14 - Javier Mascherano


Senior Member
TV images have shown that Mascherano said "your sister's c**t" not "your mother", which could invalidate the report & his punishment. (cope)


Previously known as Mehssi
I'm pretty sure with so many argentinians and urguayans in the league refs hear "concha de tu madre/hermana" "la puta que te pario" more than "hola", complete non-sense to take it literrally out of the blue and give a red card and ban for it .. clearly, they're out to get us.

But hey, fuck them! we're still co-leaders, and that must annoy the shit out of them :D


New member
Tv images confirm insult mentioned in referee report is not correct. The mistake or lie by the referee could make his report invalid. [cope] via barcastuff

he will get 2 games like pepe a few years ago, just to not lose the face of the referee

with 4 games for that all hell will brake lose with the match fixing thing in the back, even the corrupt Liga wont risk that


Senior Member
He deserves a ban using disgusting language like that towards the referee.

This being used as some people as a 'la Liga conspiracy' is embarrasing.


New member
He deserves a ban using disgusting language like that towards the referee.

This being used as some people as a 'la Liga conspiracy' is embarrasing.

ok for you again, yes he deserves a ban, IF other players using the phrase or similar ones or penetrating the referee every game also get a red card and deserve a ban, if you tolerate behaviour a lot of times and then suddenly execute the exact same behaviour once, accidentally with Barca players, then its a farce and nothing more.
Its not a conspiracy, on the contrary its quite open for everybody to see, its just a shame, if Madrid dont win la liga this season they are worse than s... :lol:


The Right One ⇩
Was what he said not about the equivalent of; "Son of a bitch".

Bit extreme to send someone off for a remark made in frustration if that's the case.


New member
4 match ban incoming surely. We really should stop swearing at refs, they are treating it worst than those hacks at Eibra pounding on Ney's legs.


Active member
In addition to whatever suspension he gets, I hope the club fines him, too. Particularly after Pique earned his red and suspension, it is bad for the team to have another of the key, veteran players do something this stupid. At least Masch waited until the game was almost over.

One of the real strengths of this team over at least the last few years has been their ability to control their tempers, to focus on what needs to be done to win rather than venting, blaming the refs or looking for excuses not to win. If you don't watch this sort of idiocy, you wind up like some sort of Mourinho team.


President of FC Barcelona
The players are not robots.

When you're frustrated you let go of some of your emotions which he did. He didn't even say something that bad tbh. If he had used other words with the same meaning then it would've been different, but what he said is very common and also an expression for 'Damn it!' as well as others. He's gotten support from most people too who cannot fantom he got sent off for something you'll hear every single day from an Argentinian.

In addition to that, you could make a very good case that he didn't even say it to the ref. The referee didn't even hear or know it before the linesman told him.
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Blaugrana Bull

PhilS has a point though. First thing I thought when Masche got that red and there were comparisons to RM players after the game and how they did not get their punishment was how we got fucked over again. But on the other hand it is hypocritical to complain about someone like Mourinho all the time and judge our players differently.

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