11 - Neymar Jr. - v4

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New member
to add another variable to this, the guy is already 24. there is a lot of talk of when he enters his "prime" but age wise, i'd say it's already here. he was dazzling europe only a few months earlier but that level seems to have dropped noticeably. it's obviously his prerogative how he shapes his career but if he wants to be remembered as an all time great, then the time for play is now, party later.

That's not the way it works with Brazilians.


You're welcome
Of course it's not Vlom to dictate anything, but if baby Ney wants 20M, I'm sorry, I might be a pain in the ass, but I'd expect ABSOLUTE DEDICATION to Barça and winning us trophies.

Vlom, but can't you see that too much dedication could also work against players? You want players to have a somehwat balanced lifestyle. 90% of their time is already dedicated to football(not including time to sleep). Who knows, maybe Neymar will have the best of times in Paris(in a responsible way) and it will show on the field. He deserved a day off and he's making the most of it.

A little bit of partying does no one harm.


Staff member
His life his business, if he slips it's going to be his problem. As far as I know he's not telling anybody here how to live their lives, so maybe he should get the same back.

Whata dumb analogy.
Barca fans (socis) are his employers and pay his wages. People buy his merchendise, shirts, whatever.

There is nothing illegal with him going to Paris on his free day.
There is something wrong when he goes on a trip to different country to party when he is supposedly injured and in the middle of another treble run.
If he is fatigued then I am sure he's supposed to rest at home and not out travelling and partying.


New member
Whata dumb analogy.
Barca fans (socis) are his employers and pay his wages. People buy his merchendise, shirts, whatever.

There is nothing illegal with him going to Paris on his free day.
There is something wrong when he goes on a trip to different country to party when he is supposedly injured and in the middle of another treble run.
If he is fatigued then I am sure he's supposed to rest at home and not out travelling and partying.

People pay him wages for his work not his private life. If his private life affects his work then he should see the consequences, otherwise it's none of your business. Especially that you don't really know what his life is really like, do you? Instagram of a famous person is not exactly their diary.
Also, are you his doctor? You're miles away, never met the guy, but you're a specialist on what he should or shouldn't do. He's one of the best in the world right now so I guess he knows what he's doing. And if he really wants to pull a Ronaldinho I'm sure he won't last long at Barca, and his money will go to some (hopefully) worthy replacement.


Staff member
You are miles off. Miles.

He posts his pictures on social networks for who? For himself to comment?

What did you expect to see from Barca fans other than comment on same fucking pictures he posts online.


New member
You can comment, but criticising and analysing his lifestyle based on his Instagram, which he has for mainly marketing purposes, does not even make sense. He posts a photo with Chloe Moritz in Paris. It's not really for his friends, it's for his commercial visibility. He might have said good-bye right afterwards and gone to sleep with his teddy or gone out in town, done a kilo of coke and shagged a transvestite. You don't know, so what's the point in fretting over this? He's doing well at Barca, so give him a bit of trust.


I'm not seeing socis bothered about that in bcn foruns. And he's not injured either. All this overreaction for his free day is really over the top.


Senior Member
Seen loads of Barca players in past going to Paris and other european cities on their days off.

No big deal whatsoever and what is this idea he is there to 'party' coming from?


I think a having a trip to Paris might benefit him. Have a change of scenery for a day, get your mind off of things. Just relax. It's nice.. I'd like to go to Paris now...


Seen loads of Barca players in past going to Paris and other european cities on their days off.

No big deal whatsoever and what is this idea he is there to 'party' coming from?

Because he posted some pics with Chloe Moretz, in Paris. Alves was there last week, Bob was there in November. But with Neymar, everything is amplified.


The problems with his signing also involve the club. Messi and Masch also having problems with tax evasion... But with him is worse, right?


So Neymar should just conform to what people think is "proper" behavior? Yeah, that's not going to happen, and people shouldn't get their panties in a twist because of it. Neymar can do whatever he wants off the pitch as long as it's legal (yeah, turns out there is a difference between tax problem and going out) and doesn't affect the performance and on the pitch. If he is crap against Rayo, you CAN point some fingers (not that I'd agree that going to Paris would be the cause of a bad match in Madrid), but I suspect he'll be just fine. Like he always have been.
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