9 - Luis Suárez - v1

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New member
You should be disgusted by the clubs actions and statements... absolute joke of a club.
I am very disgusted with Liverpool's legal team and their preparation for this case really offended my lawyery sensibilities.

Disappointed with them wearing those shirts, the statements they made? not so much so. Just a shame a lot of it was hot air.

Manuel Traquete

New member
Really disappointed with Liverpool.

Today they betrayed their traditions by backing down from a fight due to public opinion. Fair enough, the club sponsors probably had a huge say in this but justice is justice. If you believe in something you fight for it til the bitter end.

Liverpool chickened out. First time in my life i've been disappointed with this football club. I guess that's what happens when you're owned by American business men.

Yeah, it was not the right thing to do. If I were a Liverpool fan, I'd be disappointed either.

And even as a neutral in this affair, I kind of am. For people who think racism is just a trivial matter, of no importance, as Hatem Ben Arfa (the BarcaForum poster of course, not the player), I'm sure this is a great decision. But to me, racism is a very serious affair, so it is a big disappointment that Liverpool didn't demand that the truth is found out and accepted this farcical report. The statements (from both player and club) are spot-on, the decision to drop the case not so much.

It's just about the principle really, the suspension is actually beneficial for Liverpool imo. Suarez has been playing non-stop for too long, he's one of those players who wants to player every minute of every game. He will only miss 4 league games, the rest will actually do him more harm than good. It's just really a matter of principle, this case will open a can of worms and sadly trivialize racism. I imagine we'll see more players in the future "pulling the racism card" to get a rival suspended.

Manuel Traquete

New member
Good post.

This incident has just enforced my belief that people are very easily manipulated. Throw an emotive issue like racism out there and people immediately turn into rabid animals incapable of critical thinking.

Being at the end of racist abuse is a terrible thing and i have enough experiences of that with me being of mixed race. I hold racists with the utmost disgust which is why i think if anyone is going to be labelled a racist there should be no if's or buts about it. Even if there is 95% evidence to suggest that they are racist, only 100% should do.

This Suarez case really depresses me and at the same it makes me furious thinking that three middle aged, white men who have no real life experiences on racism are holding themselves to be the judge, jury and executor of such a subject and on the balance of probabilities too. Having newspapers like the Daily Mail, Express, Telegraph, Times , newspapers that constantly display xenophobic tendencies, sitting on their high horses telling people like myself how i should feel about racism or what i should consider racist. And it just saddens me that there are people who no doubt are well intentioned, falling for such a scam.

Suarez a mixed race man was FA's scapegoat for their fight against racism and the scapegoat that will prevent real justice in the case of Terry, a pure white, England captain (not a dirty south american) being done. Because you see, everyone's appetite is now satisfied.

As for Liverpool, i can understand they were stuck in between a rock and a hard wall but they should have done the right thing. In the end they chose the easiest way out. Really feel let down with the club. Shankly would never have taken such a stance.

I believe the main problem is that many people fail to grasp just how serious an issue racism is. This whole saga in the media/among fans was about people like some of the posters you see on here rooting for Suarez to get punished because "it's obvious he did it" (with a such strong argument, how can you say no?) and the Suarez camp accusing Evra of making it all up. I saw very few people, if any, interested in finding out what actually happened.

I can't say I've been victim or racist abuse, but I have close friends who have and I know how much they suffered. A farcial process like this is of huge disrespect to all those who have actually at some point been on the end of racial abuse.

The mere suggestion that the case can be decided on the balance of probabilities should anger people, but it seems that it is alright as long as the player they don't like gets punished. This acceptance only indicates that (a) people become far too emotive when a subject like this comes up or (b) people don't care about racism, they just want player x to be punished. If people did take racism seriously, they would demand the truth to be found and revealed.

This case really gets on my nerves because it epitomizes racism being used as a weapon to get a fellow pro suspended. I just can't stomach something that makes so many people suffer daily throughout the world being used in such a way.

Also, what's this fight against racism you mention? This decision does nothing to fight against racism, it PROMOTES and ENCOURAGES it, it trivializes racism. How long until we see another player making a similar accusation and the accused player convicted with no evidence. The only way to fight against racism is by taking it seriously, not by making a mockery of it.

As for Terry, at least he's being charged by the CPS, we can rest much more assured that the truth will be revealed.

I can understand why Liverpool chose to back down, but it's a shame they did. I understand that you are disappointed, but at least the statements (from both club and player) are spot on, more than most would have done. And Suarez has always struck me as a pretty strong player mentally, I'm sure he'll get back to action to fully rested and start making headlines for his on-pitch exploits. You just need to keep supporting him, can't imagine it is easy for him to be convicted with no evidence at all, must make him feel at least a bit powerless.


New member
As for Terry, at least he's being charged by the CPS, we can rest much more assured that the truth will be revealed.
The problem is it needs to be proven beyond reasonable doubt and that makes it a lot easier for him to get off. With his money, i'm expecting him to be found innocent.

Which then leads to the question, what will the FA do?

It leaves them with two options.

1) Charge him on the basis they charged Suarez i.e. on the balance of probabilities and give him a civil court trial that Suarez was subjected to or

2) the easiest option, put an end to the case by saying the CPS have dealt with it and so there is no need for further action.

What option do you think they'll take?


Senior Member


Bomb Dropper
mama Suarez:

I know my son. I know he has to calm down a bit with things like the salute he made to rival fans. But he’s no racist.

One thing is his conduct on the pitch and another is that they accuse him of being a racist. Nothing could be further from the truth.

I’m worried now when I see him on the pitch. I know he’s going to have to look after himself.

I’m afraid now when he comes up against a black person, especially because they’re going to go looking for him.

Luis was best friends with Pablo [Caballero] when they played for Nacional,” she said.

He was round our house all the time and we always used to call him ‘Negro’. It’s not an insult here.



Manuel Traquete

New member
The problem is it needs to be proven beyond reasonable doubt and that makes it a lot easier for him to get off. With his money, i'm expecting him to be found innocent.

Which then leads to the question, what will the FA do?

It leaves them with two options.

1) Charge him on the basis they charged Suarez i.e. on the balance of probabilities and give him a civil court trial that Suarez was subjected to or

2) the easiest option, put an end to the case by saying the CPS have dealt with it and so there is no need for further action.

What option do you think they'll take?

Honestly, I really want to trust the justice system. In an ideal situation, Terry having money is an irrelevance. The evidence on his case seems to be much stronger (read: it seems to actually exist), I believe or rather hope the truth is revealed this time.

As for your question, although I hope it doesn't come to that, definitely 2). It's the FA we're talking about.

Hatem Ben Arfa

New member
Pot. Kettle. Black? Video footage of Patrice Evra calling Chelsea “mother-f**ker n******!”


yes a 21 year old boy Patrice Evra dossing about in his room saying N------- is the same as being on the recieving end of Racist abuse.

This makes what Suarez did all OK now. players can go around calling telling black players that they kicked them because they were black and that they don't talk to blacks.


Johan Dalin part II
Ohh dear, becayuse a black person saying a word they adopted as there own as an antri rascsim movement. :rolleyes" Please don't be stupid...I supppose all the rappers are as racist as Luis Sarez tooo...please don't be so stupid


New member
Honestly, I really want to trust the justice system. In an ideal situation, Terry having money is an irrelevance. The evidence on his case seems to be much stronger (read: it seems to actually exist), I believe or rather hope the truth is revealed this time.

As for your question, although I hope it doesn't come to that, definitely 2). It's the FA we're talking about.
I trust the legal system but i also believe no system is invulnerable to a good defence lawyer. That said, i don't think John Terry is a racist even though in the heat of the moment he may have said some unforgivable things. The way i see it, people categorise/identify others through visual means.

For example, the other day this huge fat woman bumped into me. I literally bounced off her and onto some tables where i ended up getting hurt. I refer to her as "the fat bitch" thereon to my friends. I expect John Terry couldn't find any other visual identifier for Ferdinand and therefore resorted to referring to his colour. I'm sure if he'd been fat, or ginger, or French he'd have used those in place of "black".

Ohh dear, becayuse a black person saying a word they adopted as there own as an antri rascsim movement. :rolleyes" Please don't be stupid...I supppose all the rappers are as racist as Luis Sarez tooo...please don't be so stupid
It matters when Evra explains away one of his many inconsistencies in his testimony (i.e. why did he tell the ref Suarez was calling him black but later claim Suarez called him a nigger) by saying "he doesn't feel comfortable using the word nigger".

That video proves Evra is a liar. If he lied about disliking that word, what else has he lied about?
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