6 - Gavi


Senior Member
I am playing the long game here. He’s talented as fuck and will prove you all wrong in time.

That being said, it’s good we signed Gundogan. Gavi needs competition.
You can say that to the people who are being reactionary, but some of us have commented the same thing for almost a year. He's stagnating.

Doesn't mean he can't eventually improve but intervention is needed to put him on the right track not this nonsense hard man stuff he's doing now.


Senior Member
World class player.

Long way to go on that.

Hope you are right but at present Barca need a lot better than he is offering.

Will need to improve massively on his movement and ability on the ball but least need to expect is him to get back to couple seasons back form and improve from there.


Senior Member
Not all that fussed about Xavi starting him or him being that shit as it was his first game.

Just more of same to comment but his season hasnt even started yet really and Xavi probably needed to give him minutes before season starts anyway.


Senior Member
He's been injured for ages and first friendly back. I'm willing to give him a pass.

What I do think though, that barring the elite teams away, that we are seeing the limitations of the 4 midfielders more than anything, especially without pace in the counter up top.

Gavi needs to get back to midfield and developing his skillset as such, going down this road as the hustle guy is not going to be good for his development.


Senior Member
Staff member
If Xavi would've been more ruthless he'd tell Gavi that he has lost his starting spot. I mean he's been out almost full preseason and played 60 horrendous minutes against Spurs which show he currently doesn't provide anything to the XI.

If he wants his spot back he'll have to fight for it like everyone else: good minutes when subbed on and after that consistent positive displays whenever starting. No special treatment as if he's Messi.


Senior Member
No way this clown plays in first 11. Worthless chicken runner like Rapinha.

I would straight swap Gavi for B.Silva or Felix.


Senior Member
I just don’t rate him. Would love to understand why people do. Hope I’m wrong on him. In his defense I don’t have a clue what role Xavi has laid out for him and I don’t think either Gavi or Xavi knows what to do with him.

Maybe he’d thrive in a different system which is probably the case for a lot of our players


He wasn't that great even in his first season. A lot of us were blinded by his agressive aproach and because his name is similar to Xavi and we dreamt about new Xavinesta with him and Pedri. He had some good moments but nothing special. He shouldn't be close to our first 11 when everybody is healthy. Would accept a big bid for him for sure.


Senior Member
He shouldn't be a starter and that's fine.

Xavi needs to figure something out with him because right now he's still way off needed to be a starter right now.

Sailor Mars

Well-known member
Rushing young players too early into the starting XI can stagnate their development. They focus on specific attributes that help them stay in the lineup and focus on what's needed for the team and what the coach wants.

The player should still be developing their overall game instead of being asked to hyperfocus on playing a certain role/style.

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