10 - Lionel Messi - v4

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Chong Li

New member

If that company really never became active it's a total non-story, but mentioning Messi in every headline generates clicks and sells papers.


Senior Member
This may go south, it is something possible regarding messi, they are not gonna arrest putin even if it's true about him which I doubt it.
They will want to make a paradigm out of someone famous and that might be messi.
I could see him going to an arab team, they can promise him their banks to deposit his money safely.

Don't be so dramatic. People won't go for Putin, so they will take down Messi? This is not The Sopranos.

They have to show intent in order for Messi to be found guilty of fraud. He has finance advisors, if he acted at the advice of his accountants, he's not any more guilty than someone who takes a certain pill at the advice of his doctor.

My accountant tells me to sign something. I ask him if it's legal and he says it's legal. I sign it. Am I to blame? No. I hired a specialist and he told me it's OK. You can't expect normal people, let alone footballers who aren't generally the brightest persons in the world, to know the law in it's entire complexity.

If Messi cheated taxes deliberately, then he's guilty and he should go to jail if the decision is definitive. If he cheated taxes because he trusted the wrong people, than those people should be sent to prison and he should pay whatever he owes.
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El Flaco

Active member
His statement just came out:


I found a translation about Messi's statement.

Leo Messi and his family have just held a press release giving his version of the events in Panama. This is the statement released by the Barcelona footballer:

"Before the news released by various media in which the creation of a 'corporate structure' aimed "to set in motion a new framework of tax fraud", the Messi family wishes to make it clear that Lionel Messi has not carried out any of the acts with which he is charged against, being falsely and slanderously accused of having designed a new framework of tax evasion, and even to create a money laundering network.

The Panamanian society involved is a completely inactive company, which never had funds or open current accounts linked to the accounts created by the previous tax advisers of the Messi family, whose tax for Lionel Messi were already regularised at the time, declaring before the Spanish public that treasury receipts from the exploitation of their image rights accrued before and after the procedure followed before the tax agency.

In addition, the aforementioned media link such information with totally alien facts that are currently pending resolution by the Courts of Justice, as is the case of the so-called "partidos beneficios".

In short, the information is based on mere conjecture and are based on partial and bias documents that are reported with click bait titles just because it has the surname Messi in it, given the reputation of the player. This is particularly serious when it comes to attributing crimes as serious as tax fraud and money laundering, causing irreparable damage to Lionel Messi's reputation.

In the light of this information, the Messi family has given instructions to its current attorney Cuatrecasas Gonçalves Pereira to analyse the possible filing of legal actions against the media that have spread this news"..
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Senior Member
This may go south, it is something possible regarding messi, they are not gonna arrest putin even if it's true about him which I doubt it.

lol who's going to even try to arrest him? That person will be in prison or dead before he/she knows what happens, the Kremlin controls the legal system in Russia so i doubt he cares


Senior Member
lol who's going to even try to arrest him? That person will be in prison or dead before he/she knows what happens, the Kremlin controls the legal system in Russia so i doubt he cares

Trump is gonna do it, as we know, he can make anything happen just because he says so.


Senior Member
My accountant tells me to sign something. I ask him if it's legal and he says it's legal. I sign it. Am I to blame? No. I hired a specialist and he told me it's OK.

He has allegedly signed the founding of an offshore company in Panama. Pen on paper. Of course he is to blame for this then, this doesn't require a master in business economics to read what's written in a contract, esepcially when it's about something that is this obvious. It's not even done with just the signing alone. No court would ever believe that story, especially because he already used it in his former tax fraud case.


Senior Member
Owning offshore companies is not necessarily illegal. Most somewhat big company's have offshore accounts, shell company's etc.

I work in the financial industry and know for a fact several big Belgian football players and coaches own company's in Tax havens. Its extremely common.

And last lets not forget Messi pays more in taxes a month then most of us do in our entire lives.


Senior Member
He has allegedly signed the founding of an offshore company in Panama. Pen on paper. Of course he is to blame for this then, this doesn't require a master in business economics to read what's written in a contract, esepcially when it's about something that is this obvious. It's not even done with just the signing alone. No court would ever believe that story, especially because he already used it in his former tax fraud case.

its not illegal to own a company in Panama or another Taxhaven


He has allegedly signed the founding of an offshore company in Panama. Pen on paper. Of course he is to blame for this then, this doesn't require a master in business economics to read what's written in a contract, esepcially when it's about something that is this obvious. It's not even done with just the signing alone. No court would ever believe that story, especially because he already used it in his former tax fraud case.
He is to blame for what, exactly? It's not a crime to own an offshore company.


Senior Member
He has allegedly signed the founding of an offshore company in Panama. Pen on paper. Of course he is to blame for this then, this doesn't require a master in business economics to read what's written in a contract, esepcially when it's about something that is this obvious. It's not even done with just the signing alone. No court would ever believe that story, especially because he already used it in his former tax fraud case.

Nope, he is not. If he signed something because his accountant said it's fine, then he's not guilty. Maybe the guys is dumb, knows shit about the law and he only knows to play football. I bet there are more than 100 million people in the world that don't even know what an offshore company is. And people with college degrees and whatnot.


Senior Member
Just sounds like he has been given bad advice at some point and stopped before anything wrong has been done.

The reality is the likes of Messi will sign what advisers tell him to and believe them if told all above board.

Cant believe for a second he would have knowingly tool part in attempted fraud etc. He has far too much to lose.


Senior Member
Why not just, you know, make tax havens ilegal? If many countries made a deal regarding this, maybe it could work. If the money is made in one country, lets say Spain, that money should stay in Spain.


Senior Member
Why not just, you know, make tax havens ilegal? If many countries made a deal regarding this, maybe it could work. If the money is made in one country, lets say Spain, that money should stay in Spain.

Any country that does that will see people take their money on mass elsewhere.
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