11 - Neymar Jr. - v4

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Senior Member
Neymar alba exchanged words.. messi straight shitted on vila for not passing the ball.. i personally don t give a fuck.. because messi led us to trebles and doubles after that.. you all holding a grudge for nothing.. ronaldo called bale all kind of insults one can find in the urban dictionnary.. none of that matters as they are winning chammions leagues. And if you think disputes in the pitch aren normal than you are unfamiliar with playing football


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Preview GOAT


Ok, so a season started.

I am probably biased since I am in the Ney-hate-camp, but in this video, we can see more or less everything why some of us dislike Ney's style of play and how he plays often for Barca.

In the first 30 minutes of this match, he is just hogging the ball for no reason (it seems even more than in previous seasons), without any end product.
Then he has a few good actions towards the end of a half.
In the second half, it seems as if someone clicked: "use tricks, level 100, whenever possible, in every single action".
So, suddenly, in the 2nd half, Neymar can't play a single simple, fast, shortpass anymore.
He played 6 backheel passes (if I counted correctly), tried 2-3 backheel-tricks-dribbles, hogged the ball in every opportunity and tried to dribble through 5 opponents (Adama's style) whenever possible and dribbling backwards in 3-4 actions towards his own goal, while hogging the ball for too long, as always.
(Riquelme played that way at Barca, when his every passed "needed" to be a deadly pass, a key assist or a goal.
Board and coaches from that era didn't like that style of play and wanted our players to wait for a perfect opportunity to make a killer pass, and not to try those in every single action)

I may be reading too much from this, but I get the impression that Neymar is hurt with press and media talking bad about his form/lifestyle/some comments lately and now he tries to prove them wrong.
But, as we know from the past, when he is hurt or when he is angry, he slightly loses a compass and tries too hard/is overcomplicating things etc.

This highlight video, at last for me is: tons of tricks, tons of attempts to please the crowd.
But zero end product.

Neymar had the best moments in Barca's shirt, when he wasn't the original/default Neymar, but when he was Neymar+IQ+simple and fast football with some tricks when needed.
So, he is the best then he is not "a natural" self, but when he plays it faster, simpler, more efficient.
When he goes back into his "natural" self mode, like in this video, we just get lots of show, and zero end product, more or less.

Some will reply: this is just a friendly, leave the guy alone.
But since Neymar is the most commented player on Barca's forum, I think that we are allowed to start to analyze his season 4 at Barca.

Good things: he is more motivated than in spring of 2016.
Bad things: he is trying too hard, and complicating way too much.
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Senior Member
Ok, so a season started.

I am probably biased since I am in the Ney-hate-camp, but in this video, we can see more or less everything why some of us dislike Ney's style of play and how he plays often for Barca.

In the first 30 minutes of this match, he is just hogging the ball for no reason, without any end product.
Then he has a few good actions towards the end of a half.
In the second half, it seems as if someone clicked: "use tricks, level 100, whenever possible, in every single action".
So, suddenly, in the 2nd half, Neymar can't play a simple, fast, shortpass anymore.
He played 6 backheel passes (if I counted correctly), tried 2-3 backheel-tricks-dribbles, hogged the ball in every opportunity and tried to dribble through 5 opponents (Adama's style) whenever possible and dribbling backwards in 3-4 actions towards his own goal, while hogging the ball for too long, as always.

I may be reading too much from this, but I get the impression that Neymar is hurt with press and media talking bad about his form/lifestyle/some comments lately and now he tries to prove them wrong.
But, as we know from the past, when he is hurt or when he is angry, he slightly loses a compass and tries to hard/is overcomplicating things etc.

This highlight video, at last for me is: tons of tricks, tons of attempts to please the crowd.
But zero end product.

Neymar had the best moments in Barca's shirt, when he wasn't the original/default Neymar, but when he was Neymar+IQ+simple and fast football with some tricks when needed.
So, he is the best then he is not "a natural" self, but when he plays it faster, simpler, more efficient.
When he goes back into his "natural" self, like in this video, we just get lots of show, and zero end product, more or less.

Some will reply: this is just a friendly, leave the guy alone.
But since Neymar is the most commented player on Barca's forum, I think that we are allowed to start to analyze his season 4 at Barca.

Good things: he is more motivated than in spring of 2016.
Bad things: he is trying too hard, and complicating way too much.

he is a barca legend already


New member
It was just a friendly in a selection that trained together for a few days, there is no integration in the team and Neymar played their first game after the holidays.


New member
Ok, so a season started.

I am probably biased since I am in the Ney-hate-camp, but in this video, we can see more or less everything why some of us dislike Ney's style of play and how he plays often for Barca.

In the first 30 minutes of this match, he is just hogging the ball for no reason (it seems even more than in previous seasons), without any end product.
Then he has a few good actions towards the end of a half.
In the second half, it seems as if someone clicked: "use tricks, level 100, whenever possible, in every single action".
So, suddenly, in the 2nd half, Neymar can't play a single simple, fast, shortpass anymore.
He played 6 backheel passes (if I counted correctly), tried 2-3 backheel-tricks-dribbles, hogged the ball in every opportunity and tried to dribble through 5 opponents (Adama's style) whenever possible and dribbling backwards in 3-4 actions towards his own goal, while hogging the ball for too long, as always.
(Riquelme played that way at Barca, when his every passed "needed" to be a deadly pass, a key assist or a goal.
Board and coaches from that era didn't like that style of play and wanted our players to wait for a perfect opportunity to make a killer pass, and not to try those in every single action)

I may be reading too much from this, but I get the impression that Neymar is hurt with press and media talking bad about his form/lifestyle/some comments lately and now he tries to prove them wrong.
But, as we know from the past, when he is hurt or when he is angry, he slightly loses a compass and tries too hard/is overcomplicating things etc.

This highlight video, at last for me is: tons of tricks, tons of attempts to please the crowd.
But zero end product.

Neymar had the best moments in Barca's shirt, when he wasn't the original/default Neymar, but when he was Neymar+IQ+simple and fast football with some tricks when needed.
So, he is the best then he is not "a natural" self, but when he plays it faster, simpler, more efficient.
When he goes back into his "natural" self mode, like in this video, we just get lots of show, and zero end product, more or less.

Some will reply: this is just a friendly, leave the guy alone.
But since Neymar is the most commented player on Barca's forum, I think that we are allowed to start to analyze his season 4 at Barca.

Good things: he is more motivated than in spring of 2016.
Bad things: he is trying too hard, and complicating way too much.

Seriously, why do you even bother posting in this thread?


But since Neymar is the most commented player on Barca's forum, I think that we are allowed to start to analyze his season 4 at Barca.

That would be Messi, and by a very bigger margin. And Neymar's season for Barça won't start until he comes back from the olympics.


Senior Member
There would be no analysis of him if he scored a hat trick.

His season would start at Barca then.

I offered a bet to Tricky, DonAk, Interlop regarding how will 4th Ney's season develop.
I can add you to a list, mate, easily.

It's a win-win situation for everyone if I am wrong and if Ney will play as majority is expecting and we win tons of trophies on his wings.

Ney's season starts with Olympics and will be finished after CL finals.


Seriously, why do you even bother posting in this thread?

Same question.
Would you like to predict Ney's season now before a start?

Again, it's a huge win-win for everyone if I am wrong about Ney.
Win for you, me, Barca and Ney.


Senior Member
I offered a bet to Tricky, DonAk, Interlop regarding how will 4th Ney's season develop.
I can add you to a list, mate, easily.

It's a win-win situation for everyone if I am wrong and if Ney will play as majority is expecting and we win tons of trophies on his wings.

Ney's season starts with Olympics and will be finished after CL finals.

Same question.
Would you like to predict Ney's season now before a start?

Again, it's a huge win-win for everyone if I am wrong about Ney.
Win for you, me, Barca and Ney.

What is the bet?

Basically you are putting yourself in a situation where being wrong doesnt matter.

I can make similar bets about Suarez and Messi if you want?


President of FC Barcelona
That bet if it can be called that, made it sound like he wishes for Neymar to fail. He thinks he will fail, but that made it sound like he wishes for it to happen so he can rub it in everyone's faces.

Let's see how it goes...


New member
No idea why it gets you off, BBZ, but - bet or no bet - feel free to gloat as much as you want if Nerman doesn't live up to our expectations.
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