8 - Pedri


Well-known member
I'm not surprised at all. The amateurish conditioning at the club in the last decade had to show at some point. You can't throw some 17-18 year old kids into professional football without proper fitness training. We are not doomed, idiots work (worked hopefully) at the club. Dembele for example got muscle injuries all the time, he was never injured by a tackle/challenge from an opponent for the 4 years he's been at Barca.


Culé de Celestial Empire
I am not too worried, what matters is (1) he gets the proper rehab to properly recover and (2) our medical department gets their acts together and (3) our coaching team and the club learn the lesson to not play/overburden a young player like him like we did ever again.


Senior Member
Most predictable thing ever. We could tell by February that he was starting to feel the effects of playing every 3 days yet Koeman continued to play him non stop.

Hopefully Xavi is better at managing our youngsters minutes.


Senior Member
I am not too worried, what matters is (1) he gets the proper rehab to properly recover and (2) our medical department gets their acts together and (3) our coaching team and the club learn the lesson to not play/overburden a young player like him like we did ever again.

Even better. They will learn the lesson (or not) someplace else because they are gone. :rockon:

Most predictable thing ever. We could tell by February that he was starting to feel the effects of playing every 3 days yet Koeman continued to play him non stop.

Hopefully Xavi is better at managing our youngsters minutes.

He has to be. If not, we're leaving Southampton and heading to New York through the Atlantic.
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Senior Member
Damn he's out got another month?

Guess he didn't play the 2nd most machines last season after Bruno Fernandes.

Guess he wasn't over played because hey remember he was subbed off in a few games.

Jesus 🤦, I hope he recovers well & we learn from this, we don't run gavi & Nico especially gavi into the ground, between us & Spain.


Senior Member
Damn he's out got another month?

Guess he didn't play the 2nd most machines last season after Bruno Fernandes.

Guess he wasn't over played because hey remember he was subbed off in a few games.

Jesus ��, I hope he recovers well & we learn from this, we don't run gavi & Nico especially gavi into the ground, between us & Spain.

Nope. He beat Bruno Fernandes in the end, 73 vs 72. He played the most games.

Barca physio forum at it again.

Be a class act for once, and take the L. He was badly overplayed.
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Senior Member
Nah he was fine.

Got injured when tried to rest him.

Prime time for getting injured once stop and start again and dont get it right.

Rushed him back to quickly once he stopped perhaps and then did same again v Benfica possibly.

You keep up the lie he was 'exhausted' and wouldnt admit it. Sure looked it during Euros.

Class act.
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Senior Member
Using the euros & by extension the Olympics to justify why he wasn't over played, when those are clear factors in why he was over played, hence the 72 games.

Gotta love that logic.

I guess games played for the national team don't count, those happen outside of this reality.

Infact what we should have done was just kept playing him, give him no breaks, because it was infact the rest that caused all the injuries.

Sport science agrees, I think going forward fans should lobby for sports to be played years round, full 12 months players rest be damned.

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