my only complain is the usual disparity between the great first halves and the quite second halves. Other than that what more can one say. It's FC messi all over again. We have messi so the other teams better hit us the best they can because he's always there to clap back.
I have to admit that I was wrong: did not think such a performance was possible after the disappointing trip to Argentina. He has finally learned to overcome jet lag. Today's performance was out of this world and his joy of playing and communicating with his teammates was wonderful to witness.Hattrick and awesome passes that Suarez failed to convert.
Messi being Messi
"Today was a good day"
my only complain is the usual disparity between the great first halves and the quite second halves. Other than that what more can one say. It's FC messi all over again. We have messi so the other teams better hit us the best they can because he's always there to clap back.
meeh...not impressed. Dead for me until he wins the world cup and is able to defend.
This upcoming WC will be his biggest and most important tournament in his career for sure.