10 - Lionel Messi - v5


Senior Member
Thing about Messi is that he looked like he didn't try.

If he was shit but at least tried and gave all his effort then you can't really say anything but the man didn't even try for his country. Whether it was the pressure getting to him or he just didn't give a fuck who knows.

Played like he didn't give a fuck

its not that he didn't give a fuck, he played like a man already defeated. like someone above said, look at him during the national anthems...


Senior Member
He ruined his image and legacy today, irregardless of the loss of Argentina.

some unreal shit in here! what legacy and image are you talking about? guy has more trophies and did more in his career than 95% football players in history.

what legacy? he'll be a beggar tomorrow, a pariah?


Senior Member
This is the first time, in all my years of watching football, that I knew a humiliation was going to occur by watching the way the players looked when they were standing for an anthem before kick-off.

If you watched that, you knew Argentina were broken and lost the match before it even started.

I love body language theories, and you are right.
He was scared, all Argies were scared, nervous and under huge pressure.

But you could have also felt: if they concede, they will explode (in a negative way), plus they will be clueless and give up.

I know, Messi's mental strength will suffer even more after this.
But, as Barca's fan, I am afraid: next year CL's quarters: when we will be 1 goal down, we all know deep inside what Messi will do...

He will sulk and give up even more than now.
That's a harsh reality.

From now on, he will probably deliver in low pressure La Liga games and CL group stage.
And whenever a pressure will be on, and if we will be losing, don't expect too much from broken Messi.

Some new guys, like Coutinho, will have to try do something in the 80th minute at 0:1.

All big teams KNOW how to stop Messi in this moment.
And now, even worse, when we will be losing in a CL, he will totally disappear.

I know that this post will sound harsh, but mentally, he received too many kicks and knocks and we have to be prepared for mentally less strong Messi when things will go bad.


Senior Member
It's as if they don't know how to play with him, there were many of occasions when he was in loads of space and he didn't get the ball, there's also no rhythm to their attack. Also if your going to pass the ball out of defence being a bit faster helps. Just no urgency.

But he does deserve some blame. There were times where he was so far back when Argentina were attacking you couldn't even see him he was so slow to get up. One occasion Salvio was clearly waiting for him and Messi took an age to get anywhere near the edge of the box.

You can tell the pressure is not the kind that gives a team drive but the one that just paralyses. Just look at Sampaoli on the line, he just oozes nerves and isn't the right manager for them. It can't be enjoyable playing in this team. The players will probably be relieved to be knocked out so they can get a break then go back to their clubs. I've seen a few people mention the similarities to when England had all that pressure, it's true.

Also people saying Ronaldo performs better under pressure. What pressure is he under compared to this? Noone expects anything from Portugal even though the won the Euros. Lets see him or anyone perform in a team like this in these circumstances.

Sampaoli seems like a nervous wreck, had barca gone for him he would have burnt himself out in no time, would have been terrrible for all parties involved.

The pressure Argentina is facing is like no other (maybe only Brazil has the same pressure). 'Fans' basically expect or demand a tittle so they can forget about their own problems.
Remember the game against Ecuador, they were shitting themselves untill Messi scored in that game. I see the same pressure now but Croatia is a much better team then Ecuador.


New member
Why arent the moderators doing thier job?? Allowing so many trolls to fill through. You would think this is a real madrid forum and not a barca one. Lot of ungrateful people on here thats for sure.

At least he always has defenders. Other players get weeks worth of unopposed hate here after bad games.


New member
some unreal shit in here! what legacy and image are you talking about? guy has more trophies and did more in his career than 95% football players in history.

what legacy? he'll be a beggar tomorrow, a pariah?

Yeah sure, whatever makes you sleep at night.
No point in discussing with someone who doesn't want to see.


Well-known member
Imagine if this was the line up,

Dybala/Aguero Aguero/Higuain Messi
(LW) (CF) (RW)

Pastore. Lo Celso
(LCM). (RCM)

Mascherano/Lo celso

Rojo Garay Otamendi Salvio
(LB) (CB) (CB) (RB)


So you would change almost everything but out of all players Caballero should keep his spot? :lol:

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