10 - Lionel Messi - v4

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Active member
And you guys need to get a grip.

Bunch of overreaction and straight nonsense.

Happens after every game that we fail to win...frustrating as it is the day after or a few days after people become positive again. However there's nothing wrong with pointing out players performance and if they are poor it has to be mentioned.


San Claudio Bravo
In what way are people over reacting?

It is worse when people freak out about any negative discussion about Messi performance. That is the real 'over reaction'.

:lol: who's freaking out? JamDav creating narrative again, what else is new.

Perhaps you should read back to all the wild speculation and straight nonsense in the last few pages, just for starters.


Senior Member
Why don't you leave it be [MENTION=15731]Sumlit[/MENTION]? Not everything you don't agree on is nonesense.


Senior Member
I'm not going to tone down any criticism I may have just because he is Messi. He has played a game mostly in CM against Espanyol without having the quintessential quality a CM has to have, all the time, energy and intensity. He was a passenger in that game for large portions of it and he received the ball mostly when Espanyol allowed him to.

He had an amazing freekick, some slow dribbles and everyone just forgets or doesn't mention the fact that he was handled by Espanyol without too much of a hassle.


San Claudio Bravo
I'm not going to tone down any criticism I may have just because he is Messi. He has played a game mostly in CM against Espanyol without having the quintessential quality a CM has to have, all the time, energy and intensity. He was a passenger in that game and he received the ball mostly when Espanyol allowed him to.

He had an amazing freekick, some slow dribbles and everyone just forgets or doesn't mention the fact that he was handled by Espanyol without too much of a hassle.

Don't fall into JamDavs trick. I wasn't disparaging about criticism, just the overreaction and baseless speculation going on.


New member
It was a poor team performance. As for Messi he seemed to be playing to deep, perhaps had he stayed more to the right he would have done a bit better. We should all just accept that he walks a lot , it won't change.


Maybe I was high or smth but Leo did come back on defense at the start of the game but at the end he got tired.


New member
Messi was just a passenger for the last 30 minutes of the game or so. He played a good first half but then disappeared. Messi needs to cut that walking shit.. these are literally his last prime years and he is not being as good as he could be.

I don't buy the whole "exhausted" bs, since his return we've been speculating that maybe he is saving himself for the later part of the season, what is he tired of?


Wild Man of Borneo
Reading this thread you'd think he had just played the CL quarterfinal against Atleti from 13/14 :lol:

For the first 65 mins or so, Messi was active and moving fairly well. Moreso than in the last few matches. It was towards the end that he started walking more and, as I said before, that coincided with the game going pinball with aerial duel after aerial duel.

I'm not saying he's on form or that he's playing with as much energy as he should but you guys are giving him shit beyond measure. Bench him? Sell him? He was easily our best attacker yesterday and the only one effective enough to create real chances (about 4 or 5) with some very good plays. It was unfortunate that our players were caught marginally offside all the time.

Trust in him to get the right rhythm. He was having this regular 'walking' spell in the first half of last season as well, only without a 2 month layoff and with worse goalscoring form.


Senior Member
How have you dealt with it for 2-3 years then ? Messi gives more effort in certain games , that won't change. You either accept it or stop watching him.

This, it has been stated time and time again that the so called walking thing isn't new and that runs the same amount of km in a game for years more or less so i don't get people complaining for nothing.
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