10 - Lionel Messi - V6


You support Juventus, the worst team for rigging/fixing in the history of football.

The Old Lady of Corruption. And if the referees had done their job in the game against Brazil then Argentina despite hitting the woodwork would have been in the final. Tagliafico was booked for a challenge early on with a straight yellow. Casemiro committed an almost identical foul on Messi minutes later. No card. And he got away with a couple of others. Sandro dived without contact from Martinez who was booked.

Willian pretends to be injured. Crawls off the pitch. Then crawls back on and then collapses again to try and disrupt the flow of the game with Argentina in the ascendant. It was a disgraceful refereeing performance and a stinking performance from Brazil in terms of gamesmanship.


His inability to recognize how shit his teammates are is seriously clouding his judgement

Your judgement is clouded. Had you actually bothered to watch the games with a settled line up the whole team were playing better and better and the performance against Brazil and then against Chile where they dominated proceedings with crisp fast passing and movment off the ball you would realize the stupidity of your statement.

Just file yours under those with countless Ronaldo fan boys and Messi haters who know next to nothing about football. All with the IQ of a gnat.


A good sign to see Argentina is becoming a more cohesive team than before. More young players are emerging.

They still get the chance next year.


Senior Member
You support Juventus, the worst team for rigging/fixing in the history of football.

Not an argument.

Supporting a club, player or ideology does not mean you wholeheartedly back everything about him/it or his/it's history.

I assume because we're Messi fans we all support tax fraud as well then?

Nonsensical garble of the highest order.

Expected more than this sort of rubbish from you.


Active member
How does him saying "argentina should be in the final" deserve praise? seems like you ignored that part, which was the only part my comment was referring to.

So when he goes back to training and tells arthur and coutinho that their win was illigetimate and that he was the one supposed to be in the final, they should just nod on and agree like that's the truth? lol

First of all he'll hardly say it to them. Secondly they're smart enough to know that Argentina were hard done by and his emotions got the better of him. Even if his emotions hadn't got the better of him he was right and he'd probably say the same thing a week later


Senior Member
His inability to recognize how shit his teammates are is seriously clouding his judgement

I disagree. The team from post Copa 16 to WC 18 was shit. This team, considering the fact that there are a lot of new players playing in their first competitive international tournament in a new system with a rookie manager, did more than good enough.

With more playing time and experience, they have the potential to be better.


Lots of nonsense from people with their heads right up their asses claiming to be the voice of reason here! And the only thing they know about the Argentina NT is:

Messi's team mates are shit!

Saying Argentina is not in the final because they were shit is more proof that these expert wannabes don't watch the games.


Senior Member
Lol, big teams are usually more favored not because of corruption, but because they put the ref in more situations to make a mistake. A team that will have 20 attacks around the box and in the penalty box of the opponent is more likely to receive a soft penalty or to benefit from a dive, than a team that barely attacks all game.

It's purely a matter of sample size. Let's say on average a ref gets 10-15% of the decisions wrong in a game. If he has to judge 60 attacks from a team, and 20 attacks from the other team, than the 10% error rate means he will make 6 mistakes for the first team and only 2 for the 2nd team. Hence he would look like he's favoring one team, but in reality he's consistent with his errors.

Of course exception happen, but usually refs favor the big teams more because the big teams generate more situations that demand the ref intervention. The more situations a ref has to evaluate and make a decision, the more likely it is for him to make more mistakes for the attacking team.

You are speaking from Barca's point of view.

In my country, Croatia, football and justice is a joke.
League is rigged for years.
Dinamo Zagreb is our own Juve.
There have been trails and jails and it is a known thing how refs are controlling matches.
Exactly as I have explained above.

On the other hand, as Hamzah said about cricket, the same is in other sports.
For example, in Croatia handball is quite popular.
I remember in 90s, Zagreb played a few Champions league finals against Barcelona.
Lol, it was the biggest scam in sport ever seen.
Handball is a contact sport and basically in every action, an attacking player will jump and try to break through the defenders.
So, basically, in every action, you can ALWAYS award BOTH a foul in attack and a defensive foul, based on what the ref "wants" to do.

So, basically between a rich Barca and who-cares-about-poor-Croats= if Barca were better=fine.
If Zagreb was better by 5-6 goals, the refs would virtually do this:
1. Barca's players jumps in the attack and scores=no foul, goal allowed
2. Next action: Zagreb's player jumps and scores=a goal disallowed, foul in attack
3. A counter, Barca has the ball: Barca's player jumps and scores=goal allowed.
4. Next action, Zagreb has an attack. Their attacker jumps and scores=goal disallowed, foul in attack.

And you can't do anything.
Spain, Germany and France are big handball nations and a lot of money is invested.
If Barca will win a CL, sponsors will invest more money, more people will buy tv pay per view, more people will buy tickets, more people will buy yerseys.
If Barca loses=Their FIFA will also lose money from sponsors.
So the same as with France at a WC in football, a smaller, financially poor team can win only if you can win at least 3:0 in football or +10 goals in handball and try to never touch the opponents to screw the refs.

The whole world, USA and their wars and interests, Russia and their interests, China and their interests, EU and their interests are corrupted where people are killed for fun and billions are won and lost daily on corruption and interests.

And you think that it is a problem to award a soft pen for France in a world cup final and award a few soft free kicks around the box, since it will get +610M higher income for Nike.

I don't know have you watched a WC in Japan/Korea in 2002.
Those extremely rich countries started to invest in football and FIFA decided to award them a WC and then to help to those two teams to progress as far as possible, so that football becomes popular there, which will longterm bring Billiins of Euros to FIFA and Europeans.

Korea managed to win, due to refs, against Portugal, Italy and Spain.
Their opponents were given red cards in every match, had goals disallowed in every match, had offside calls against them all the time for no reason, Korea were awarded soft pens and they were allowed to kick their opponents for 90 minutes in Casemiro's way, without fouls.

A ref Moreno from a match Korea:Italy was arrested in 2010 while smuggling 6 kgs of heroin, lol.
Do you really think that such a guy had problems to rig a match and that everything was a coincidence?

A video of a beatiful game where the best team always wins in a fair way, lol:
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New member
Classic Messi, just like when he quit the NT after losing the Copa in 2015. He likes giving something to the media to fight over and keep the light off his failures with his NT. 4 finals losts, he must be losing his mind.

Brazil were vastly superior to argentina, a penalty wouldnt have changed that. Conmebol will have another Copa again next year, (4th in 5 years) only reason being for Messi to win something with his NT.


Lots of nonsense from people with their heads right up their asses claiming to be the voice of reason here! And the only thing they know about the Argentina NT is:

Messi's team mates are shit!

Saying Argentina is not in the final because they were shit is more proof that these expert wannabes don't watch the games.

Most football fans are as fickle as can be. They are thick as the proverbial. Facts do not make any difference to them, they persist with their blinkered views. And like many on the internet talk about subjects they know nothing about as if they were experts when in fact they have all the intelligence and sagacity of an amoeba.


Classic Messi, just like when he quit the NT after losing the Copa in 2015. He likes giving something to the media to fight over and keep the light off his failures with his NT. 4 finals losts, he must be losing his mind.

Brazil were vastly superior to argentina, a penalty wouldnt have changed that. Conmebol will have another Copa again next year, (4th in 5 years) only reason being for Messi to win something with his NT.

And just to back up my argument this is exactly what I mean. Another vegetable claiming in his opinion contrary to the facts that Brazil were superior so much so that for most of the match they were faking injuries to disrupt the flow of the game and had no control at all in midfield. Funny how Messi did not give the media anything to fight over in the numerous defeats in the latter stages of the CL though. He is an honest footballer and he knows he has been cheated. And of course how unhuman of him to retire after the disaster in 2018. People like you who claim to be so called fans (you probably are a Bolsonaro fan or Ronaldo fan in disguise) do not deserve to watch Messi.


Lots of nonsense from people with their heads right up their asses claiming to be the voice of reason here! And the only thing they know about the Argentina NT is:

Messi's team mates are shit!

Saying Argentina is not in the final because they were shit is more proof that these expert wannabes don't watch the games.

Pot. Meet. Kettle

Love how people are so binary. If you don't agree with everything Messi does or says then you are a hater/Ronaldo fan boy. Fuck off cunts.


Active member
Classic Messi, just like when he quit the NT after losing the Copa in 2015. He likes giving something to the media to fight over and keep the light off his failures with his NT. 4 finals losts, he must be losing his mind.

Brazil were vastly superior to argentina, a penalty wouldnt have changed that. Conmebol will have another Copa again next year, (4th in 5 years) only reason being for Messi to win something with his NT.

What do you mean classic Messi? lol. He barely speaks to the press, he was asked a question and he gave an honest answer. Brazil were not vastly superior, and a penalty would have levelled the game, goals change games and Messi has every right to be angry that VAR was not consulted, that is what its there for.

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