10 - Lionel Messi - v4

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King Leo

I was too young in 1998 to have an opinion about Zidane's WC, but from what I've heard, Zidane had a mediocre tournament back then.

Zidane was good. He was the star of the show at the end but he's not a Messi, a Maradona or a Pele. Those belong in a different category all together. Those 3 did amazing things on the pitch while playing for club or NT. Maradona could have done better had he taken care of his health and lifestyle but to say Messi is not GOAT, is simply stupid. Messi is now becoming more like a Maradona (playmaker) yet he can mesmerize you with wonder goals and moves. His passing is becoming unreal. His understanding of the game is much deeper now.
Zidane's 2006 WC was highly overrated IMO. It was a case of exceeding the low expectations ppl had of him IMO. He had a crap season with RM, was 34 years old, and ppl were surprised that he still were able to play pretty good.

well it's your opinion, but completely wrong mate. You can't fathom how terrible anything related to the french NT was since 2004 ( and goddamm raymond demonic, uh domenech ).

Zidane had retired from international football. He came back to make the world cup his very last professional games. You bet people were surprised how "pretty good" he played !
Completely seized power from Domenech after the group stages ended. Utterly brillant individually, but also so much more than that. His aura drove the entire team. From a shit team (2004, 2008, 2010) to one of the best, if not the best of the tournament.


New member
well it's your opinion, but completely wrong mate. You can't fathom how terrible anything related to the french NT was since 2004 ( and goddamm raymond demonic, uh domenech ).

Zidane had retired from international football. He came back to make the world cup his very last professional games. You bet people were surprised how "pretty good" he played !
Completely seized power from Domenech after the group stages ended. Utterly brillant individually, but also so much more than that. His aura drove the entire team. From a shit team (2004, 2008, 2010) to one of the best, if not the best of the tournament.

OK, but Zidane's 2006 WC was not better than Messi's WC last year for example. Yet, ppl say Messi had a disappointing WC while Zidane was amazing in 2006? It's all about what expectations ppl had prior to the tournament IMO.
It was. And its probably the only WC performance that I would rank as comfortably better, too.
Yes, Messi's performance has been outrageously underrated by many arseholes, and even some messi fans !


New member
I can't believe someone is saying Messi isn't better than someone else because he hasn't won a world cup. Shaking my head right now.

-George Best is worse than Muller and Gotze is he? Sorry, he isn't as good an international player . Players are measured by ability, how they transfer that ability to games and what that ability achieves on the pitch. Best will alwats be better than Muller even though Muller by your measurements is better BOTH at club level and international level. Hint: we dont measure a player 100% on what their teams won.

The team Maradona played with in the epic 86 World Cup is no where near as average as history, in its understandable attempt to romanticise the whole thing, has led people to believe. He played with some great players, in a good side- and the 86 win was not won single handedly. (Still amaxing obviously).

He played agaisnt teams easier to get past than today, where tactically and technically defending is not with todays standards. And he wasn't marked by 3 men at a time. He played in a better team than Argentina 2014, and bus parking wasn't common.

Leo single handedly dragged ARG throgh the group stages more than Diego pulled ARG in 86 through the whole tournament. All while having his worst ever season, out of shape, having injury issues and with the team around him having brainfarts, minus Javier.

Forget the final. That ONE game. Forget it a second. Up until that point Leo scored buckets of goals for Argentina, had a wonderful career, won them games, pulled them through, and played better than anyone ever. But because his teammate didnt finish a chance in one game, he's not the greatest. Imagine Gonzalo scored that chance. You'd be saying Leo was the greatest, club and international. How in the hell can one action of another player make such a difference to how good Leo is or isn't?

There is no such thing as 'best player nationally but not club'. You are either a better player thsn someone or not. Sure you can perform better in certain competitions than another, obviously. Its a team game, which means certain players are always at an advantage internationally. If anything, its club level thats a more accurate reflection of a player.

Messi is a better player than Diego.

Because ability wise he simply is. And he pushed that ability to its max at every opportunity and performed at the highest level the world has ever seen for what will be a decade. No one has ever played better than him. Ever. For club or country. Regardless of whether a teammate put a chance away to win the WC or not. No one has ever played better or been more talented or consistently used that talent. Period. He performed as best he could in bad circumstances for Argentina, and a 'poor, injured' Messi still pulled them through the group with brilliance.

No one has ever been better. Spkitting it up into 'internationally and club' is just a way to diminsh his brilliance. And it makes no sense. Why not split things up into who plays better on a Sunday versus a Saturday, who plays better on with red kitted clubs versus white ones? 'I mean that Stefano fellow was good, but only really for white clubs, he never really shone for a red kit club, which I feel holds him back from the likes of Gerrard.' Wut.

He is the greatest theres ever been. Get over it y'all.


¡Gr?*cies Xavi!
In addition to that, Di Stefano never played in a WC, yet he's still in the GOAT contention.


New member
On the other hand, Cristiano single handedly qualified Portugal in the WC playoffs, NO ONE ELSE DID THAT


Haha yep. I think Leo should try that. Play crap so his team doesnt qualify for something outright, just so he can play well in 2 playoff games and get praised and win a d'Or! Genius. :lol:



A crime Messi's finishing was bad on this one. Would'd been quite a goal.


Mike the Knife
Yeah, that was a bit of a head scratcher - had all the elements of a great Messi goal, except for the finish


New member
we dont measure a player 100% on what their teams won.

The team Maradona played with in the epic 86 World Cup is no where near as average as history, in its understandable attempt to romanticise the whole thing, has led people to believe.

Forget the final. That ONE game. Forget it a second. Up until that point Leo scored buckets of goals for Argentina, had a wonderful career, won them games, pulled them through, and played better than anyone ever. But because his teammate didnt finish a chance in one game, he's not the greatest. Imagine Gonzalo scored that chance. You'd be saying Leo was the greatest, club and international. How in the hell can one action of another player make such a difference to how good Leo is or isn't?

It is often the way that players are judged on what they do in a Final, or Semi-Final. It is important, of course, but Finals can be and often decided by such small margins. As you say; if the ball travels one meter this way you are a charlatan and a failure, and if the ball goes one meter that way you are a hero and the best.

:thinking: Some players don't have the luxury of being born in to a powerful football nation, so the limit of their ambition could never be fulfilled at International Level, due to no fault of his own. That would mean that a prodigy that happened to be born in Luxembourg, for example, can never even be considered as the Greatest Footballer of All-Time, no matter what he achieved with his club.


San Claudio Bravo
Messi didn't have a lot of room to squeeze that shot in. The vantage point from behind the goal shows the best view of that play. Defender took the low shot away and Messi had to elevate it or else that shot was blocked. Room was tight.

Shame too, that was a wonderful build-up play.


New member
Ohm, how should I explain this ...

With all of the talk about who should win Ballon d'Or and etc. I decided to make this table. What is it you say? Well, it is a table where "everything" has been taken into consideration. That is the best why I can explain it really.

Each goal they have scored -or assisted they have made have been measured after how hard their opponent was. Like:

Juventus - 20 points (Finished 1st in their league)
Bayern München - 20 points (Finished 1st in their league)
Real Madrid - 19 points (Finished 2nd in our league)
Manchester City - 19 points (Finished 2nd in their league)
Atletico Madrid - 18 points (Finished 3rd in our league)

Get it?


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