10 - Lionel Messi - v5


Well-known member
Wasn't a bad game from him, considering he was vs 3-4 men at all times. Not his best game of course but he was quite good. Besides the awful penalty of course.

But overall it was just like Argentina always plays, no matter how many players only mark Messi it doesn't matter, reminds me of our famous 4-4-2 lol. Meza is so bad, i know Messi doesn't always deliver for Argentina and today he gave away the win himself with that penalty but whenever i see these scrubs around him i feel so bad for Messi.
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President of FC Barcelona

Listen dude, I don't have anything against you, but this is straight up trolling and baiting and you know how people will react to this so I'm reporting this post unless you obviously delete it yourself. You already know how retarded some people here can get and how venomous the atmosphere on this forum can be when you post shit like this so why would you do that?


New member
people saying hes declined to the point hes shit, retire, no stamina. bunch of ott retards

this is pressure and Messi is bottling it. Maradona watching on, the weight of the country on his shoulders expecting him to win, the love-hate relationship with Argentina, freaking GOAT signs around the stadium, i can't imagine how much pressure hes carrying right now. thats no excuse for how hes played and that penalty was straight up poor but as Barca fans cut the guy some fucking slack and respect

That's the pressure you must be capable to cope with if you want to go down in history as the best, especially if it is your last occasion to make a statement (which does not mean that he must win the WC mind you , an impossible task with this horrible team) after all the previous defeats with the NT.
If you are not able to bear it, you are not the greatest, it is that simple.

He failed once again in first person with a penalty. There are no more excuses for him right now.

He choked,he has only himself to blame.He missed the penalty and it let that affect his game.Didn’t help that he was always marked by 3 men and that he has lost his pace.

He tried,but he looked..helpless.Like he knew that he would never score.

This team of course cannot win the WC,but you would expect Messi to go out giving his 100% bith physically and mentally.He just wasn’t there unfortunately and hasn’t been there for a long time to be honest.I think that the 3 lost finals really affected his mind.

Exactly, sadly.


Culé de Celestial Empire
Listen dude, I don't have anything against you, but this is straight up trolling and baiting and you know how people will react to this so I'm reporting this post unless you obviously delete it yourself. You already know how retarded some people here can get and how venomous the atmosphere on this forum can be when you post shit like this so why would you do that?

Because I am as angry and sad and disappointed as the next Messi/Barca/Argentina fan. I laughed when I saw this. This represents what the outside world sees him right now.

Not trying to get any response from anyone.


But HE is causing that (3 defenders on him).
Just how Pep's football is causing the opponents to park the bus against you (what else can they do?).

Messi is dropping deep all the time.
And then tries to play through the middle EVERY SINGLE time, with zero variations.
All the opponents know what he will try to do.
Also, all the opponents KNOW that all teammates will try those predictable one-twos at the edge of the box and pass the ball back to Messi, who will try to shoot ONLY from the edge of a box.
Also, whenever the ball is on the wings, Barca's and Arg's opponents know that nothing will happen and wingers will just pass the ball back at the edge of a box where Messi is waiting.

So, basically, if you tomorrow play against Barca or Argentina, you will know that:
1. 90% of passes will go to Messi
2. when the ball is around the box, in 90% of cases you don't need to mark other players heavily since they will usually pass the ball back to Messi
3. if you man mark Messi with 3-4 opponents, unless if he does some crazy magic, or unless if someone else tries a shot here and there (that rarely happens, lol), you will be fine.
Plus, when you get the ball, just play a few deadly counters since Barca/Arg will have 10 players around your box.

Over 2 legs, you will probably knock them out.

Does this recipe sounds like a coincidence anymore?

A million dollar question: how will Croatia/Nigeria play against Argentina?
= they will man mark Messi with 2-3-4 players and try to kill them on counters and set pieces

I have to disagree- I saw with frustration as Messi tried to bring variation but no one was reciprocating. I saw a few attempts at one twos from centre to wide, that werent renturned. I saw him make a few great wide diagonal passes, and making a run of it and again- no return. He could have been better surely- but he was not as bad as people are making out, he DID try.

te amo barca

Blaugrana al vent
Listen dude, I don't have anything against you, but this is straight up trolling and baiting and you know how people will react to this so I'm reporting this post unless you obviously delete it yourself. You already know how retarded some people here can get and how venomous the atmosphere on this forum can be when you post shit like this so why would you do that?

I perceived it as a joke. Trolling sure, but these kinds of shitposts are fun.


Well-known member
Luft had a mare there.

There are some individuals with a lot of issues who can use a break from the forums. The mods are sleeping like usual.


President of FC Barcelona
Because I am as angry and sad and disappointed as the next Messi/Barca/Argentina fan. I laughed when I saw this. This represents what the outside world sees him right now.

Not trying to get any response from anyone.

Yet you know it will.

But do what you want I guess.


New member
What an ignorant statement. Not true. Messi does not look for space, confronts all the markers himself. Ronaldo is the best in the world at losing his marker. It is really that simple.

LMAO is this a Barcelona Board. Looks like there's an alternate Universe.

Messi is always contained more by opposition teams in the universe most of us is living in. If you watch carefully you can see they double up just before he is about to get the ball and there is a third man right behind them in case he gets through.

Nearly all the teams I have been seeing lately are doing this.
There is only ONE hope for Argentinia and that is Paulo Dybala. With him Messi will get much more space to attack. Otherwise Argentinia will be knock out in last 16.


Senior Member
:lol: at this thread. 10/10 meltdown.

Messi should be discarded from the NT for the future. That will save Argentina the displeasure of deliviering crap performances at the world cup via not actually being there in the first place.

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