9 - Luis Suárez - v1

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Senior Member
Jara is a nobody; he is not in a position to influence anyone - besides we're talking about Suarez here...plus retaliation is just as much a crime as the original.
Whether it matters on not, biting someone on the field of play IS disgraceful AND low, the fact that you assert that the punch was the only disgraceful and low thing Suarez has done says more about you than it does about him.
The fact the penalty was missed CANNOT lessen the fact that near full time Suarez handled on the line a goal bound winning shot - that makes him, alongside Maradona's hand of God - one of the biggest cheats in the history of the WC

Again, the fact that others commit the crime of diving does not absolve Suarez.

I dont hate him (thanks for the realisation of that) My criticism of him is not hypocracy. He just has done Bad things on a football pitch. You cannot bracket him with a playing-by-the-rules star who wears boots made by poor ppl on crap wages. Take that out on the manufacturers of the boots.

Suarez's fault is that he is a high profile genuinely world class footballer whose morals do not equal his ability with a football at his feet. it isnt that he's done one bad thing, it's time after time when he displays himself to be prepared to break the rules of the sport and any good conduct involved with it.

- So there's different moral standard for Jara and Suarez because Jara is 'a nobody'. Interesting.

- I didn't assert to the punch as disgraceful and low, but to his racist insults towards Evra. Also, I wrote 'out of what you listed'. You should actually read what you quote.

- Yada Yada. He got a red card and Ghana got a penalty, which is the appropriate punishment according to FIFA rules. Don't like the rules ? Blame FIFA.

- The CRIME of diving ? A bit exaggerated now, eh ? Like it or not, diving is and always was a tactical facet of the game as much as a 'tactical foul' or time-wasting. Do I like it ? Hell no. Is it allright to do so ? No. Should a single player like Suarez specifially get flak for it ? No.

- I can't bracket him with others because you say so ? He gets flak while others with questionable morals get away with it because of squeaky-clean public relations and prestige advertising. Going 'holier than thou' on him and putting a blind eye to the overall state of this sport is hypocrisy.

But hey, since your agenda is winding up Liverpool fans (as you wrote), which I'm not, I won't bother you any longer with this. Carry on.


New member
Everyone has their own opinion about him, if someone likes (or dislikes) Suarez that doesn't make them a bad person or discount their opinion.


New member
Sure it shows bad sportsmanship but cheating ? He did something which is against the rules, he knew it and accepted the punishment following it. He faced the consequences of his actions, I surely would have done the same and who can blame him, it worked out at the end.

Thank you. +1


New member
True; his tackle on Haaland was one of the most disgusting, horrific things i've even seen deliberately done on a football pitch.

Yep, although for Roy it was sweet sweet revenge. My biggest issue with Suarez is diving. It's utterly pathetic how often done players dive.


New member
Thank you. +1

Yet, strangely, no-one can/will argue with:

Act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, esp. in a game or examination.
A person who behaves dishonestly in order to gain an advantage.

So, Suarez acted unfairly in order to gain an advantage: he stopped a CERTAIN GOAL by handling in the box on the goal line (an unfair action). This resulted in what would have been a certain goal to become a penalty near the end of a WC QF with all the pressure on the kicker that that entailed- which was missed gaining Uruguay an advantage.


ze special one
don't know how people can say he's a diver and there's no place for people like that at barca.

he dives far less than both of em.


New member
Yet, strangely, no-one can/will argue with:

Act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, esp. in a game or examination.
A person who behaves dishonestly in order to gain an advantage.

So, Suarez acted unfairly in order to gain an advantage: he stopped a CERTAIN GOAL by handling in the box on the goal line (an unfair action). This resulted in what would have been a certain goal to become a penalty near the end of a WC QF with all the pressure on the kicker that that entailed- which was missed gaining Uruguay an advantage.

This is football, not a Shakespeare play.


New member
...My biggest issue with Suarez is diving. It's utterly pathetic how often done players dive.

There's a lot at it Kerrybai. i still think Luis Suarez should be players player AND sportswriters player of the year though, and not Gareth Bale; he really is a talented, sublimely gifted player.

I'd have him at Barca in a heartbeat; for footballing reasons.


Yet, strangely, no-one can/will argue with:

Act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, esp. in a game or examination.
A person who behaves dishonestly in order to gain an advantage.

So, Suarez acted unfairly in order to gain an advantage: he stopped a CERTAIN GOAL by handling in the box on the goal line (an unfair action). This resulted in what would have been a certain goal to become a penalty near the end of a WC QF with all the pressure on the kicker that that entailed- which was missed gaining Uruguay an advantage.

It's punishable by the ref, and apparently it was punished. If it wasnt in the rule book then maybe you could talk about cheating but it is in the book and the ref did what was in the book and unfortunately Gyan was unable to do his part. Compare it to a last ditch tackle by the las defender during a counterattack. The defender commits the foul and should get a red card if he was the last man, regardless the severity of the foul. But it prevents the counterattack from progressing and gives the opposing team a free kick as well as a one man advantage for the remainder of the game. Is that cheating? No.

To each his opinion but I don't know why accuse Suarez of cheating in this instance when Gyan should be taking all the blame, not Luis.


New member
This is football, not a Shakespeare play.

No, it isnt, what it is is an irrefutable, logical argument over the use of the word 'cheat', which is easily defined.

What was done comes within the boundaries of that definition of that word, and you cannot quite accept that; which is why you resort to the passive aggressive '...not a Shakespeare play'

It is what it is.
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