.It's necessary to learn from past mistakes.
-Dembele has the potential to reach Neymar levels.
-And he hasn't shown yet to be the loyal type.
-We don't know if Barça's downward spiral will continue.
-PSG or City could easily pay 400M€ for him.
Especially if prices will continue to rise.
In 3-4-5 years players like current Roberto could be 80-100M players, a current Coutinho could be 250-300M player.
So, 400M in 4-5 years could be 222M from this summer.
Yesterday some users posted how Barto expects 1B in earnings in 2021.
If other teams will also start to earn more and more, prices of top players will surely grow.
** In 1992, Ac Milan broke the world record fee for 2 Cfs, Papin and Lentini.
Prices were 12M and 10M Euros.
People were saying that Ac Milan is crazy and that no player is worth 10M Euros.
Papers said: This is the end. This is madness.
A few years ago CR7 and Bale were sold for 100M. That was a madness back then.
This year, Neymar is sold for 222, Dembele for 150 and we are negotiating for Coutinho and he could easily end at 160 or 170M.
So, yes, 400M in a few years maybe won't be AS CRAZY as it looks today.
What was your previous accout username?
Bob88 or something like that.
But I wasn't posting much, I was just reading this forum for years and made a post here and there when we lost in a CL.
I started to write longer posts only in Neymar's thread before Neymar joined us, but someone (probably Flavia) deleted my account.
Those were the days when we were not allowed to talk bad about our players and our future players.
I was pissed for a few Months because I was banned and thought that I will avoid this forum, but eventually I wanted to write again and talk with people and other fans, so I returned.
But you see, Neymar's topic was always the most dangerous topic on this forum, even before he joined us