11 - Neymar Jr. - v4

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Senior Member
why are we judging messi on the same standard as suarez and neymar, messi has already proven what he can do without them, the onus is on them to prove what they can do without him. and i will give you that they were great against real in the 4-0, but that is a sample size of 1. messi has pulled a win out of nowhere against big opposition quite a bit more than once.


Senior Member
I know why you're doing this .. you're messi's vanguard , but don't worry , when Leo plays bad i'm here for him. you're trying to deviate the blame when we do bad .. Messi played like shit against Atletico , i saw no criticism from you


Previously known as Mehssi
I know why you're doing this .. you're messi's vanguard , but don't worry , when Leo plays bad i'm here for him. you're trying to deviate the blame when we do bad .. Messi played like shit against Atletico , i saw no criticism from you


God help us, trashing our biggest legend ever is now OK for barça fans just to make Neymar look less bad.

Messi could walk every game till the day he retires and he will still have brought just about a million times more to this team than Neymar ever will.


Senior Member

God help us, trashing our biggest legend ever is now OK for barça fans just to make Neymar look less bad.

Messi could walk every game till the day he retires and he will still have brought just about a million times more to this team than Neymar ever will.

Messi is best ever and no one will come close. It doesnt mean that people can have double standards on comparing players seasons etc.

If you want to break it down to 'big games' etc then Messi was worse than Neymar in the CL exit to Atletico.

That doesnt change my mind on Messi in any way as no player can do it every game and at time he looked physically fucked but if someone is going to break it all down to a CL exit then apply that to all players not ones but people flip out when you do it to Messi. Rightly as it is shit criteria.

Edit: You doensnt mean you. If that makes sense.


Senior Member

God help us, trashing our biggest legend ever is now OK for barça fans just to make Neymar look less bad.

Messi could walk every game till the day he retires and he will still have brought just about a million times more to this team than Neymar ever will.

what trashing ? .. i say i can't take you seriously when it comes to criticizing players because you lack objectivism and that's obvious .. for everytime i criticize messi there are at least a dozen times i praise him .. I love leo but when we loose , someone is at fault , and i'm not afarid to point out those responsible regardless of their status. when messi lost the final of the copa i even sent you a PM saying i wish he played like that for us .. he was goating at the copa ..


Why are we talking about Messi ? And shouldn't we all agree that Neymar can be better ? We support the same team ffs


New member
Why are we talking about Messi ? And shouldn't we all agree that Neymar can be better ? We support the same team ffs

There is no "Neymar's fanboy" here denying he can and should do better.

I wish this was the problem in this thread, but it's not.


Active member

God help us, trashing our biggest legend ever is now OK for barça fans just to make Neymar look less bad.

Messi could walk every game till the day he retires and he will still have brought just about a million times more to this team than Neymar ever will.

You were on break weren't you. Are you going to be a regular on this thread again? Please say no,there is already so much hate to add another guy in the anti neymar group :lol:


Previously known as Mehssi
what trashing ? .. i say i can't take you seriously when it comes to criticizing players because you lack objectivism and that's obvious .. for everytime i criticize messi there are at least a dozen times i praise him .. I love leo but when we loose , someone is at fault , and i'm not afarid to point out those responsible regardless of their status. when messi lost the final of the copa i even sent you a PM saying i wish he played like that for us .. he was goating at the copa ..

Get off your high horses mate, you were calling Neymar MotM in so many games where he played like absolute garbage, you ain't objective either and that's obvious so don't try to play smart.

When we loose someone is at fault for sure, but for some reason, it's never, ever, Neymar, our second best paid player, is NEVER at fault for you guys.


Senior Member
Why are we talking about Messi ? And shouldn't we all agree that Neymar can be better ? We support the same team ffs

No idea why Messi gets brought in. Usually it is by those trashing Neymar or to show some of the criteria used is unfair even when applied to the greatest ever let along Neymar.

Yes he could be better but in my opinion he played well all round tonight as has not been as bad in 2016 as some make out.


Staff member
You were on break weren't you. Are you going to be a regular on this thread again? Please say no,there is already so much hate to add another guy in the anti neymar group :lol:

Stop making personal remarks. How about you take a break?


Active member
Get off your high horses mate, you were calling Neymar MotM in so many games where he played like absolute garbage, you ain't objective either and that's obvious so don't try to play smart.

When we loose someone is at fault for sure, but for some reason, it's never, ever, Neymar, our second best paid player, is NEVER at fault for you guys.

Quite the opposite actually. When he plays bad but the coach and the other 10 players are shittier even then neymars gets a lot of heat. Case in point todays match chat.


Previously known as Mehssi
Messi is best ever and no one will come close. It doesnt mean that people can have double standards on comparing players seasons etc.

If you want to break it down to 'big games' etc then Messi was worse than Neymar in the CL exit to Atletico.

That doesnt change my mind on Messi in any way as no player can do it every game and at time he looked physically fucked but if someone is going to break it all down to a CL exit then apply that to all players not ones but people flip out when you do it to Messi. Rightly as it is shit criteria.

Edit: You doensnt mean you. If that makes sense.

Break it down however you wish JamDav, call me crazy but this year (again) I remember waaaaaay more games in wish Messi did good by us VS neymar, from the chat, the MotM thread, and my personal feeling but that doesn't count apparently.

I'm sorry but we should expect better from Neymar, I don't understand how you guys don't agree on this, but seriously, it's like having a kid that proved he can get 10/10 at school but goes back to the 6s and 7/10 ... wouldn't you be mad or sad, cause you know he can do better ?

Well that's how I feel about Neymar, he got the raise for the 10/10 alright .. and now he's giving us the 6/10 day in and day out.

I'm sorry but I'm not accepting "this" Neymar as the best he can give us, we all know there's more if he pulls his shit together.
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