11 - Neymar Jr. - v4

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Ok, one last post...

Some people are missing the point here.There were 85 mins on the clock, the game was won.Neymar was taking the piss out of a fellow professional, which in those circumstances you just don't do.Hence the Bilbao reaction.

It wasn't the fact he tried the flick, more the timing of it and us being 3-1 up with mins to go.Factor in he already has a dubious reputation with other Liga teams/fans, he's asking for trouble.
They Always whine whenever he does a trick. Just need to shut up and deal with it, tricks are a part of football.
Its enteratining the crowd more than humiliating the opponents, but he doesnt need to justify himself.


New member
WTF is this fuss even about. Neymar should be allowed to do his tricks.... I honestly do not see the problem. If we are going to make a problem out of this even??? What has soccer become like... damn. Either way, very good and professional behaviour by him to not give in to their provocations.


New member
Ok, one last post...

Some people are missing the point here.There were 85 mins on the clock, the game was won.Neymar was taking the piss out of a fellow professional, which in those circumstances you just don't do.Hence the Bilbao reaction.

It wasn't the fact he tried the flick, more the timing of it and us being 3-1 up with mins to go.Factor in he already has a dubious reputation with other Liga teams/fans, he's asking for trouble.

It also wasn't just any game, but a Cup final.

In the end, he's hurting himself, the team, and the club. Anyone even remotely reasonable would find that reason enough to cut it out, regardless of how unfair it may be.

I personally think he should be allowed to do whatever he wants, but if his fellow colleagues and professionals think differently, then that's what matters.


New member
Yea, maybe Neymar should have gone near the corner flag and spend 5 minutes there. What an absolute injustice for trying to make the game more spectacular and interesting for neutrals and Barca supporters.


That's not true. CR is as hated by his opponents and non-RM-fans as anyone. But the refs aren't as unfair to him as they are to Neymar, and you know why that is. The name is Florentino.
I don't remember players reacting to cr the way athletic players reacted today. He punched players more than once, and no reaction afterwards.
or after he stroke his cwc badge, after punching a cordoba player.


New member
There is a time and place for skills like that. When a team is already getting embarrass isn't the time for it as it may lead to some nasty retaliation.
The rainbow-flick wasn't showboating. There was a practical aspect to the skill and it almost came off. It's not like we were winning 8-nil and he was trying to humiliate them. The score was 3-1.

I don't get why they would get angry at an opponent trying this move, in these circumstances. I think much of it is to do with the individual performing the trick; if for example, Messi were to try it, I don't think there would be the outcry. But some just don't like Neymar because he's a showmen and likes to entertain the fans.


New member
Fuck that I want Neymar to be Neymar. I believe as long it legal anything goes as long it doesn't involve hands.


New member
The rainbow-flick wasn't showboating. There was a practical aspect to the skill and it almost came off. It's not like we were winning 8-nil and he was trying to humiliate them. The score was 3-1.

I don't get why they would get angry at an opponent trying this move, in these circumstances. I think much of it is to do with the individual performing the trick; if for example, Messi were to try it, I don't think there would be the outcry. But some just don't like Neymar because he's a showmen and likes to entertain the fans.

Of course it was showboating. The game was already won, and it was minutes from the final whistle.

If he had done it while we were desperately trying to score, I honestly wouldn't be saying this.

But of course, he probably wouldn't have done it if we weren't in a comfortable lead and waiting for the final whistle. Which only supports my point that it's showboating.


Barçapocalypse NOW!
How do you guys think Mascherano would react if some other player tried to pull a trick like that on him when we are down in the scoreline and with just a few minutes left in the final of a tournament?

The thing is, Bilbao players have the right to get pissed off, the same way Neymar has a right to attempt fancy tricks, it's just that some like it and some don't... It also has to do with which side you are on, as a Barca fan it's nice to see our players displaying skill, but it wouldn't be so nice if it was other teams doing in against us...

The only thing I can hold against Neymar, is that he has to learn to carefully choose the moments to pull those tricks because, in my opinion, this one was unnecessary and had a negative impact on the game instead of a positive one...
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New member
Of course it was showboating. The game was already won, and it was minutes from the final whistle.

If he had done it while we were desperately trying to score, I honestly wouldn't be saying this.

But of course, he probably wouldn't have done it if we weren't in a comfortable lead and waiting for the final whistle. Which only supports my point that it's showboating.

This was in the first half at the Bernabeu. Neymar would have done it anytime because that's how he plays football: instinctively.

Ode to Django

You're not even a real journalism
Neymar :"Not because some guys get angry I will stop playing like that. This is football and I won't change may way of playing".

Good for him

I actually think he's alot less enjoyable at Barcelona than he was to watch before, albeit more effective. I'd like to see him do alot more of it, but i like a showman and flair, people expressing themselves.


New member
I don't like being the one who says this, but apparently it needs to be said from time to time. Much of the unfair treatment that Neymar gets he really brought upon himself. This is what you get when you're known for diving, antics and general douchebaggery on and off the pitch. The easiest thing is to say that they "hate him cause they ain't him" or that they're bitter because he's successful, but the truth is that likable and respectful guys like Ronaldinho, Kaka, Modrić, or whoever else wouldn't have been as heavily criticized as Neymar is, however successful they are/were.

You don't have to blindly support everything that every Barca player ever does in order to be a "real" FCB supporter. Hell, tolerating what's wrong can only lead to something bad for the team.

Also, if our freaking coach has said that publicly, obviously it's a big deal, and maybe we should also respect what the professionals think about their profession. In the end, it's their job. We're only watching them do it.

Ah, so because Lucho and the others are the professionals, we should all blindly follow and accept their every move? I suppose that was also true a few years back, when the board and coach let Thiago slip? Because, you know, they're the professionals who knows what's up, right?

Aside from your all high and mighty lecturing on how we fans are supposed to conduct ourselves in regards to the club we support, I feel I need to remind you of the fact that this club, hell this sport, wouldn't exist without the fans. And, I know I'm being absolutely bonkers here, but some of us actually tend to be partial to entertainment - which, lo and behold, sometimes entails fancy footwork involving the ball. Crazy shit, I know...
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