11 - Neymar Jr. - v4

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Sorry, but, when some of our players say something FOR Neymar, then people who love Ney are happy, hailing that other guy etc.
And going into extremes, like you now, by saying that he also must be a Neyfanboy.

When Pique and Lucho said something against Ney's behavior, they were: wrong, they shouldn't have said etc.

Seriously, this topic and Neymar in general is polarized, that it is painful to read.

Anyway, a serious question, for Neydefenders:
-- you do realize that uor opponents are NOT retarded
-- and that most of them already figured out which is the easiest way to piss off Neymar?
= so now, when people see how often he loses nerves, be prepared that opponents will try to piss him even more than now, on every match, since minute 1

What then, people who defend him will again say: the referee should protect him more and similar?
The same is with divers in the penalty area. Once you get that label, you are screwed, and even when you are fouled, no one believes you. And it's your fault.

The same will happen now with Ney.
Everyone will kick and provoke him all the time.
And referees will believe him even less that now.

Your fault, Neyboy.

It was just a joke about the overreactions here, hence the tata smiley


I knew this would happen :lol:. This forum's capacity for overreaction and over-analyzation knows no bounds.

Yeah... I don't know how it happens. I think that all of us agree that what Neymar did was not right. The rest is just miscommunication, I guess?


Please, stop.

The same as EVERY Gk makes blunders from time to time.
Then when Pinto makes 20 blunders in one month, with this logic, people can post videos of the best GK in the world=because he also sometimes makes blunders.
So, Pinto and the best GK in the world are the same, by that logic.

The same applies for Messi's vs Ney's behavior.
Lol, Ney managed to make more incidents in the last 5 Months than Messi in 10 years.

What's the problem in accepting the fact:
1. Ney is an awesome footballer
2. but his behavior is by far the most idiotic in our team

We will live with that.
We have the player who is in top 2-3 in the world, but who also has an enormous potential (if he continues with the current tempo) to reach No1 or Top3 of players with the highest number of incidents and idiotisms in their career.

That's our Ney.
But this defending of everything (referee is guilty, aliens are guilty, his transfer saga is the problem)...
Anyway, time to run away from this topic, every comment against Ney will just get around 2200 random replies.
If you show me one incident of Neymar worse than Messi headkicking in the front of the face of the shaktar player, i will never post on this thread again, otherwise, you never say something like that again, deal?


Staff member
If you show me one incident of Neymar worse than Messi headkicking in the front of the face of the shaktar player, i will never post on this thread again, otherwise, you never say something like that again, deal?

You do realize you are comparing Messi's career to Neymar's 90 minute antics.


Senior Member
If you show me one incident of Neymar worse than Messi headkicking in the front of the face of the shaktar player, i will never post on this thread again, otherwise, you never say something like that again, deal?

Let's now measure the idiotism of our players?
Or not.

The point is that Messi makes an idiotic thing 1-2 times per Season.
In 2015, we had a decent and very colorful palette of Ney's idiotic moves
-- against lots of opponent's DRs
-- blowing a nose on players
-- whining against Lucho's decisions
-- provoking players more and more in dying minutes with rainbows and similar (I am not entering the debate whether he should do that or not). The point is that a lot of opponents are already against him, and instead of slightly stepping down, he is showing the kind of attitude: I am not changing for anyone, this is who I am.
I will do whatever the fuck I want, and I know that I will piss you off. And I love it.

I am wondering why many of you still have some faith that the guy will suddenly grow up and change?
That's who he is.
He enjoys fights, provoking and high-tension matches.

He provokes the opponents.
They provoke him also.
He always has to reply.
And when he stumbles upon some idiot, then that idiot kicks him, and then our idiot, Neymar, has to return the kick and this will go forever in circles.

Imo, he has some kind of a street-gangsta-rap mentality.
You know how you sometimes enter into a fight with some random bullies/idiots.
Then, you can either forget that crap and move on, or you can get 20 friends and kick those guys who kicked you.
Then those 20 guys will bring 40 guys and those 40 guys will later kick your 20 guys.
Then your 20 guys will bring 60 guys and yours 60 guys will kick those 40 guys who kicked you etc.
Until someone gets killed etc.

Some people stop in some moment, and for me, Ney is the kind of guy who never stops.
If you kicked him, he will return the kick.
If you will kick him him again, he will return again. No matter what.
That is his kind of personality. It has nothing to do with being 23.
I can easily see him doing the same crap aged 26, 30 and 34.

Thats-who-I-am-and-no one-will-ever-fuck-with-me attitude:

Deal with it guys.
That is a part of his personality.
And don't drag Messi into this, it makes zero sense.
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So, you writed a book about him and the only thing you wrote is that he provokes with dribbles, whined about sub ( Messi didnt did the same thing?) , and the only video you can show me is him sending a kiss after being chased and kicked in the entire match ... Incredible


You do realize you are comparing Messi's career to Neymar's 90 minute antics.

You can compare the 18-23 age of both, Neymar did much less things, i know his entire career, the only incidents that ever happened was him arguing with his Santos Coach Dorival Jr about shooting a penalty and giving a sombrero with the game stopped against Chicao in a match against Corinthians.

But he never fighted physically nobody as he did now, and as messi did(but much more)


What about this?

Is messi a saint? He is the best footballer and probably the best ever, but is he a saint? Could he judge neymar for example? I dont think so


But he never fighted physically nobody as he did now, and as messi did(but much more)



Senior Member
So, you writed a book about him and the only thing you wrote is that he provokes with dribbles, whined about sub ( Messi didnt did the same thing?) , and the only video you can show me is him sending a kiss after being chased and kicked in the entire match ... Incredible

That was a-thats-who-I am-story

I don't plan to enter into a pissing contest again.
If you think that Messi and Ney can be compared in terms of idiotic moves, good for you.

Who am I to burst your illusions and similar?

If some of you don't see too much wrong in Ney's recent moves, well then, more or less no matter what he'll ever do, you will always have an excuse:
1. he dribbles SO GOOD and opponents are mad at him, this is why they kick him
2. they are jealous at him, because he is so good, this is why they kick him (even though, someone objective could ask: then why is Messi involved in 10 times less fights and they kick him in the same amount as Ney)
3. the ref was poor
4. it was an emotional NT match in South America
5. he is young, and he can't handle all the pressure
6. he is stressed because of court trials
7. insert any random future excuse

Again, sorry, I am going into reading other topics on this forum.
This is still/and will always be the strangest topic in the history of Barca's forum, lol, with extremely polarized opinions and views on everything what Ney does.

So, cheers and bye (for this topic) :wave:


What about this?

Is messi a saint? He is the best footballer and probably the best ever, but is he a saint? Could he judge neymar for example? I dont think so

Are you for real??? What kind of attacking is this exactly??!! Bloody hell get a fucking grip.
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