7 - Philippe Coutinho - V1

Tepid water

New member
Of course. But it also looks fishy on Liverpool's part with them spending so much money i the final days as well as potentially signing a player who would be of a similar profile to Coutinho.

I can understand why Liverpool officials would want to deny everything and keep the deal secret because they wouldn't want to encounter the same situation we did when we got the Neymar money when dealing for VVD and Lemar, it would be a disaster for their current negotiations of it was confirmed they were getting a 160m payment from us.

Also I know Klopp kept denying, but his words after last weekend's game certainly showed a change in tone.
Did they? To the best of my knowledge, they were exactly the same as before.

Anyway. Liverpool must have loads of money. Last year they could afford about £50m net spend in the transfer window, they had a negative net spend of £15m...

Now, the enormous new TV contract means that this they can probably afford a net spend of £100m... so that's £150m and I'm. Sure they'll, be able to get £40-50m in sales... plus their revenues will be increased by £40m from champions league qualification which they didn't have last year

Now bear in mind that they haven't spent anything in the last two January windows either, then they must have some serious cash reserves built up....

So, when you put it all together, there seems every chance they can afford what they are spending doesn't there?
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New member
[tw]902654358814429184[/tw] He's related to Coutinho, (Coutinho also follows him on instagram) not sure if the picture is real or if it has been edited.


New member
Lamar bid hasnt been responded yet. Means they are considering it. Say by by to Coutinho Liverpool fans. I love you guys, and will cheer for you in PL, but just fuck of and stop being salty.


New member
No he WONT! Liverpool will buy Keita for 60m, Lemar for 80m and will bid 80m for VVD. All in last 3 days of TW because they had that money under their bed, they just forgot about it.

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