11 - Neymar Jr. - v4

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New member
I think Suarez gave it to Ney to boost his confidence since he was having a bad game, but yeah, Suarez should have taken it to complete the hattrick.


Senior Member
Apparently his Agent said this.

"Take your money, take it to tax havens, legally, of course," the agent advised, tongue firmly in cheek.

"That way you will stop paying taxes in Brazil. Close your businesses, the Praia Grande institute and enjoy your life on the Mediterranean beaches.

"But let Neymar play a few more years of football. Let him finish his career in Europe, preferably Real Madrid."

In the letter, Ribeiro held Neymar's father responsible for the tax scandal, as he ignored the agent's advice to stay in Europe with Madrid after a trial when the striker was still a teenager.

"It was obvious this was going to happen, right Ney?" the businessman asked.

"You never paid for the boy [Neymar Jr.] to play. You decided to listen to his 'juvenile-infantile' desire to go back to Brazil instead of playing in Real Madrid.

"But Neymar Jr, a responsible, charismatic star started to become recognised and businesses in Brazil and beyond wanted his image, and that made you 'rich'.

"In Brazil, when a poor person becomes rich he has to be a donkey. They say that 'You can take the man out of the favela, but you cannot take the favela out of the man', and that has deep meaning for part of society which is used to 'always win.'"
https://instagram.com/p/8LWyB7EvmD/?taken-by=ribeirowagner Edit: Seems like His agent Blaming his dad or so for all the Issues.
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Senior Member
Hmmmmm sounds like that idiot was pushing him to go there. Good resolve by Neymar to push that he wanted us
Found a Better Translation of what his agent said or so, He Blames his dad for the Tax problems and didn't let him play for Real back when he was a teenager. Stuff is a mess overall but I'm pretty sure that his dad wanted Neymar to play for real (Real apparently even offered more Money) but Neymar in the End wanted to Join us. This whole deal is so Crazy in General and his Dad and our Board just made so many problems with this deal it's just nuts really.

Jamie Cal

Easy to say, but we're gonna need a big month or 2 from Junior. I always think when Messi is off the pitch, the team is so attuned to having him that all the ball still circulates out right, but now we're gonna need the Neymar from the first season of Barca where he tries to do it all ala Messi.
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