11 - Neymar Jr. - v4

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Senior Member
According to Cadena Ser and Fernando Polo (MD) Barcelona will announce the renewal of Neymar, either tomorrow or Friday.


Senior Member
So MD posted an "Exclusive article" on how Man United is trying very hard to convince Neymar, to Join Mou's project and even sent their "Super Agent" Pini Zahavi to try and stop Ney from renewing.

To put it best.


El Guaje

This part about "Ney on his prime" will start to be a legendary and overused answer on Barca's forum.
Something like Bartra's matches against Psg and Atletico, and Roberto's match at Bernabeu.

Something which happens from time to time, but which isn't exactly a real picture of player's actual abilities over a longer period of time.
And may be extremely misleading.

For me he isn't better than Messi, Suarez and Iniesta.
And I am not sure about how actually Ney is better than Pique, Bravo and similar.
"When on form" he is probably better than anyone (except Messi).
In that short period of time, he is awesome.
The problem is that a season lasts 10-12 Months, not 1-2 Months, and majority of other players offer way more than him over a whole season.

He will lead his team on Olympics this summer.
We'll see how capable is Ney of leading a team on his shoulders.

Are you saying that Sergi Roberto has had only one good game (Clasico)?

Neymar is only good 1-2 months during a whole season? That is just plain wrong and you know it. Dont over exaggerate.

Can you name some of these players that offer way more than Neymar during 12 months?
And also he already demonstrated how he can lead a team on his shoulders and he did it excellently. In fact, when he had the biggest responsibility, he had the best games under his Barcelona career so far. He was so damn good that he was the best player in the world by far under that period. Does it count for nothing?

El Guaje

I want Neymar to stay but we have huge problems with wages already
It costs lots of money to have the very best players around. He could have earned even more had he chosen to go to Real, or decided to move to PSG.

Its good that Barca did everything they could to get him to renew simply because he is one of the best players in the world and because nobody can replace him.

Bleeding Barca dry since 2013.

Haters gonna hate.


Senior Member
It costs lots of money to have the very best players around. He could have earned even more had he chosen to go to Real, or decided to move to PSG.

Its good that Barca did everything they could to get him to renew simply because he is one of the best players in the world and because nobody can replace him.

Im not arguing that, i think hes the best LW there is and i want him here.
But we still have wage problems, and we pay higher wages than most.
And while a couple of clubs might have a little bit higher wages, they usually keep the image rights, like Real Madrid.
Thats somethign the club has to work on, or it will quickly spin out of hand, or it already has.


Improvin' Perfection!!
He will lead his team on Olympics this summer.
We'll see how capable is Ney of leading a team on his shoulders.
Why were you stoned during last FIFA World Cup?

Also, he lead Barcelona when Leo was injured, yes he had support from Suarez but he was just phenomenal that part of the season. And he maintained high standards rest of the season too, not to the extent when leo was injured but still pretty good. And he actually reached the Ballon d'Or podium during the historical treble season and should have actually come second on merit!!

Yes Neymar tends to get over-rated sometimes yeah.... But so does the amount of stick that he gets too! He is future bro, and he needs support from the fans to actually get that future to shine!!
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Senior Member
Yes Neymar tends to get over-rated sometimes yeah.... But so does the amount of stick that he gets too! He is future bro, and he needs support from the fans to actually get that future to shine!!

I get you.
But to some extent, every player needs support, if you get me.

But also, too many people here are acting as if he is some 18 year old scared kid, who needs our help and support and who has tons of room for improvement both in technical and psychological area.

Neymar is already 24 (and a half). He will be 25 in February of next season.
That is the age where majority of fast wingers/dribblers/attackers are already on their peak (in physical and technical abilities) in that age.
Here is one interesting article about peaks:

My point here is that people will probably need to accept soon that with Neymar is what you see is what you get.
He is more or less "already there" in his technical development.
That's it more or less.
Also, on a psychological part, he is 24 and soon to be 25.

So, not your post, since a lot of people write the same thing, maybe people should stop to have illusions of huge improvement in Ney's game and his impact.
He can improve to some extent if he'll suddenly focus more on football.

So, since he probably won't improve anymore in physical and technical area, and he can improve only in a better tactical understanding of a game and in his motivation towards football, maybe we should focus more on that when we discuss Ney.
So, imo:
1. he can improve only in a tactical department (if he will be willing to learn and grow) and in motivation. Those two can improve his overall game to some extent
2. if he won't be willing to learn/improve in a tactical area, and if his motivation will be worse and worse, then more or less, Ney from the future can only be the same player as now, or weaker and weaker player each new season (when he'll lose his pace after 26, and if he'll be less and less motivated)
3. an option no3 how "young" Ney can improve a lot his current play in all areas=imo, don't make too much sense, since again, he is 24 and a half, and not a 18-20 year old kid
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