10 - Lionel Messi - v3

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Honestly it's all down to coaching style. Ever since Pep left, we have coaches that cater more to individuals than the team.

Back in 08-12, Messi was a self-sacrificing part of a larger unit. He may have been the best part, but still a cog supporting the machine. Ever since Tito and now Tata, we play as a group of individuals and he's simply "the boss". Not the leader, not the captain, just the alpha-wolf who calls the shots on his own actions. Even if the individual route brings him success, he'll be served instead of doing the serving. We're not getting the most out of Messi this way.

It's not his own supposed "bad attitude" that is causing this, it's a lack of tactical discipline within the team. Any player will always be satisfied with themselves if they make as big an impact as Messi has, so you can't blame him for thinking he's done his part. What players fail to differentiate is that while they do play well football-wise (good individual actions, doing what they do best, getting goals/assists) they don't devote their fair share of tactical/team work (pressing or at least covering zones, having good movement and involvement in TEAM-play rather than their own plays). There are actions a player does that support their own plays and individual performance, and there are those that support the team and help lift the load.

This does NOT point towards a lack of character in Messi. It's just that when a person becomes great to that level, they feel that their individual actions are all they are responsible for as their contribution to the team. On some level, that is the main contribution because the team does rely on Messi's goals and assists. However, Messi will drift farther from being a group player and closer to an individualist until a coach (new one as Tata isn't the type) reboots the entire system and makes every player a cog in the machine again, with every action serving a greater purpose.

With the fall of the machine that is Barcelona, players are becoming more and more individuals who decide for themselves what they feel like doing. It's not as cynical or immoral as it sounds, honestly it's a natural progression even if a very negative one. Alves, Pique, Messi have all went this way on some level.
Great post. The problem is far bigger than players not having motivation. There is no clear game plan or tactics. We don't see the fast passing, pressing, triangles and much more this team used to do, anymore. Instead we see a lot of useless crosses and long balls. Tata is relying on individual brilliance a lot.

Science Kid

Messi has always been more Lebron than Jordan...incredibly talented,unplayable when on but too many important games where he disappears...Inter 2010/Chelsea 2012/Bayern 2013/Atletico 2014

It seems like every time he faces a stifling,physical defense in important matches,he gets disinterested and doesn't posses the killer instinct of a Jordan to persevere and find a way to lead the team.

People can say,well he has won it all so he lacks motivation,but Jordan had 5 rings and played for the 6-th like it was his first...you can't kill your desire to win.

Ever since the individual battle with Ronaldo was started by the media,little by little he has been more interested in individual accolades than Barca and yesterday reached the boiling point of that attitude.


New member
Everyone saying he wont do well in the world cup are assuming he was unable to do anything yesterday.

Serious point. Maybe he just didn't want to bother last night. Doesn't make pleasant reading I know, but he may want to try in the world cup much more than he does for Barca right know.

He has won so much, maybe he is thinking that coasting against a team that has injured him in the past is worth a bit of criticism if it means he didn't get injured again. None of you can be sure.

Maybe he hasn't "lost it" that much, maybe he isn't "Lazy" maybe he just ranks Argentina way more importantly than Barcelona right know. I know its doesn't help Barca when they have just been knocked out of the Champions League but maybe he was purely thinking of himself.

Or just maybe he got a niggle in the warm up but chose to play anyway.

None of us can know, but I am sure something will come to light about it soon.


Senior Member
6,8 km...........sorry you may be best ever, in history but this is disgrace!
I wrote some time ago he is not runnig enough, just hope it's laziness, that can be dealt with, hope there isn't something worse


New member

or maybe just like Ronaldinho, teams have fiured out how to play him and the unexpected wow factor isn't there anymore. I'm ot saying he is shit now, just that we probably won't see another 90 goal season.

We've talked aboutt this before, remember how 04-06 Ronnie looked unplayable? Well I hope that's not the case but I wouldn't rule it out


Senior Member
Since last season, he has decided to stop running. I have a feeling he may have lost quite a bit of motivation. Yes, he can still produce magic even without running (that's why he's messi) , but when it comes to big matches like this, he needs to wake up


Senior Member
Everyone saying he wont do well in the world cup are assuming he was unable to do anything yesterday.

Serious point. Maybe he just didn't want to bother last night. Doesn't make pleasant reading I know, but he may want to try in the world cup much more than he does for Barca right know.

He has won so much, maybe he is thinking that coasting against a team that has injured him in the past is worth a bit of criticism if it means he didn't get injured again. None of you can be sure.

Maybe he hasn't "lost it" that much, maybe he isn't "Lazy" maybe he just ranks Argentina way more importantly than Barcelona right know. I know its doesn't help Barca when they have just been knocked out of the Champions League but maybe he was purely thinking of himself.

Or just maybe he got a niggle in the warm up but chose to play anyway.

None of us can know, but I am sure something will come to light about it soon.

It's not like he has to run every 3 days 12 km per game like a mad man. This is the final part of the season when trophies are won or lost. I understand if the World Cup would be his first priority at the moment and I would understand . If that's the case , just rest when we play against small teams but this was a game for the CL semis and this chance comes only 1 a year . With the WC being your first priority or not , you should give it your best in these matches.

Doesn't he have an ego ?

If I would be in his shoes , knowing that I won 4 ballon d'or and I am considered the best in history by some ...and watching my team play shit and being unable to score , I would give my best to change the situation.
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