6 - Gavi


Senior Member
It was interesting to see Xavi use Gavi deeper.

Should keep experimenting with that as the CM position is a bit light for my taste.


Senior Member
Offered little on ball but harried well enough when went deeper with FDJ nearer to the end.

Ferran is far better supporting Lewa than him.

He is good in air for his size and has the bravery to match. Been discussed before how if could time runs right should get more goals.


Staff member
Well done to our midfield teenager. His energy was vital as was his goal.

Haters gonna need a lot of brandy tonight.


Senior Member
Ran about a lot and good header.

Little quality with ball at his feet and overall.

Better than has been but thats not saying too much.

Needs to kick on further again.


Senior Member
He needs to start playing midfield and be in and out team until can.

The last few times he has been there for Barca and Spain he has been dreadful.. other than last game when dropped deeper and was ok.


Professor Balthazar
Ferran should be playing instead, he deserves it. I actually don't think Gavi has lived up to the hype and I don't think he will ever become WC - we should try to sell him while his value is at its highest.


Active member
Gavi useless poser
Because Xavi is using him as a LW. Like using a bread knife to butter with. Fucking useless because he's out of position, not everyone is a Sideshow Bob tool who will just averagely play out of position, whilst the delusional coaches act as if they invented the Swiss army knife.

Xavi is disappointing, was on the hype train when he arrived, but lately looks like Valverde Jr out there.

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