Care to give your explanation? Nothing wrong with digging for answers. A team doesn't wake one morning and suddenly fall off the face of the earth.
I just think that it's funny that even after almost 5 months since he came back , some people are still saying that he doesn't play as he once did , just because of the injury , or the World Cup or any other lame excuse but ignoring the fact that he could just as well have already declined. Oh Messi is playing bad ...that's probably because it's sunny outside and the sun is going in his eyes , or that it's too cold outside , or that he ate just before the game and now he's full.
Reality check , he's lost his speed , his agility , his acceleration. People are saying that he doesn't perform as well as a couple of years ago because of the parked busses or tactics. Even though teams do park the buss against Barca , and they did this season , it was nothing compared with the way they did 2 seasons ago when Real won the title. Plus , besides the parked busses , they even let the grass grow as long as they coud. I remember that some fields even had flowers in them

. Despite these things Messi was a beast. Even though he was right in the middle of the buss , he still managed to score constantly.
People were arguing even then that he is lazy but he ran more than he does these days and he had outstanding finishing skills ( thing that it seems he's also lost these days ) . He just had only a couple of shots per game but still managed to score 2-3 goals. The team was playing like shit but he carried all of them on his back.
Those days he still came to the midfield to receive a pass but compared to these days , he didn't really care how many defenders were in front of him , he took them all and made them his bitches.
This video is from 2012.
Plus , he's not a quitter . He always gave his soul on the field against big teams. In the last 3-4 big games this season he was CRAP ( compared to his standards ) and looked like he seriously didn't care , just walking around minding his own business. Seriously , what's with this shit. If he tries more , he's still nr 1 in the world but he's long way behind the Messi considered the best in history.
Messi untill 2012 , beginning of 2013 was a God . These days he looks uninteresed , lazy , bored , exhausted and vomits every 5 games , God knows why.