11 - Neymar Jr. - v4

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Senior Member
the biggest myth there is the " he should play like 2015 " .. no i wish not , he was playing good , but we won that treble because Messi decided to not because Neymar was superman .. Neymar during his second season was still not decisive ( kinda shy ) on his own and depended heavily on the passes from Leo .

if you wanna speak some minimal sense at least say he should be playing like last season before EVERYBODY collapsed towards the end of season .


Senior Member
I'm obviously talking about the level of "football" not kilometers, I don't care about kilometers or trying hard, he didn't get his salary for "trying hard every match", I'm sure Matthieu also tries hard.

We fixed his justice problems, we gave him the raise he wanted, we give him every holiday he wants for completely trivial reasons, but that's all ok, IF we get Nov2015 neymar, if not he doesn't deserve any of it.

Unless you're saying he doesn't have it in him to be any better than the shit show he's giving us lately.

Ok I thought you were questioning his effort as questioning whether a player is 'gives their best' implies that here.

For maybe third time.... I have said Ney can play better overall.

You like to ignore that and play more straw man games as if Ney is better than Messi and cant get better. No one is saying that bar you.


Senior Member
Nope. He doesn't work hard nor does he press as he can.

And yes, he loses countless balls due to selfish "heroic" attempts and directly damages the team.

So you see guys like Suarez can't be blamed for not trying. Neymar lacks the right attitude to be given a pass here and there like Luisito does

Yip, he does work hard.

He tracks back more than pressing. Tracks back more than other two forwards.

He also has more off the ball movement. See it time and again.

Suarez does work hard also but Neymar stats in ground covered, tackles made etc show how much effort he puts in that side of game and he gets praised for it regularly.

His work rate and desire to get on ball was night and day to Suarez in that game tonight. Got to point Suarez looked like he was hiding towards end. He dissapeared.


Active member
lol No lol

You lot keep making personal remarks when someone comments negatively about your posterboy. It happens all the time.
When you are served the same dish, you whine.

And yeah, other players fucked up too but they aren't future "best thing since popcorn" and it's natural that "main guy" will get more heat. Especially when you still have few smartasses claiming he actually played average.
Maybe they meant average for average type of player but they can't defend his performances are average for Balon d'Or aspirant and player who is supposed to lead now.


yes lol yes

I wasn't going to argue about this but since you brought it up show me one post where I abused like this

Hence I said he shouldn't waste his Saturday night, Einstein. And yes, I can, kid. I am waiting for my movies to download and then I am off. Had a family visit earlier and enjoyed playing with my niece and my kid. What do you have in your life? Wanking over youtube videos?

You though, will be here every day getting upset when someone doesn't like your god like a regular fanboy that you are. That is, until Neyboy leaves and then you will terrorize fans of some other club.

What I usually do is not agree and brand you a hater at most and if you think thats offensive then what is this then?

Why will the main guy more heat when others are gifting goals left right and centre? Should messi have recieved the heat for not winning the finals when his teammates kept fucking up? And before you say, I am not comparing him with neymar. This is just to show the logical fallacy of your argument.


Previously known as Mehssi
the biggest myth there is the " he should play like 2015 " .. no i wish not , he was playing good , but we won that treble because Messi decided to not because Neymar was superman .. Neymar during his second season was still not decisive ( kinda shy ) on his own and depended heavily on the passes from Leo .

if you wanna speak some minimal sense at least say he should be playing like last season before EVERYBODY collapsed towards the end of season .

Well may be you should re-read what I said, I said November 2015 in EVERY post I referred to his 2015 level.


Active member
There is so much drama going on in this thread :lol: Who said that it was his fault if we lost tonight ? I sure didn't because it's Lucho and Steven's fault. Suarez was shit too. But it doesn't change the fact that Neymar can do better overall.

You should have been present in the match chat.


Staff member

yes lol yes

I wasn't going to argue about this but since you brought it up show me one post where I abused like this

That's me serving the same dish of personal remarks Neymar fanboys keep on doing and abusing Barca fans here.

Shouldn't have stooped there but I'm only a man.


Senior Member
Neymar is becoming so controversial is frightening.

All he as to do now is promise to build a wall around Cataluyna and he will be amongst the elites.



Still looking for any fanboy denying that "he can and should be doing better".

This thread is straw man fallacy at its finest.

I'm sorry i don't understand your post, what are all those debates about then ? Clearly a group is saying that he has been out of form in 2016, that he needs to improve and an other group is saying that he is not (Denying that idea).


Senior Member
Nope. He doesn't work hard nor does he press as he can.

And yes, he loses countless balls due to selfish "heroic" attempts and directly damages the team.

So you see guys like Suarez can't be blamed for not trying. Neymar lacks the right attitude to be given a pass here and there like Luisito does

the only players that try to press properly are neymar , suarez , iniesta , rakitic ( to some degree) .. the rest either don't bother or don't know how to do it ..


Senior Member
That's me serving the same dish of personal remarks Neymar fanboys keep on doing and abusing Barca fans here.

Shouldn't have stooped there but I'm only a man.

No it isnt.

Show in that thread where anyone spoke like that to a 'Ney hater' last night?


Senior Member
Neymar is becoming so controversial is frightening.

All he as to do now is promise to build a wall around Cataluyna and he will be amongst the elites.


lol, still not a patch on the divisive figure cristiano is amongst madrid fans.


New member
Can some1 make quick TLDR what the hell is going on here? Are Neymar fans arguing he is better than Messi or what? Or other peeps saying Neymar hasn't been up to the level he should be at?

Edit: Don't have time to read all the post's and seems bit of a hassle.
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