11 - Neymar Jr. - v4

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This will NEVER be fixed on his play stile. He NEEDS to take risk in order to give us his magic.

It's about *when* to take those risks. Why try an unnecessary stupid take-on of three opponents at the half line when you've got an open teammate twiddling their thumbs waiting to receive five yards away (such as Busi today)? I hope he fixes that because 1) it's annoying and boring to watch, 2) kills momentum of attack, 3) is disrespectful to his teammates. Do it in the final third where it counts, or when you have no other options. Hard to tell if it's because he takes so long to see his teammates (because he's evolved as a soloist), or just isn't that smart about choosing the right option in a moment.


New member
It's about *when* to take those risks. Why try an unnecessary stupid take-on of three opponents at the half line when you've got an open teammate twiddling their thumbs waiting to receive five yards away (such as Busi today)? I hope he fixes that because 1) it's annoying and boring to watch, 2) kills momentum of attack, 3) is disrespectful to his teammates. Do it in the final third where it counts, or when you have no other options. Hard to tell if it's because he takes so long to see his teammates (because he's evolved as a soloist), or just isn't that smart about choosing the right option in a moment.

Well, Twix was not specific like you on the "when/where".

I agree with you about half line, but don't care at all about lost balls after 3/4, because he needs to take risk there, as I said, to give us his juice.


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Just imagined both Messi and Ney cutting through defences with sharp passes, Messi to Alba and Ney to Vidal and both aiming for Suarez in the box...can't wait to see


Senior Member
It's about *when* to take those risks. Why try an unnecessary stupid take-on of three opponents at the half line when you've got an open teammate twiddling their thumbs waiting to receive five yards away (such as Busi today)? I hope he fixes that because 1) it's annoying and boring to watch, 2) kills momentum of attack, 3) is disrespectful to his teammates. Do it in the final third where it counts, or when you have no other options. Hard to tell if it's because he takes so long to see his teammates (because he's evolved as a soloist), or just isn't that smart about choosing the right option in a moment.
so basically, you want neymar to play like pedro :p


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Neymar. :worthy:

If there's anything positive to take from Leo's injury it's that the chemistry between Neymar and Suarez has massively improved since then. The 3 Nerman assists to Luisito in the last 2 matches are just the beginning. The Brazilian quickly adapting to a different role and showing that he can also create rather be at the end of an attack is also impressive. This will hopefully benefit MSN in the long-term when Messi is back as well.
Neymar and Suarez were so clever with that third goal.
1) Neymar rushes on the right flank, moving closer to our two players already making a run there. The whole defense shifts to that side
2) Suarez immediately picks up the shift and drifts to the left.
3) Having felt rather than seen Luisito's run, Neymar abruptly stops, giving him the time & space to launch a perfect through ball.
4) Golazo


Previously known as Mehssi
Man if we find a way to juggle between Messi AND Neymar both creating from each sides of the pitch, the opposition will not know what fecking hit them!!

SuperSayan MSN incoming ! :worthy:


You're welcome
Neymar and Suarez were so clever with that third goal.
1) Neymar rushes on the right flank, moving closer to our two players already making a run there. The whole defense shifts to that side
2) Suarez immediately picks up the shift and drifts to the left.
3) Having felt rather than seen Luisito's run, Neymar abruptly stops, giving him the time & space to launch a perfect through ball.
4) Golazo

Regarding point 3 I also think Neymar took into consideration the fact that he might be on the edge of on-side.. Luis was definitely on and running from a better angle.


Best midfielder around
Nowhere to be seen in the training video today. Hope he's not injured after those thugs were allowed to try breaking his legs yesterday.
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New member
Nowhere to be seen in the training video today. Hope he's not injured after those thugs were allowed to try breaking his legs yesterday.

I didn't even notice that. He got kicked all over the place yesterday and the ref did nothing. Perhaps he stayed in the pool doing some light work or something?


Active member
Nowhere to be seen in the training video today. Hope he's not injured after those thugs were allowed to try breaking his legs yesterday.

I hope that means he will not travel to this away game. It's a great time to give him a few days completely off. It's fortunate that Barca has 1st round Copa now, and are in such good shape in CL. There are so few trustworthy players available now, they have to be rotated during the games that hardly even count.


Calma, calma
His game vs Sevilla a couple of weeks ago was the best non-Messi forward performance I've seen at Barca in like 5-6 years.
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