What makes every1 think Argentina will be so much better against good teams? If the likes of Higuain, Messi and Aguero don't work their ass of (which they never do) they won't touch a ball against the likes of Germany and their defence won't hold up.
I feel sorry for Leo, with a team playing like that, you just cannot have a good game. 2 times they managed to get the ball to him in a good position. First where he could run from the middle of the field and placed the ball besides the post, the second usable ball was the goal. Defence was shit, midfield was shit. What is he supposed to do ? Get the ball directly from the defenders and start the attack by himself every time while also finishing it off ?
Again, he decided the game completely by himself. He's the only one from the argies who did his job properly. If Argentina want to win this shit, they'll have to get better a lot and fast, something I don't see happening in 2 games.
He was vomiting again before the match. I'm still worried about that.
Image: All Iran players between Messi and the goal when he scores pic.twitter.com/8ApM1LZz06 [via @onematara]
People who think Messi is past it are mistaken, is he not playing up to his standards? I agree, but I've seen too many spurts to even think about formulating the thought of him being past it.
Yeah but his speed, acceleration is still there... that's what makes Messi, Messi, but Messi looks uninterested at times, there's been many plays where he just watches the ball pass by him, and just looks at it but doesn't really move to get himself in a good position to do damage.I think Messi is well past in a way, he wont come back in the way he was from 2009-2012. I think his all around game was better back then, but he is still as vital as he was before.