11 - Neymar Jr. - v4

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Senior Member
Don't want to get involved in the on-going debate, but I've always wanted to give my take on Neymar's social habits.
In any profession, if you want to reach the summit, you need to make big sacrifices on the personal front, there's no easier route. Talent will take you to the top, but staying on the top needs discipline and steadfastness. The most successful people in any trade lead a disciplined regimen when away from the spotlight. Those who don't either don't maximize their potential or quickly become obsolete. The human body and mind can't recuperate from weariness in short notice, which is why for sportsmen who are already engaged in a trade that is of a demanding nature, over-indulgence can prove detrimental to progress. A trans-continental partying spree mid-season, club authorized or not, may be perceived beneficial by some, but it's merely superficial. It comes with long-term repercussions. I wouldn't personally prescribe it. By that I don't mean he must not socialize, but he must self-inspect and curtail some of his frivolous propensities, atleast as long as he is and wants to be a top athlete.


New member
That wasn't called for man. You are snapping at dakt and he was actually being polite.

Obviously this is a divisive subject but let's all just take a step back.

Yeah, you're right. Edited for the sake of not being too much of a prick.


Active member
Don't want to get involved in the on-going debate, but I've always wanted to give my take on Neymar's social habits.
In any profession, if you want to reach the summit, you need to make big sacrifices on the personal front, there's no easier route. Talent will take you to the top, but staying on the top needs discipline and steadfastness. The most successful people in any trade lead a disciplined regimen when away from the spotlight. Those who don't either don't maximize their potential or quickly become obsolete. The human body and mind can't recuperate from weariness in short notice, which is why for sportsmen who are already engaged in a trade that is of a demanding nature, over-indulgence can prove detrimental to progress. A trans-continental partying spree mid-season, club authorized or not, may be perceived beneficial by some, but it's merely superficial. It comes with long-term repercussions. I wouldn't personally prescribe it. By that I don't mean he must not socialize, but he must self-inspect and curtail some of his frivolous propensities, atleast as long as he is and wants to be a top athlete.



Senior Member
We could sell him to end all this madness.
150 M and invest it elsewhere:
40 M mahrez
3 M suarez
60 M alaba
30 M mustafi

................ter stegen
S.roberto pique ....masche...alba


u a good poster gas but this starting 11 is a mess lol .. might work in PES tho


Calma, calma
Just because [MENTION=19453]MaxY[/MENTION] uses teen slang (he's a teen!) does not mean he's retarded. And him being a Madrid fan, you can't seriously expect him to have the same context and knowledge about Barca's players as you do, or be unbiased. There's tons of rumors and articles written about Neymar, about his contract situation with Barca, about his partying, about his attitude etc. How is a non-Cule supposed to sift through all that and know what's legit and what's not? There's even probably millions of Barca fans who can't do that. There's probably tons of ignorant stuff posted about Madrid here too.

And even all that notwithstanding, there's just no reason to be so rude. If you're being rude just to troll, then sure, but the rudeness here seemed pretty sincere. And to make it all worse, he was asked for his opinion.


Where was Messi when he was missing? Where was all of the team? Why is Neymar still getting shit for the whole team having a bad patch and being tired? There are quite a few ethalons of proffessionalism on and off the pitch but they were also in bad form. He's just being poured over by criticism due to making pictures of the parties he goes to. We don't know if the rest of the team parties as much just because there aren't any pictures. Stay neutral and stop bashing on our own players. The CR thread is at the RM subforum.

Jamie Cal

That's wrong. Who cares if he had some good matches back in october/november, where was neyboy when messi was off form last month to carry barca?

Well, do you get that the team functioned in a different way when Messi wasn't here? Do you get how Messi being off his game or being shut down affects what Neymar does?


New member
Why is Neymar still getting shit for the whole team having a bad patch and being tired?

I think you are missing the point. It's not about one, two or even dozen of bad games, it's about him playing bad overall no matter how the whole team stands. So bad passing, predictability, dribbling backwards, bad decision making, rarely scoring, rarely being influential, etc. For someone with his price tag AND DEMANDS, we sure want a heck a lot more.
It's just how things work, damn it. It is how I and everyone else earn their salary and if I think I deserve more my employee would reevaluate my contribution and probably demand to deliver more...and he would also see if my demands are realistic in the context of firm's income too. Heck, in real world, we work for shit and no one cares. :)


Previously known as Mehssi
I just realized something when I was driving back home .. that sums up how I feel about Neymar.

Basically, in 50 years, every story book about Barça will talk about Messi as a one in the club's lifetime legend, Neymar will just be a good player that played alongside him during a few seasons ..

I think all this disappointment for me at least comes from too high expectations, some here still have those (that he'll be our future Messi .. lel), but truth be told he doesn't have what it takes in term of personality to last as long or go as high or even be consistently just "good", Neymar will not be an eternal barça legend, just a very very good players that played here for X years.


Senior Member
i always vouch for him always will..the only thing that keeps me less scared about post-messi's barcelona.. reckles in 90 minutes today.. he was right in the middle if their shit.. haha.. i love you neymar

6 Ballons for Messi

but what if he wins 7??
Meh, so so game, which is an upgrade to his previous horrific games but still meh.
I'd say "here's hoping for a better next season" but with the summer tournament and more partying I don't see that happening.

Time to swap for verratti.


Best midfielder around
Thank you Neymar for just giving that one to Suarez and not trying for another shot straight at the keeper. He's been better in these two last games and I like that, but he just can't get a single ball past the keeper.


New member
Thank you Neymar for just giving that one to Suarez and not trying for another shot straight at the keeper. He's been better in these two last games and I like that, but he just can't get a single ball past the keeper.

Haha yes I was yelling "GIVE IT!!!" to the TV in that moment. As you say, he has improved overall in the last couple of games, but his finishing is still nowhere near his best. He does seem to be getting out of the slump now though, which is great.
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