8 - Pedri


Senior Member
I want from now on the have a staff that is at the level of Bayern, Liverpool etc. If we clown around with managing the players, we'll really sink like Titanic.


Senior Member
Who knew having a 17/18 year old with a body that's still developing play professional football nonstop with grown men would wreck havoc on his body. I said it so many fucking times, get a second no. 8 to rotate with Pedri because he's too fucking young. Amateurish club really.

Nico was available, Ilaix, Puig, and Pjanic too. The squad was absolutely large enough to let Pedri rest 30-60mins a bit more often.


Senior Member
It's not Koeman's fault what is happening now. Don't extend your hate in areas he has no reponsibility.
He is not a doctor nor a physio. When the player reports and is healthy, and the med department give the green light, how is the coach responsible?

It's all on the med department.
They said the player is fine to play against Bayern and Benfica, and here we are now
Even about the rotation, it's the med dept job to advice the coach when and for how long a player should get rested


Senior Member
It's not Koeman's fault what is happening now. Don't extend your hate in areas he has no reponsibility.
He is not a doctor nor a physio. When the player reports and is healthy, and the med department give the green light, how is the coach responsible?

It's all on the med department.
They said the player is fine to play against Bayern and Benfica, and here we are now
Even about the rotation, it's the med dept job to advice the coach when and for how long a player should get rested

Ever heard of rotation? You think it's normal for a 17-18 year old to play 72 games in a season, his FIRST season in the big game? :lol: Koeman is totally to blame as well. Ludicrous to suggest he's not.

It was coming, many posters were worried about what is happening now when we saw Pedri in the line-up every 3 days almost. Looking dead tired most of the time. He was forced, and his body is now paying the price.

The previous staff was a joke.


Senior Member
Ever heard of rotation? You think it's normal for a 17-18 year old to play 72 games in a season, his FIRST season in the big game? :lol: Koeman is totally to blame as well. Ludicrous to suggest he's not.

I answered already if you read more carefully.
A coach is doing rotation for only 1 reason: to avoid decline in a player's effectiveness due to tiredness
The rest is on the med department of the club. They are the ones with the expertise to know when a player is susceptible to injury due to tiredness or relapse


Senior Member
We shouldn't have rushed him back so quickly when he got injured initally.

Koeman got desperate and rushed to play him when the guy was barely fit in the first place vs Benfica and it went tits up since then.


Senior Member
Yeah, but the player obviously forced himself. He should know better too.

No, a player plays. It is unprofessional and wrong for a player himself to ask to be rested, and on top of that, having that thought goes a bit against the mentality needed to be a succesful player. It is the responsibility of the club to stop a player from playing.


Senior Member
No, a player plays. It is unprofessional and wrong for a player himself to ask to be rested, and on top of that, having that thought goes a bit against the mentality needed to be a succesful player. It is the responsibility of the club to stop a player from playing.

It's not, really, players should also take care of themselves a bit. Koeman and his staff got sacked. They fucked up big time, but how does that make Pedri better?

I know in theory the players should trust their managers and physios etc., but like in life, you also need to learn to protect yourself from incompetents or poor professionals making decisions that impact your career to a great degree.

It's not unprofessional for a player to say he has discomfort, or that he needs rest. It's normal for very young players to not play 72 games in their first season. The anomaly is for them to be played so much so sudden.
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Senior Member
Pretty much agree with Konan, rushing him back against Benfica was silly.

Last seasons games I doubt had any effect, because the data clubs are exposed to would have picked something up. Plus he played very well in the summer tournaments straight off that season.


Senior Member
Pretty much agree with Konan, rushing him back against Benfica was silly.

Last seasons games I doubt had any effect, because the data clubs are exposed to would have picked something up. Plus he played very well in the summer tournaments straight off that season.

I agree with him as well, probably being forced vs Benfica was the decisive error, but I wouldn't discount the stress on his body of all those games from the last season. Last season was a condensed schedule too right?

I read somewhere Pedri was the player with the most matches played last season in Europe. A 18 year older. That's just dumb.
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Well-known member
Koeman’s reign of terror lived on even after his departure.

I hope Pedridiot is still happy he played at the olympics too.


Senior Member
It's not, really, players should also take care of themselves a bit. Koeman and his staff got sacked. They fucked up big time, but how does that make Pedri better?

I know in theory the players should trust their managers and physios etc., but like in life, you also need to learn to protect yourself from incompetents or poor professionals making decisions that impact your career to a great degree.

It's not unprofessional for a player to say he has discomfort, or that he needs rest. It's normal for very young players to not play 72 games in their first season. The anomaly is for them to be played so much so sudden.

Thing is, he probably felt pretty OK, and he is so young and probably never had any injuries of that type before. It's impossible for him to know.
It is 100% on the staff and 0% on Pedri

I saw you write in another thread that Koeman is "alpha". I disagree very much, he is a beta who is very eager to "look" alpha, he seems like the type that could take such a request from a young player the very wrong way. So on top of not being natural for a professional player to make such a request, and on top of him probably not even feeling very tired himself, it could very well be a very stupid thing to do. He must trust those who decides.

And the thing is, with such injuries, they aren't really acute, but show themselves a bit later. It is not the case that a player can play 3 times a week for half a year and if he isn't injured then, everything is fine. No, it can lead to more long lasting problems, that show up later. There has been a lot of talk about this, with young players getting too much time too early, doubling up with teams etc.

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