14 - Javier Mascherano


New member
Yeah I know, but I think we should keep encouraging him

p.s. although I don't know if it's really necessary, as he's going to Inter next summer, but why not ..


New member
p.s. although I don't know if it's really necessary, as he's going to Inter next summer, but why not ..
I'm not so sure. Afaik he mainly moved clubs because his wife couldn't get used to the non-Spanish language, so if they'd go to Italy, she'll face the same problem again (although Italian and Spanish are quite similar probably). But also, with Benitez at their helm, Inter seem to be doing worser and worser, so I'm not sure if that's the club that Mascherano is looking for. Also, would he be an indisputed starter at Inter? They already have Cambiasso at DM, and afaik they only play with 1 DM?

Yeah I know, but I think we should keep encouraging him
Well, let's hope he isn't saving those YC (or RC) for the Clasico :D
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New member
Honestly, I think Mascherano could be a starter in every club in the world, maybe except just Barca, because of some specifics. For now he's saying in his interviews that all of these rotations are not problem for him and so, but come on - we all know that it's a complete bullshit. It is a problem and soon or later it'll become an official problem. World class players can't be rotated, it's a law.


Senior Member
It all comes from the power of deduction, sooner or later he will leave like Toure because of rotation and playing time. So if it not next year then 2012


previously known as Jonathan28
Belive me by the end of the season Mascg would have become an automatic started for Barcelona, he's still getting used to the style of play.


New member
It's sad that we keep putting all our our world-class DMs on the bench.

While Pep has a Keita fetish that I do not understand.
Well, to be fair Keita has seen a lot less playing time lately. Which is a good thing, because I prefer Mascherano over Keita (I know they have completely different roles in the team, but still)

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