7 - Philippe Coutinho - V1

Lutece FC

New member
Coutinho is a fantastic player. But he's like Pastore, they are not avaible during 40% of the season cause of injuries.


New member
That would be too perfect but I don't believe it since player swaps literally never happen. I think it's because it might be insulting for Rafinha that he is swaped and we had to pay extra 80m for that.


New member
[tw]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="de"><p lang="in" dir="ltr">Coutinho > Salah > 3-0 <a href="https://t.co/BfOUQBxHxj">pic.twitter.com/BfOUQBxHxj</a></p>— Liverpool Gifs (@lfcgifz) <a href="https://twitter.com/lfcgifz/status/891349059759468545">29. Juli 2017</a></blockquote>[/tw]


New member
I just don't see liverpool selling him, he'd have to do a disgraceful request to the media to even attempt to leave.


Senior Member
I just don't see liverpool selling him, he'd have to do a disgraceful request to the media to even attempt to leave.

Everyone has their price mate. We've done business with them before, we can do it again. 80 mil for Saurez was a considerable amount back then. I'd say 105-110 would be reasonable to get them to negotiate.


New member
It was different with suarez, they weren't in CL and just missed out on titles that year when he left, now liverpool is in the CL for the first time in a while and their manager would get embarrassed after saying coutinho wont go under no circumstances.
like i said coutinho would have to go to the media and say some crappy things about liverpool to force himself out which doesn't seem in his character, he respects and admires liverpool.

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