10 - Lionel Messi - v3

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New member
I still compare him to what he was which is probably wrong. He has declined.

For all those who get annoyed at people like myself questioning his level now a days. I equally get annoyed when those people tell me he is a much better all round player now, or that they are glad to see him assisting more and think its much better for the team.

I think they are grasping at straws too. He is not as good as when he scored 82 goals in 2011-2012 and assisted about 26.

He was much better as a player back in 2009-2013
Messi 2008-2013 was the GOAT of this beautiful game. Every record broken, nothing left standing. He just declined a bit, lost some spark and motivation and also got the team that was once build around him playing huff balls to our ~4mil full backs.


New member
In the Real Madrid system it seems they have 15-20 shots on goal on what ever pairing is upfront.
Barcelona system can seem that they will never even get close to having a shot let alone score.

I think this is the key floor in Barcelona's play. We have become so dull and slow, we barely create chances. We used to play exciting football much more often than these days


New member
In the Real Madrid system it seems they have 15-20 shots on goal on what ever pairing is upfront.
Barcelona system can seem that they will never even get close to having a shot let alone score.
Madrid plays fast football and although they don't have as much possession they play their football much simpler. We tend to take timeeeee....and timeeee with the ball. It can be Messi, Douglas or Pedro but everyone will touch it 3 times minimum before passing.


New member
You don't take the best scorer in the history of football and move him further away from goal. You just don't. I don't care about his through balls or creativity. That amounts to nothing if there's nobody at the end of the pass to put the ball into the net. And if we're lacking creativity in midfield, then maybe we should have thought twice about selling one of the most creative midfielders and arguably the best final pass giver of this generation, only to pull Messi back further into that role and hope it will work out OK.

I know we had 5 wins and clean sheets and bla bla bla, but Messi is by far out best player and the one we should build our game around, and at the moment, the game is not at all suited to his strong points.

this is why I hate the "I would much rather him be assisting than scoring" lines I see. Why would you rather your best scorer assist 30 goals than score 40-50 and on occasions more.

Seems like desperation to justify his comparative poor performances


New member
this is why I hate the "I would much rather him be assisting than scoring" lines I see. Why would you rather your best scorer assist 30 goals than score 40-50 and on occasions more.

Seems like desperation to justify his comparative poor performances

Your last sentence is exactly what I was planning to reply with to your previous ones. :lol: If he doesn't score but he assists, then suddenly we want him to assist, because that's easier than admitting that we really expect him to score, but our expectations aren't being met.


Calma, calma
eh you can't really blame him for today, can you? It seemed like no one wanted to pass the ball to him (his first touch in the second half came around the 60th min) and the movement from the rest of the forwards was absymal. Neymar was borderline disastrous and Pedro was garbage. I was kinda hoping Munir and Sandro could salvage the game, but nope. And it's pretty obvious from the past few years that Messi will not move a lot, so stop expecting that.

Here's a clue.

Messi thread going on 3 pages of complaining.

Neymar thread? 2 comments.


He's easy to criticize because when he doesn't have the ball at his feet, he might as well be taking a dump in the middle of the pitch.


New member
this is why I hate the "I would much rather him be assisting than scoring" lines I see. Why would you rather your best scorer assist 30 goals than score 40-50 and on occasions more.

Seems like desperation to justify his comparative poor performances
You can't have scorer who rarely runs without a ball. You could back in 2011, but now when Iniesta and Xavi are no longer world beaters, you can't. Ronaldo uses fast bursts of speed to attack space and he will hit header once in a while. Thats how he scores goals these days...These days Messi just doesn't attack space at all. He doesn't run without a ball and that way its sooo much easier to control him for defense. Yes, once he gets the ball he is deadly, but compared to old Messi this is nothing.


New member
You can't have scorer who rarely runs without a ball. You could back in 2011, but now when Iniesta and Xavi are no longer world beaters, you can't. Ronaldo uses fast bursts of speed to attack space and he will hit header once in a while. Thats how he scores goals these days...These days Messi just doesn't attack space at all. He doesn't run without a ball and that way its sooo much easier to control him for defense. Yes, once he gets the ball he is deadly, but compared to old Messi this is nothing.

Barca doesn't have space to attack since we're spending well over half the time on the pitch breaking the bus.


New member
Barca doesn't have space to attack since we're spending well over half the time on the pitch breaking the bus.
No, we are spending half of the time passing sideways and players taking 5 touches each before passing it. We are NOT making little short passes with alot of triangles, our passing is completely different these days. Its slow, its predictable and players playing them are too static. We will still do good, we will still go far in CL and we could win LaLiga when Suarez comes back but I expect these kind of performance alot when playing away from home.


This is not the first time he was MIA for a game. Because of his lack of movement, or poor companions upfront. This games happen... I just hope Lucho sees the problem and fixes it. He was really isolated today.
This is not the first time he was MIA for a game. Because of his lack of movement, or poor companions upfront. This games happen... I just hope Lucho sees the problem and fixes it. He was really isolated today.

Thing is, he isolated nearly every game, then either someone needs move forward to bring some options or he himself actually move without the ball, which he doesnt do much.


New member
This is not the first time he was MIA for a game. Because of his lack of movement, or poor companions upfront. This games happen... I just hope Lucho sees the problem and fixes it. He was really isolated today.
And even though his movement was absymall he still isnt solely for blame. There were times where Messi would be free asking for a ball and stupid Pique would hoof the ball right to Alba or Douglas. Just plain stupid but eh...what do we know.


New member
Messi has declined we should accept that then adjust expectations of what he should do.

Some people here are still in denial about that

This has nothing to do with decline or expectations. Anyone with a decent footballing brain wouldn't be in here giving out about him after every bad game Barca play,why is that a bad team performance is always 5 pages of Messi has declined, he doesn't move enough etc even when everyone else plays shit too? It's so predictable now. I read several fan forums and none of them have witchhunts the way barcaforum does, over on the likes of redcafe, the shedend etc they blame tactics and coaching for bad team performances.

This wasn't the Apoel game where he was just plain bad, there was nothing anyone could do tonight.

BTW everyone we are number 1 in La Liga, everything is going well.


President of FC Barcelona
One great game from Leo again and everyone will be raving about him again. Calling him GOAT. Say he is back. Some people will disappear, some will appear, you know..... the usual stuff.

This forum is too much Jekyll and Hyde.
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