Neymar is a scumbag. Move on. He is the only one who should be blamed. Everybody on Barca liked him and supported him. He left because he is a greedy fuck and because he and his dad are paid a fortune.
Don't give a fuck, this is capitalism, not Looney Toons or Christmas Lunch with the family. This isn't religion class where a priest tries to explain 2000 year old morals to clueless kids.
Ronaldo is an asshole, he didn't leave because rma kept him, knew how to, ended up winning 3 UCL, pretty sure a average board would've lost him the moment gulf money started pumping in, they didn't, we did.
We could go on with this for eternity, it's our fault, cause the club should've kept him, in a way, going for his character is like chasing a stray dogs because he killed your cat, that's nature of the dog just like the nature of people says you got where you think its better, Barto should've made the better for him in Barcelona, and we can't cry we didn't have the financial muscle to do it.