11 - Neymar Jr. - v4

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[MENTION=15731]Sumlit[/MENTION], I guess it was on chiringuito that they said Messi nutmegging was disrespectful? I don't remember after which game, but I think I remember something like that.


San Claudio Bravo
[MENTION=15731]Sumlit[/MENTION], I guess it was on chiringuito that they said Messi nutmegging was disrespectful? I don't remember after which game, but I think I remember something like that.

Yup, some of the jewels in that programs suggested Messi's nutmegs were disrespectful. Chiefly the treasures of humanity Roncero and Duro.

They bitched about Neymar tonight no end, and bitched about the whistling and booing of the anthem. No much about Barcelona winning, or Messi destroying, or the double.

It's these people and their disgusting bias that drives opinion and creates narrative.


Previously known as Mehssi
[MENTION=15731]Sumlit[/MENTION], I guess it was on chiringuito that they said Messi nutmegging was disrespectful? I don't remember after which game, but I think I remember something like that.

Chiringuito said Messi nutmegging is disrespectful, Messi doing a panenka is disrespectful (same ones hailed Ramos's panenka obviously), barça players lifting Messi to the sky after he broke Telmo Zarra's LaLiga record was disrespectful to Sevilla, etc etc ... FUCK. THEM. ALL ! :)

And Neyboy, as long as it doesn't slow the game in important moments or damage our result, please keep doing this, this is football, and they're the salvages for hitting you for it, no one ever hit CR7 for his stepover or stupid skills, and god knows how many times he tried them, no one complained about Ronaldinho, they even call him one of the goats, so again, FUCK. THEM. ALL !


New member
How some people can criticize Neymar for pulling off a trick in a cup final is beyond ludicrous.

The Bilbao players were total douchebags by the end something for which the ref was to blame. He allowed them to play very roughly since minute one, and by the end of the game they went completely overboard with their persistent fouling and provocations.

Also, real shame that Nerman got his excellent opener chalked off for a mysterious offside call.


It is always some controversy in neymar thread... He should be one of three people nominated for ballon d'or next year. I would prefer suarez messi and neymar to be the 3, but i doubt suarez will be nominated with his ban and bad image. It will mostly be ronaldo unless he plays real bad next season and somehow hazard improves even further. Messi Neymar Suarez Ronaldo Hazard for me.


Previously known as Mehssi
"Es de mediocres ofenderse por el talento de los demás. Lo de Neymar es de aplaudir no de criticar. Es un recurso que lo dejaba sólo en el área. Ahora dar espectáculo es ofensivo."

> It's a losers attitude to be offended by other's talent. What Neymar did is to be applauded not criticized. It's a skill that could have left him alone in the penalty area. Now giving a spectacle is offensive.. (Athletic fan)

"Soy Vasco y orgulloso de serlo, no me molesto lo de Neymar, no es nada en contra del reglamento, hay que jugar mejor e impedir al contrario jugar a su gusto. Luis Enrique comete gran error en criticar a su jugador al que le debe lealtad, y su comentario es falta de respeto a su propio pupilo."

> I'm Basque and proud, but what Neymar did doesn't bother me, it's not against the rules, we need to play better to keep him from playing like he wants. Luis Enrique commits a big mistakes criticizing his own player to whom he should be loyal, and his comment is a disrespect to his own gem (Athletic fan)

"Me niego a creer que L.E haya dicho semejante barbaridad en la rueda de prensa. Si lo ha hecho, pues muy mal. Dar patadas es normal, y dar espectáculo es condenable?. Que mediocridad."

> I refuse to believe that LE said such a stupid thing in the press conference. If he did, then it's really bad. To hit other players is normal, but to give a spectacle is condamnable ? What a mediocre reaction. (Barça fan)

And there are HUNDREDS of comments like this on Marca, for ONCE fans from every club (athletic, barça, madrid, etc..) all agree that what Neymar did was just football and was actually the beautifull part of the game (the skills) that we don't get to see enough anymore, and that in NO WAY did he deserve to get the YC for nothing while the Athletic players got away with it.

I'm VERY VERY VERY disappointed in Lucho for criticizing him publicly, I'm guessing he's planning to leave, because you just NEVER say something like that about one of your star players... NEVER!!

Our own coach is giving reason to the thugs from ATM and ATH now to keep hitting Neymar just for being too good for them! FFS, I still can't believe his comments were for real.. this was no diving, no kissing, no shit, just fantasy dribbling, which is one of the reasons we bought him in the first place.
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All skills are supposed to humiliate the opponent... A player getting past me is humiliating, regardless of how they do it.

Maybe you haven't seen many similar cases, but I did and the reactions from Athethic players wasn't surprising at all. Just see what Lucho said and I agree with him. These type of behaviour is not acceptable in Europe at all. Even in Brazil it caused an even bigger havoc on the pitch. Your argument that "all skills are supposed to humiliate the opponent" is flawed, and totally misplaced in this case. There were many other ways to get past your opponent. The Neymar way is not one of them.


Previously known as Mehssi
Maybe you haven't seen many similar cases, but I did and the reactions from Athethic players wasn't surprising at all. Just see what Lucho said and I agree with him. These type of behaviour is not acceptable in Europe at all. Even in Brazil it caused an even bigger havoc on the pitch. Your argument that "all skills are supposed to humiliate the opponent" is flawed, and totally misplaced in this case. There were many other ways to get past your opponent. The Neymar way is not one of them.

lol .. so what ways are "one of them" ? Maybe Neymar needs to stick a "I'm sorry for this" pancarte on his forehead when he's playing, or asking for permission before dribbling someone..

Look on youtube for Ronaldinho skills mate, you're in for a big surprise I guess.


New member
Neymar did absolutely nothing wrong. He attempted to go past a player. That is all. Suppose he faces a similar situation against Juventus next week and the score is level would anyone blame him if he pulled of a fancy skill to create a match winning goal? Showboating is a relative term and what may seem like showboating to one person may just be creative play for another. As long as the referee is fine with it and he plays by the book I don't think anyone can find fault with Neymar. The reaction from the Athletic players definitely warranted a booking in my view. I really wish Enrique hadn't commented on the issue. Regardless hopefully he'll sort things out in the dressing room with Neymar.


Senior Member
What a fucking cunt Lucho is . If you , as a coach , don't like some aspects of a player's way of playing , you tell them this in the locker room and give them advice on this regard . You don't speak shit like that in the press , and most off all before the CL final. Good job you fucking moron.


Senior Member
It is absolutely ridiculous criticizing Neymar for what he did yesterday.
Especially when it comes from fans of the beautiful game like supporters of Barça, Real and such.
Probably should not expect such of fans or players of teams like Atlético and Athletic but I really do not care about those primitives.

I've been criticizing Neymar for putting too much of show sometimes when he didn't perform otherwise.
Yesterday he was excellent all around and him putting the icing on the cake with some tricks is to be applauded not bitched about.


What a fucking cunt Lucho is . If you , as a coach , don't like some aspects of a player's way of playing , you tell them this in the locker room and give them advice on this regard . You don't speak shit like that in the press , and most off all before the CL final. Good job you fucking moron.

He just won a double and he is a moron...
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