11 - Neymar Jr. - v4

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Could it be because Lucho fears he might get a second yellow card which would rule him out against Atletico?


Best midfielder around
I don't know, but it's a bit weird that he was training normally with the group yesterday, the day after the Bilbao game, and now there's suddenly some "discomfort" out of nowhere. Also saw clips of him jumping around and whatnot filming a commercial for Red Bull after training yesterday.


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Man United are willing to pay Neymar's 190M buyout fee this month, but the player and his entourage aren't open to listen to any offers [md]



Ney Sr pissed with Marca :lol:

Journo asked if Neymar has interest in going to rm, Ney sr says "Of course not, and he has to fulfill his contract. What they say in madrid is not our problem. Where is marca from?", jorno says "madrid' and he replies "then don't ask me these questions".

His castellano is pretty bad, though :D


Staff member
They have future Ballon d'Ors Martian and that other guy dubbed "new Ronaldo". Or was that Jannissar.
They'll probably get new white Pelé, Harry Kane for 100 million.


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No one's ever going to pay his Buyout. 190M€ + taxes is way too much. He only leaves if he explicitly asks too, which i don't see happening honestly.

Realistically only Man Utd could pull that off. They are the richest club in the world (soon to be official too) but even the richest club in the world can't spend 200m + on one single player without neglecting other sporting aspects. Then again, Man utd is extremely far from a well functioning side so that may not even be an after thought for them.
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