is the only one that can win us the league.
The little dictator probably scares him to his very soul... I mean there had to be a reason as to why he was good until Tello steppped in! Soon as the little dictator started scaring Tello, it might have had a profound impact on Pedro too!!we need Messi to come back and shut Cristina up knock him down a notch humble him abit his ego is getting too big it might explode when if he wins the B d'Or..