10 - Lionel Messi - v3

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But even athletic came out today to say in their records Zarra has 253. And madrid media have multiple numbers, the most being 259.

:lol: It's not like Messi is going to retire next week and this is his last chance to break the record. That record will be Messi's sooner or later no matter how much they try to say Zarra scored a few more goals than his official 251.


The Messiah
I dunno bout you guys but I feel Leo breaking the record at home would be more satisfying. Breaking it at the Bernabeu to jeers, as lol worthy it would is still not as cool as 90k people singing his name ;)


Culé de Celestial Empire
All i want is to draw or to win.

Same here. I don't care about breaking the record, I just don't want us to lose tomorrow.

And guys, have some realistic expectations please, with all these talks of him breaking his record. If he doesn't score, which is not unlikely, I hope there won't be 10 pages on this thread condemning him.


I dunno bout you guys but I feel Leo breaking the record at home would be more satisfying. Breaking it at the Bernabeu to jeers, as lol worthy it would is still not as cool as 90k people singing his name ;)

Tying it at the Bernaleo and breaking it at home? That'd be good too. But breaking Zarra's record at the Bernaleo would just be something else.


I really believe Messi doesn't give a crap about the record, Will he score? i don't know, but im confident the team will win and Messi will be intrumental in it.


Let's just watch videos of Messi scoring. And hopefully you won't make the difference between the videos and the real game.


I may get eyerolls or cries of 'yeah right' at what I'm about to post but whatever.

I am probbaly much older than most here, and have had an entire life involved in football (from playing, to coaching)- I'm Brazilian by birth. Its in my blood I guess- and what I'm seeing right now in Spain is making me feel sick with disgust.I'm not an 'insider', but I do have a few low key contacts here and there (mostly journalists, old frriends still involved in the footie world in some way; an odd person here and there on a board or membership in something or other.

I travel a lot; right now I'm in Northern Ireland doing some coaching work with local kids- but anyway- I've been in over 15 different countries in my life, coaching, playing, doing journalistic work. Anyway, before arriving in N.I., I was (along with my wife and one of my sons) in Spain for a few months.

And if you knew... God if you guys knew whats going on over there you'd be as pissed as I am right now.

The Madrid media machine, and the club, the football-cukture in the country-are taking it way too far. All I'll say is this- its not a coincidence Messi wasn't nominated/shortlisted/whatever for two La Liga 'Best Of' awards. The current butchering of his image (turninghis back to Lucho edit, etc) isn't either.

There is a very deliberate, highly invested, taken-very-seriously effort to manipulate. In orderr to get Ronaldo this years Balon d'Or. Theres other stuff as well that, if my sources are right, will happen over the nest month. And keep your eye out on el clasico- how players react to things Messi does, how the cameras portray it. Its crazy, and they have so many people/broadcasters inluenced by their shit.

Yes I'm basing this on stuff told to me by friends, collegues, my own observations in the country. But based on what exactly I've been told and by whom- I, personally, can vouch for said persons and the trust they have from me.

Now Leo being Leo isn't going to do anything to give them fuel- but one little mistake, look, action, piece of posture[/i[ for gods sake. soooo interested in this match. lets hope its a borefest with no drama, a leo goal and 3 points.


New member
Frankly, that isn't hard to believe. That's how politics work. And the more corrupt the system, the more susceptible to manipulation people become.


I may get eyerolls or cries of 'yeah right' at what I'm about to post but whatever.

I am probbaly much older than most here, and have had an entire life involved in football (from playing, to coaching)- I'm Brazilian by birth. Its in my blood I guess- and what I'm seeing right now in Spain is making me feel sick with disgust.I'm not an 'insider', but I do have a few low key contacts here and there (mostly journalists, old frriends still involved in the footie world in some way; an odd person here and there on a board or membership in something or other.

I travel a lot; right now I'm in Northern Ireland doing some coaching work with local kids- but anyway- I've been in over 15 different countries in my life, coaching, playing, doing journalistic work. Anyway, before arriving in N.I., I was (along with my wife and one of my sons) in Spain for a few months.

And if you knew... God if you guys knew whats going on over there you'd be as pissed as I am right now.

The Madrid media machine, and the club, the football-cukture in the country-are taking it way too far. All I'll say is this- its not a coincidence Messi wasn't nominated/shortlisted/whatever for two La Liga 'Best Of' awards. The current butchering of his image (turninghis back to Lucho edit, etc) isn't either.

There is a very deliberate, highly invested, taken-very-seriously effort to manipulate. In orderr to get Ronaldo this years Balon d'Or. Theres other stuff as well that, if my sources are right, will happen over the nest month. And keep your eye out on el clasico- how players react to things Messi does, how the cameras portray it. Its crazy, and they have so many people/broadcasters inluenced by their shit.

Yes I'm basing this on stuff told to me by friends, collegues, my own observations in the country. But based on what exactly I've been told and by whom- I, personally, can vouch for said persons and the trust they have from me.

Now Leo being Leo isn't going to do anything to give them fuel- but one little mistake, look, action, piece of posture[/i[ for gods sake. soooo interested in this match. lets hope its a borefest with no drama, a leo goal and 3 points.

Yes, there is. It's hard to perceive it fully from outside of spain, but it's happening, and it started last year. Our silent board doing nothing also pisses me off. Worst part is there are people who think this is an exageration, that is cules being paranoid. But it's true. Most of the media do as florentino says. It's like franco is still alive.


6racies Xavi
"He's sitting on 249 goals at the moment, and he's just two away from equalling a record that's been held for six decades by Telmo Zarra, the former Athletic Bilbao player.''

Marca :lol:


Estonian Culé
Preparando el Clásico.

Getting ready for El Clásico.

#classicFCB #ElClasico




Sergio Aguero on.. rooming with Lionel Messi

"Recently the fitness coach who organizes where everyone [in the NT] sleeps suggested single rooms for everyone. Leo said that was fine, but Sergio and me are staying together!"

When one of us is not there, we’ll be on our own in the room. Last time when he was missing he sent me a text saying, "Who have they put you with?"

I texted back: "Don’t worry about it, love – I’m alone!". But he shot back: "Don’t be cheating on me!"


lmfao I'm dying :rofl1:

Wow!!! So much love... :lol:
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