9 - Luis Suárez - v1

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Tool, love the hands in the air after he dived


Bomb Dropper
the Independent Commission's Documentation

In the goalmouth, Mr Evra and Mr Suarez spoke to each other in Spanish. Mr Evra asked Mr Suarez why he had kicked him, referring to the foul five minutes previously. Mr Suarez replied "Porque tu eres negro", meaning "Because you are black". Mr Evra then said to Mr Suarez “say it to me again, I’m going to punch you”. Mr Suarez replied "No hablo con los negros", meaning "I don't speak to blacks". Mr Evra continued by saying that he now thought he was going to punch Mr Suarez. Mr Suarez replied "Dale, negro, negro, negro", which meant "okay, blackie, blackie, blackie".



















Johan Dalin part II
Ed to still tick by him?

What a cunt Suarez is, ,makes Liverpool standing by him and there statement on the matter even more embarassing.

Hatem Ben Arfa

New member
Mr Evra described the booking in the following way. Mr Kuyt told him to stop diving so
Mr Evra pushed him away. The referee called Mr Evra over to book him. Mr Evra asked
the referee why he was booking him and the referee said it was because he had pushed Mr
Kuyt. When he was being booked, Mr Evra told the referee again that he had been called
black. Mr Evra added that after booking him, the referee spoke to Ryan Giggs. Mr Giggs
then asked Mr Evra what was wrong and Mr Evra told him that he had been called black.
Mr Giggs told Mr Evra to calm down and not get sent off.

114. Mr Giggs gave evidence before us. He said that he was reasonably close to the referee and
after he had shown Mr Evra the yellow card, Mr Giggs approached the referee and asked
him why he had booked Mr Evra. The referee said to Mr Giggs "just calm Patrice down".

Mr Giggs then moved away from the referee and towards Mr Evra. It was obvious to Mr
Giggs from looking at Mr Evra that he was upset. He said that Mr Evra did not seem quite
with it, you might call it red mist. Mr Giggs said to Mr Evra "what's happened?". Mr Evra
replied "he called me black". Mr Giggs assumed that Mr Evra was speaking about Mr
Kuyt since he had just been booked for some kind of tussle with Mr Kuyt. Mr Giggs said
to Mr Evra "did the ref hear it?", to which Mr Evra replied "I don't think so". Mr Giggs
then told Mr Evra to calm down and not get himself sent off.

115. Mr Kuyt gave a slightly different version from Mr Marriner, Mr Evra and Mr Giggs. He
said that after the goal kick he was close to Mr Evra and said "Come on, let's move on, let's
keep going with the game" and touched Mr Evra just on the arm. According to Mr Kuyt,
Mr Evra reacted aggressively and smashed his arm away and at that point, the referee
having seen the incident, called Mr Evra to him and booked him. Mr Kuyt said that he
was very close to Mr Evra and the referee at this time. He said he was "absolutely certain"
that he heard Mr Evra say that the referee was only booking him because he was black.

116. We found the evidence of Mr Marriner on this point to be credible and plausible. He
recalled Mr Evra telling him that he was being called black. This is consistent with Mr
Evra's evidence of what he told Mr Marriner at that time, and also with Mr Giggs'
evidence of what Mr Evra said to him shortly afterwards. In light of this, we reject Mr
Kuyt's evidence that Mr Evra said that the referee was only booking him because he was
black, however certain Mr Kuyt was that he heard it. Moreover, it would make no sense in
the circumstances for Mr Evra to accuse the referee of only booking him because he was
black. Not only had Mr Evra pushed Mr Kuyt away, which he is likely to have realised
had led to his booking, but his concern at that stage was that he had been called black
(bearing in mind that, at the very least, Mr Suarez admits having called Mr Evra "negro"
by this stage of the game).

Hatem Ben Arfa

New member
Mr Evra's comments to his team-mates
117. There was no evidence of any further exchanges between Mr Evra and Mr Suarez during
the remaining 25 minutes or so of the game. Two goals were scored in that period, first by
Steven Gerrard in the 69th minute, followed by a Hernandez equaliser in the 81st minute.

118. We received evidence from four of Mr Evra's team-mates about what happened
immediately after the game. They were Valencia, Hernandez, Nani and Anderson. Their
evidence was given in the form of written witness statements. These were served on Mr
Suarez on 16 November 2011 with the Charge letter. Mr Suarez did not require any of
these four players to attend the hearing for cross-examination and so Mr Suarez accepted
their evidence in full. We proceeded, therefore, on the basis that the evidence contained in
those witness statements is true and sets out what did, in fact, happen immediately after
the game.

119. As the players went into the dressing room at the end of the game, Mr Evra was really
angry and upset. Valencia said he could see it. He explained that Mr Evra is not normally
angry after games. Mr Evra said that he was angry because Mr Suarez had insulted him.

120. Mr Evra was speaking a mix of Spanish and Portuguese. All the Spanish and Portuguese
players at Manchester United speak to each other like this so that they can all understand
and talk to each other.

121. Valencia said this:
"I cannot remember exactly the words Evra used but he said that Suarez had said
that he wouldn't speak to him because he was black. I think the words Evra used
were words similar to "Negro, no hablas conmigo"."

122. Hernandez saw that Mr Evra was angry and upset. He said this:
"Although I was stood with the medical staff, I could clearly hear Evra as he was
speaking loudly. He said that during the game, Suarez said to him words similar to
"No voy a platicar contigo porque eres negro".
I understood from what Evra said that Suarez had been racially abusive towards him
and that he had told Evra that he would not speak to him because he was black."

123. Nani said that he always sits close to Mr Evra in the dressing room and at the end of the
game when he came into the dressing room, Mr Evra was upset. Nani said:
"I cannot remember exactly what Evra said but he was complaining that Suarez had
said something racist towards him. He said that Suarez had said that he wouldn't
talk to him because he was black. When he said this in English I think he used the
word "nigger" but in Spanish/Portuguese he used the word "negro" or "preto", I
cannot remember exactly which.
Evra was also angry that Suarez had not been booked for saying what he did. Evra
said something like, "This is a joke. How is it possible that the referee does nothing
when he knows what happened?" Evra said that he had told the referee what Suarez
said to him."

124. Anderson said that Mr Evra was really angry in the dressing room after the match. He
"I cannot remember all the exact words Evra used but he told us that Suarez had said
to him on the pitch that he wouldn't speak to Evra because he was black. I think he
used words similar to "no hablo con negro"."

125. Mr Evra said in evidence that some of the other players could see that he was upset and
asked him what was wrong. He said that Mr Suarez had called him a nigger and said that
he had kicked him because of that. Mr Evra said that he told the other players that Mr
Suarez had said "porque tu eres negro". We note that Mr Evra did not say in his own
evidence that he had told his team-mates that Mr Suarez had said he would not speak to
him because he was black. However, we accept that Mr Evra did say this to his teammates
after the match because that is what all four of them say in their statements and
their evidence has been accepted in full by Mr Suarez. It is possible that Mr Evra also told
them that Mr Suarez had said he had kicked him "porque tu eres negro", and this was not
recalled by the players.

126. Valencia and Anderson told Mr Evra that he must tell the manager and go and see the
referee because this was serious. When Sir Alex Ferguson and Mr Evra left the dressing
room to go and speak to the referee, Valencia and Anderson followed them. They wanted
to support Mr Evra but they were not allowed into the referee's room, only Mr Evra and
Sir Alex Ferguson went in.
Sir Alex Ferguson and Mr Evra speak to the referee

127. Sir Alex Ferguson provided a witness statement. The FA served his statement with the
Charge letter on Mr Suarez, who did not require Sir Alex Ferguson to attend the hearing.
As a result, as in the case of the four Manchester United players, Mr Suarez accepted in
full the evidence of Sir Alex.

128. Sir Alex said that as he was speaking to David De Gea, Mr Evra approached him. He said
"Boss, Suarez called me a nigger." It was obvious to Sir Alex that Mr Evra was upset and
angry. Sir Alex was shocked and asked Mr Evra what he wanted to do about it. Sir Alex
told him that he should report it to the referee and asked Mr Evra if he wanted to do that.
Mr Evra said that he did.

129. Sir Alex and Mr Evra went to the referee's room. Sir Alex went in first, followed by Mr
Evra. Sir Alex told Mr Marriner that they had a complaint to make. Sir Alex told him "Evra
has been called a nigger by one of the Liverpool players." Sir Alex then motioned for Mr
Evra to tell the referee what had been said. The referee told Phil Dowd, the fourth official
who was also in the room, to take notes of what was said. Mr Evra then told the referee
what had been said to him on the pitch and left the room. The referee told Sir Alex that he
(the referee) would need to speak to Liverpool officials about the complaint.

130. Mr Evra said that he told the referee that Mr Suarez had called him a nigger. According to
Mr Evra, the referee said to him "Oh, that is why you were talking about being called
black", referring back to what Mr Evra had said to the referee on the pitch. Mr Evra said

131. Mr Marriner gave evidence about this in his witness statement (the contents of which, it
will be recalled, were also accepted by Mr Suarez). He said that Sir Alex told him that he
wished to register a formal complaint about a comment that was made to Mr Evra by a
Liverpool player. Sir Alex asked Mr Marriner to write down what they were about to say.
Mr Marriner then asked Mr Dowd to note down what Sir Alex and Mr Evra wished to say.
Mr Evra, speaking in English, then told Mr Marriner that during a coming together in the
penalty area in the second half of the match, Mr Suarez said to Mr Evra, "I don't talk to
you because you niggers". Mr Marriner told Sir Alex and Mr Evra that he would include
the incident in his report. He also told them that he needed to speak to the Liverpool
manager, Kenny Dalglish, in order to seek Mr Suarez's version of events.

Catalonian Devil

Shukran Pep
the Independent Commission's Documentation

In the goalmouth, Mr Evra and Mr Suarez spoke to each other in Spanish. Mr Evra asked Mr Suarez why he had kicked him, referring to the foul five minutes previously. Mr Suarez replied "Porque tu eres negro", meaning "Because you are black". Mr Evra then said to Mr Suarez “say it to me again, I’m going to punch you”. Mr Suarez replied "No hablo con los negros", meaning "I don't speak to blacks". Mr Evra continued by saying that he now thought he was going to punch Mr Suarez. Mr Suarez replied "Dale, negro, negro, negro", which meant "okay, blackie, blackie, blackie".


















He probably meant it in a good way :rolleyes:

Deco 20

Scandinavian 101
the Independent Commission's Documentation

In the goalmouth, Mr Evra and Mr Suarez spoke to each other in Spanish. Mr Evra asked Mr Suarez why he had kicked him, referring to the foul five minutes previously. Mr Suarez replied "Porque tu eres negro", meaning "Because you are black". Mr Evra then said to Mr Suarez “say it to me again, I’m going to punch you”. Mr Suarez replied "No hablo con los negros", meaning "I don't speak to blacks". Mr Evra continued by saying that he now thought he was going to punch Mr Suarez. Mr Suarez replied "Dale, negro, negro, negro", which meant "okay, blackie, blackie, blackie".

You know what, I've been defending Suarez before, but this is repulsive. I take it all back, the punishment was more than deserved


ze special one
the Independent Commission's Documentation

In the goalmouth, Mr Evra and Mr Suarez spoke to each other in Spanish. Mr Evra asked Mr Suarez why he had kicked him, referring to the foul five minutes previously. Mr Suarez replied "Porque tu eres negro", meaning "Because you are black". Mr Evra then said to Mr Suarez “say it to me again, I’m going to punch you”. Mr Suarez replied "No hablo con los negros", meaning "I don't speak to blacks". Mr Evra continued by saying that he now thought he was going to punch Mr Suarez. Mr Suarez replied "Dale, negro, negro, negro", which meant "okay, blackie, blackie, blackie".

what a c*nt. hope this doesn't go forgotten. he must be booed every game. let the beach balls begin.
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