After FDJOfficially the clubs squatter
After FDJOfficially the clubs squatter
If true. But is there any good enough winger around 50-60m? Nico is not coming and he should be a priority. We should wait and go for him next summer.BS rumor, but man U showing interest, a good 70m bid and I'd sell him, we could do a combo deal 130m for him and de jong, could change everything.
Get a DM and another winger for probably less.
Rashford is pish.
LOL is he fuck. You're getting carried away with the hype - I notice you seem to have a positive spin on anything Man United often.Rashford at his best is a 100m+ player.
Rash at his best is 40Rashford at his best is a 100m+ player.
Rashford at his worst is shite.
He goes from one to another in last few seasons.
Raphinha is a 60m type player more consistently.
Would take the gamble on getting a tune out of Rashford and his pace for what squad lacks.
Too much wanking over stats. I watched him the entire season and his general play was still absolutely abysmal.Of course he is.. two seasons ago he is easily that level.
40 goals/assists with that pace is huge asset.
Anyway not in the mood to argue - just looking here quicky before I head out.
But having Rashford instead of Raphinha is just swapping one set of problems for another and exactly the type of thing Barca's board shouldn't be doing but likely would if they had the chance.