2011 CL Final: FC Barcelona - Manchester United FC 3-1 - Champions!

Unbiased United

New member
Stop being overconfident people! It's exactly this type of an attitude that can really bite us in the ass! I hope Pep gets the best video editors in Spain to make another motivational video before the match. I don't want the squad to have the same mindset as the people here.

Exactly. I can't stand arrogant fans. Its not just Barca fans either, some United fans think United will walk this game too. If you can't be reasonable and see things from both sides of the coin (in anything in life, not just football), your opinion is totally irrelvant to me.

How can anyone fucking compare Rooney with Messi or even Iniesta and Xavi??? How many times has Rooney been nominated for World Player of the year?? How many times has he even won it???

Unbiased UTd=very biased Utd fan. I am sorry OLD CHAP but you clearly have your rule britannia, little ingerlunder blinkers on.

Rooney cannot be mentioned in the same breadth as Iniesta, Xavi and Messi. Total different class altogether.

Yes and I want your best players on the pitch. The excuses from Manure fans when you lost the 09 final was pathetic. They said they lost cause Fletcher wasnt there!!! LOL-Iniesta and Xavi would have run circles around that guy.

Read through the thread and you will see from the moderators, and others on this forum that I am not a bias fan like your self, but quite the opposite. You will also see that I have been asked to stick around, despite being a United fan, because of my reasonable attitude. You are so one sided with your views, I have little time to try and reason with you.....


Wayne Rooney's 1st touch throughout this season and during the World Cup has been that of an Elephant! No joke! I've seen him in games this season where he couldn't trap a bag of cement. 1 in particular is the game where he scored that bicycle shin-kick against Man City. He was having a **** game before then. Then other games his control is very good, but more often than not, it's been terrible this season.

Just google Rooney vs Algeria to see Rooney's ball control and decide if it is befitting of FC Barcelona's possession game.

Why do people like you keep saying 'I have watched loads of United games this season' and then come out with ridiculous statements, that make your claim out to be a total lie. Has I have said previously, Rooney hasn't stepped up to the mark for England, for whatever reason. But the second half of the PL season he has been exeptional, which of course you would know if you really had seen him much this season....

Well, Xavi, thinks different, But what the hell would Xavi know about touch? :p


Thank you! Reasonable Barca fans like you on here are great.

Messi, legend. Xavi, class act.....Rooney also in this catagory, weather some blinkered fans want to admit this or not.

I hate it when people are over confident, this is something that i never associated with barca fans.
as pep always does, we should do as well, Give respect to opponents! if they are Malaga or Real Madrid or Any club.
and here we are up against Manchester United, they are one of the best clubs in the world.. and are in the final for a reason.
we might be the better team on paper but anything can happen in 90 minutes.. now dont judge me to be pessimistic ! i will tell u guys a great old saying..

We can do it - its our belief
Only We can co it - Its over-confidence and arrogance!

unfortunately many people here are with the latter condition!!

I hope we beat them and we can do it InshAllah ... but they deserve some respect as well...
I hope for a great spectacle with no injuries to any players of either team before or during the match!

Visca Barca!


I really respect Pep for this too. he is a total class act. Many managers could learn a lot from him!


New member
Of couse Rooney isn't in the same league as Messi but I see what Unbiased United is saying. When a player plays for your club, you become more 'attached' to them and so you do say things like that. I mean I have major man love for Jack Wilshere, so much so that I wouldn't swap him for Xavi or Iniesta because he's MY favourite player. Xavi and Iniesta are better but watching Wilshere play great for Arsenal every week means that I would hate not see him an Arsenal shirt and wouldn't want anyone else.

Rooney is a wonderful player with a fantastic first touch. He's been incredible in the second half of the season behind Hernandez. I know its fashionable to dislike English players but Rooney is excellent and imo would get in the Barcelona team and pretty much every team in the world. He's a bit of a prick but that shouldn't mean people don't appreciate how fucking good he is.
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New member
Of couse Rooney isn't in the same league as Messi but I see what Unbiased United is saying. When a player plays for your club, you become more 'attached' to them and so you do say things like that. I mean I have major man love for Jack Wilshere, so much so that I wouldn't swap him for Xavi or Iniesta because he's MY favourite player. Xavi and Iniesta are better but watching Wilshere play great for Arsenal every week means that I would hate not see him an Arsenal shirt and wouldn't want anyone else.

Rooney is a wonderful player with a fantastic first touch. He's been incredible in the second half of the season behind Hernandez. I know its fashionable to dislike English players but Rooney is excellent and imo would get in the Barcelona team and pretty much every team in the world. He's a bit of a prick but that shouldn't mean people don't appreciate how fucking good he is.

Rooney is surely a phantastic player, but who do you think he could replace in this Barca team?


Staff member
I don't think there are many people who don't acknowledge Rooney as a great footballer.
And I don't think people around Barca, or in entire Spain for that matter, find it nearly as "fashionable" to dislike English players as Spanish/Barca players are disliked in England.
And you know, those "diving midgets" who would struggle against Birmingham won it all, not only on club level but also led their national team to European Championship and World Cup title in only 3 years (more than England in entire history of the game).
If anyone would have any right to brag or to be condescending towards other leagues it's them. But they are not, and instead find themselves on receiving end mostly by English media.
Ironic eh?


New member
I don't think there are many people who don't acknowledge Rooney as a great footballer.
And I don't think people around Barca, or in entire Spain for that matter, find it nearly as "fashionable" to dislike English players as Spanish/Barca players are disliked in England.
And you know, those "diving midgets" who would struggle against Birmingham won it all, not only on club level but also led their national team to European Championship and World Cup title in only 3 years (more than England in entire history of the game).
If anyone would have any right to brag or to be condescending towards other leagues it's them. But they are not, and instead find themselves on receiving end mostly by English media.
Ironic eh?

Hear, hear. I am a big fan of The Guardian but it is nearly impossible now to have some kind of cultivated discussion on the comment section there. Most people seem to think that all Barca players are a bunch of talentree cheating Drama queens hardly able to kick a ball

Unbiased United

New member
Of couse Rooney isn't in the same league as Messi but I see what Unbiased United is saying. When a player plays for your club, you become more 'attached' to them and so you do say things like that. I mean I have major man love for Jack Wilshere, so much so that I wouldn't swap him for Xavi or Iniesta because he's MY favourite player. Xavi and Iniesta are better but watching Wilshere play great for Arsenal every week means that I would hate not see him an Arsenal shirt and wouldn't want anyone else.

Rooney is a wonderful player with a fantastic first touch. He's been incredible in the second half of the season behind Hernandez. I know its fashionable to dislike English players but Rooney is excellent and imo would get in the Barcelona team and pretty much every team in the world. He's a bit of a prick but that shouldn't mean people don't appreciate how fucking good he is.

You hit the nail on the head here.

I think we all build up and overhype our own players dont we. In happens in England, and reading some comments here (although many here are great) its the case what ever team you support.

Also, If you read the Xavi article on the last page, even he makes roughly the same point about unfashionable English players, when refering to Paul Scholes. He says if he had been Spanish, perhaps he wouldn't be so underrated, because in his opinion he's the best center midfielder ever. In some instances here I think this is being the case with Rooney. Many biased United will fans will claim Rooney is the best player in the world, without considering anyone else, just like some Barca fans here do with their players.

Great post Alex. :)

Rooney is surely a phantastic player, but who do you think he could replace in this Barca team?

Fair point. Ronaldo has admitted he misses United, and this has had many jumping on the bandwagon to try and get him back. But as good of a player he is, I wouldn't want him back. There just isn't room for him in my opinion, so I get where you are coming from.
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New member
Rooney is surely a phantastic player, but who do you think he could replace in this Barca team?

Pedro or Villa, although I am biased because I'm not a huge Villa fan (I think Pedro is better) Also I'm a big fan of Rooney, I love watching him play.
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Special 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...
Pedro or Villa, although I am biased because I'm not a huge Villa fan (I think Pedro is better) Also I'm a big fan of Rooney, I love watching him play.

Can Rooney play as a winger? Because Pedro and Villa do.


I don't understand people who think that being confident/overconfident in your team = arrogance. I'm going to have much more respect for a United fan who absolutely believes their team will batter Barça than for one who doesn't. That's what fans are for: to get behind the team and transmit to them from the stands the necessary confidence to go out and play good football.

Plus it makes for much better conversation/banter anyways.

Unbiased United

New member
I don't understand people who think that being confident/overconfident in your team = arrogance. I'm going to have much more respect for a United fan who absolutely believes their team will batter Barça than for one who doesn't. That's what fans are for: to get behind the team and transmit to them from the stands the necessary confidence to go out and play good football.

Plus it makes for much better conversation/banter anyways.

I disagree completely, and it doesn't make for fun conversation. I want to chat with reasonable fans, who love their own team but respect the other team and their players too!...you can get behind your team, without having blind faith in them.

Still thought he was good there. He did so much hard work for Ronaldo to play the way he did. He'd do the same for Messi.

Your right he did. He just wasn't as effective IMO. He likes to be in the middle of things, and was a bit out of it on the wings I think.


I disagree completely, and it doesn't make for fun conversation. I want to chat with reasonable fans, who love their own team but respect the other team and their players too!...you can get behind your team, without having blind arrogance in them.

You can be reasonable and believe your team is the best team in the world and be sure they will win a game. That's not arrogant; it's having faith in your team. Nothing wrong with that. And if you can't talk to people who believe their team are better than yours without thinking they are arrogant assholes I suggest you might be the arrogant one in that situatiuon. It's a perfectly understandable position, for both teams, in any game.

Unbiased United

New member
You can be reasonable and believe your team is the best team in the world and be sure they will win a game. That's not arrogant; it's having faith in your team. Nothing wrong with that. And if you can't talk to people who believe their team are better than yours without thinking they are arrogant assholes I suggest you might be the arrogant one in that situatiuon. It's a perfectly understandable position, for both teams, in any game.

I honestly don't mind people thinking their team is better, and thinking their team will win. But to 'be sure' your team will win is just arrogant.

I can't stand the 'my team is better than yours!'....'no!, my team is better than yours!' type arguments, which happen when you cant see past your own team.


I honestly don't mind people thinking their team is better, and thinking their team will win. But to 'be sure' your team will win is just arrogant.

I can't stand the 'my team is better than yours!'....'no!, my team is better than yours!' type arguments, which happen when you cant see past your own team.

I can't stand people who get drawn into that type of argument either. It's a stupid argument to have. But I'll never understand how someone doesn't believe their team will win the Champions league when they've reached the final. That's just lame.

You SHOULD believe in your team and be sure they will win. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. After all a belief is an irrational thing and is based on hope, not on facts. There IS something wrong in thinking the fans from the other team are not entitled to that opinion too, which is where the stupid arguments start.

Do I think Barça will win the Champions League? Absolutely. Do I know they will? Er, no. Do I respect you when you say man U will win it? Of course. Do i think you're right? No. Am I going to argue with you because you do? Hell no. I'll argue about other aspects of the tie, but not that. That's for 12 year olds.
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