14 - Javier Mascherano


Senior Member
Bojan , i don't want to start an argument , because i think you're a good poster and a good mod.

With all respect though , there's a bit of a difference between a youth player and the Argentina captain , aswell as the best holding midfielder in the world. I like Barca as a club , that's why i signed up to this forum , but some of your sporting decisions are ill advised , and in my opinion 12 million for Mascherano is a derogatry offer that only serves to unsettle the player. When Madrid wanted Ronaldo , they paid the fair amount , they didn't come in with a low offer first to try an unsettle Ronaldo , they paid the fair price for him. I just hope the day isn't here when Barcelona lose the morals that the club once held highly.

:lol: Think that ship has well and truly set sail
The guy wants to leave which puts us in a strong position as you wont want to keep a clearly very unsettled and unhappy player. Honestly you make it sound like price negotiation is a foreign concept to everyone but big bad Barca


High Definition Member
It would have been ok to over 100 quid. As long as a deal is agreed eventually. Also yes, it is our aim to unsettle your little player, so we can get him for cheaper. Thats how football works.

You are deluded if you think everyone is going to just pay what the club asks when they know he wants to leave and they can get him for cheaper.
Ok... for me that's enought! I'll not feed nonsense...

E.g I don't have a suitable counter argument , thanks.

This is like talking to a brick wall. Every club in football wants to pay a low price especially when the player wants to leave, if they don't then they are just throwing money away.

So your not denying you are as bad as Real Madrid ?. I never thought i'd see the day when Barca stoop that low. I'd take a swap with Ibra , but i doubt he'd come.


The Observer
Ofcourse , but Barca knew 12 million was way below Liverpools valuation , anyone that believes Barca made that offer and expcted it to be accepted has their heads in the clouds. This bid was done for one thing and one thing only , to unsettle another clubs player , and it's worked.
Do an Arsenal and just say no , it's no big deal .
i don't think Mascherano is worth less than 30 Mil and i don't rate him but
1- he wants to leave for whatever reason (wife, lost hope in winning anything , club future ..etc )
2- the big boys except City has a gentleman agreement not to overspend and drive the market up again cause no one can
everyone acted reasonable this summer .. so those 20 Mil could probably be 40 is this deal was concluded last summer

and normally they would do that.. u would also pull such thing if you were in their shoes.. a players who wants to leave and lack suitors why should they pay his market price if only they can afford him ? it's a monopoly and that's not Mascherano fault nor Barca.. it's the situation that drove the players out of Liverpool
That's Madrid paying the buyout clause, it was their only option. In any other transfer they try and pay as little as they can, like any other team does.

We offered 12 million because we know he wants to leave and we can get him for a bargain price.

No CR didn't have a buyout clause.. it's a mixture of buying a player in the highlight of his career (best player in the world , CL winner ) and bad negotiations from Calderon /Mijatovic.. it's no secret that Perez tried to bail out from the deal and renegotiate but Calderon put a 30 Mil penalty on whoever cancel the deal (as to protect United from backing down ) and it's backfired in Perez face..


High Definition Member
I will say one point again because you seem to be ignoring it. Every club in football wants to pay the lowest price. Not just Real Madrid and Barcelona.


Barcelona, a Cidade Condal
I will say one point again because you seem to be ignoring it. Every club in football wants to pay the lowest price. Not just Real Madrid and Barcelona.

Mate... don't wast your time... he don't understand that!
Do an Arsenal and just say no , it's no big deal .
i don't think Mascherano is worth less than 30 Mil and i don't rate him but
1- he wants to leave for whatever reason (wife, lost hope in winning anything , club future ..etc )
2- the big boys except City has a gentleman agreement not to overspend and drive the market up again cause no one can
everyone acted reasonable this summer .. so those 20 Mil could probably be 40 is this deal was concluded last summer

and normally they would do that.. u would also pull such thing if you were in their shoes.. a players who wants to leave and lack suitors why should they pay his market price if only they can afford him ? it's a monopoly and that's not Mascherano fault nor Barca.. it's the situation that drove the players out of Liverpool

No CR didn't have a buyout clause.. it's a mixture of buying a player in the highlight of his career (best player in the world , CL winner ) and bad negotiations from Calderon /Mijatovic.. it's no secret that Perez tried to bail out from the deal and renegotiate but Calderon put a 30 Mil penalty on whoever cancel the deal (as to protect United from backing down ) and it's backfired in Perez face..

As normal , you're spot on , but you got to remember , Arsenal were and are in a stronger negotiating position than Liverpool.


Barçapocalypse NOW!
What the hell? Is this deal done yet? And I didn't want us to spend more than 15 million, but oh well, our directives are known for doing unexplainable things...

If we officially signed him, then I welcome the guy, but if we didn't no big deal...


High Definition Member
If a player wants to leave and Barcelona are the only club in the running to sign him (Inter have stopped interest it seems) then why just throw money away? Why not get him for less? It is common sense.
I will say one point again because you seem to be ignoring it. Every club in football wants to pay the lowest price. Not just Real Madrid and Barcelona.

I will say one point again , read my posts again , i quite agree that every team wants to pay lowest price , but read my posts again and see if you can spot the crucial point.


Hoy, mañana y siempre traductor
12 million+Hleb+Caceres isn't far off considering Mascherano wants to leave badly and we're the only club in the running to sign him.

If they consider him to be worth more than that, they'll reject the offer and we'll make a higher bid. It's always been this way, are you new to football?

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